Regulatory references қР 27 шілде 2007 ж. «Білім туралы»

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Teaching technology is the science of teaching techniques, so teaching should be carried out in a scientific form, that is, the teacher should know the unity of knowledge about how to teach and why to teach.

ҚР –Қазақстан Республикасы
КСРО –Кеңестік социалисттік Республикалар Одағы
ҚР БМ МЖБС ̶ Қазақстан республикасы Білім Министрлігі Мемлекеттік
Жалпы Білім беру стандарты
ЖОО –Жоғары оқу орындары
БАҚ – Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары
ҚР БжҒМ нормативті-құқықтық құжаттары ̶ Қазақстан Республикасы Білім
және Ғылым министрлігінің нормативті-құқықтық құжаттары
АКТ ̶ ақпараттық-коммуникативтік технологиялар

The relevance of the problem of control is related to the recent achievement of certain successes in the implementation of the practical role of teaching a foreign language in school, which has expanded the scope of application of control, increased its potential for a positive impact on the educational and pedagogical process, and created conditions for the rationalization of control itself as an integral part of this process. The main shortcomings in the implementation of knowledge control: a wrong understanding of its functions, unjustifiably overestimated its role in the learning process, control turns into an end in itself in the classroom; the use of monotonous control methods; subjectivism in the assessment, the lack of clear, reasonable criteria.The purpose of this work is to reveal an integrated approach to the control system in training and to identify the main means of its implementation.When preparing for the lesson, the teacher should remember that the search for the necessary forms of control and its organization is the most important task of the teacher. Who, when, how many students, on what issues, by what means you need to ask and evaluate - all this should be thought out by the teacher in preparation for the lesson. Along with this, you should think about what students should do during the survey of their friend. Each teacher should have their own control system, it should include a variety of tools and techniques of work, so that students understand that the teacher constantly monitors their progress, the level and quality of mastering knowledge.
Speaking about the discipline "Foreign language", it should be noted that the main component of the content of teaching it is not so much knowledge as skills and abilities. When they are formed, such a method of training as reinforcement is put forward to the fore. The successful development of a skill, and therefore of a skill, is impossible without the student knowing whether his actions are correct or not. Without receiving such information from the outside, mainly from the teacher, he gives an assessment of his actions himself, which often reinforces erroneous actions and forms incorrect skills in students. When forming speech skills and abilities, the teacher should give an assessment of the student's actions. Evaluation of the student's actions is reinforcement. But it is impossible to implement reinforcement without observing the student's actions or without getting acquainted with their results. In addition, in order for the assessment to be correct, qualified observation is necessary, which, in fact, is control.From what has been said, it is clear why control in learning is of particular importance and requires a more complete theoretical justification. This paper deals with the different kinds of controls and the usage in the class (lesson) of foreign languages. The actuality of the properly organized control of pupils’ achievements gives the teacher an opportunity to get a clear idea of his pupils’ progress in foreign language learning. Analyzing the results of controls or testing, the teacher will see his shortcomings both in methods and techniques applied and in the progress of each pupil. It allows him to improve his own work. In this connection P. Olive writes, “A control measures not only the student’s performance but also the effectiveness of the teacher’s instruction. Control serves a diagnostic function. They show where students have difficulties. They provide information which should lead the teacher to modify his instruction”. Furthermore, control, it is the determination of the level of language proficiency that achieved by the students for a certain period of learning and training. So in addition, control is the part of the lesson that during learning teacher assesses how students have learned the material. The main purposes of control allows:

  1. To teachers get information about:

- the result of pupil’s knowledge separately and as a whole;
- the result of their own methods, techniques and the effectiveness on the process of teaching;

  1. To pupils:

  • To enhance the motivation on the process of learning, so as controls help to determine their success and failure;

  • To study more diligently, make correction in the learning process.

The object of the control might be: a) a knowledge that formulated on the basis of language skills (language competence); b) the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in different communicative situation (communicative competence); c) to learn the country of that language and their cultures, traditions and nations (socio-cultural competence). Not only to learn the abilities to speak on the way of language learning, but also the acquisition of language system is considered as a main object of the control.
The problem of the control: Deficiency of usage different kinds of controls on the process of foreign language teaching.
The features of control: Control in the classroom should reflect the specific nature of a foreign language as a school subject. In the study of academic disciplines that introduce the fundamentals of science, the purpose of determining the level of control is the knowledge acquired in the field of a science in a low degree - formed skills. Assimilation of a foreign language, is referred to the group of practical disciplines provide primarily seizing the means using language in a variety of activities and areas of communication. Therefore, control of knowledge of the language system does not provide information on the practical language possession as the level of communicative competence.
Among all words used in a classroom there is the only word that usually makes the students shudder: “test”. There is hardly a person who would claim that s/he favours tests and finds them very motivating. However, tests cannot be avoided completely, for they are inevitable elements of learning process. They are included into curriculum at schools and are to check the students’ level of knowledge and what they are able to do; they could be accomplished at the beginning of the study year and at the end of it; the students could be tested after working on new topics and acquiring new vocabulary. Moreover, the students are to face the tests in order to enter any foreign university or reveal the level of their English language skills for themselves. For that purpose they take specially designed tests that are Test of English as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL test (further in the text) and CFC (further in the text), or Cambridge First Certificate. Although, these tests can sometimes serve for different purposes and are unrelated, they are sometimes quite common in their design and structure. Therefore, the author of the paper is particularly interested in the present research, for she assumes it to be of a great significance not only for herself, but also for the individuals who are either involved in the field or just want to learn more about TOEFL and CFC tests, their structure, design and application. Therefore, the present research will display various aspects of the theory discussed, accompanied with the practical part vastly analyzed.
Thus, the goal of the present research is to investigate various types of test formats and ways of testing, focusing particularly on TOEFL and CFC tests, in order to see how the theory is used and could be applied in practice.

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