Құрметті turksoy халықаралық Түркі Мәдениет ұйымының Бас хатшысы Дуйсен Қорабайұлы Қасеинов мырза!

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Список литературы:
1 Баласагуни Юсуф Хас Хаджиб //Казахстан. Национальная энциклопедия. - Алматы: Қазақ энциклопедиясы, 2004. - Т. I. 
2 Гершунский Б.С. Философия образования для ХХI века. – М., 1998. С.35.
3 Попкова В. Высшее образование в России. №2, 2004. С.106.
4 Маслоу А. Мотивация и личность. – 3 издание. – СПб.: Питер, 2003. -252 с. С63-68.

Yusuf Balasagun’s epic “KutadguBilig” is medieval
literary-cultural heritage

Ulmeken Zhamirova. -M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University Taraz,
Gaziza Kosherbayeva - Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Kazakh University of
International Relations and World Languages after named Ablai, Almaty

«Ж.Баласағұнның «Құтты білік» дастаны Орта ғасырдың әдеби-мәдени ескерткіші» атты мақалада дастанның әлем әдебиетінен алатын орны ерекше екендігі баяндалады. Дастанда айтылған негізгі ойларға белгілі ғалымдардың берген нақты сипаттамалары да сөз болады.
В данной статье рассматривается поэтический труд Юсуфа Баласагуни, который является литературно-культурным памятником Средневековья, дошедшее до нас как единственное произведение «Кутадгу билик» можно перевести как «Знание о благодати» или «Наука о том, как быть счастливым». Также затрагиваются в статье мысли, высказанные в труде автором и известными ученными нашего столетия.

O. Suleimenov has important saying “Future is summarizing past history”. History has its peculiar value and particular place. It is developed with the people’s destiny. Historical-cultural heritages have a great role in defining the history of past ages, as they acquaint the spiritual world of one nation and pass it on to the generation.

Reconciliation of monuments Tonykok and Kultegin is distinguished in the history scene and ascended by the philosopher of eastern scientific world civilization Al Farabi, then by other famous educators such as Yusuf Balasagun, MakhmutKashkari, AkhmetYesevi, Muhammad KhaidarDulaty. Although geniuses’s thoughts of ancient times have been passed through many centuries, they are vital and have great wisdom in their meaning. Especially, works of X-XI centuries, such as “KutadguBilig” by Yusuf Balasagun, “DiwanLughat at-Turk” by MakhmutKashgari, “Tarihi-Rashidi” by KhaidarDulaty show clear significance of past times. These works remain all customs, traditions, and scientific experience of those ancient times.
Medieval or Karakhan Era /840-1212/ is considered as the highest civilization era of Turkish land. We know that B.B. Ggrigorev, B.B. Bartold, S.Klyashtornyi, S.E. Malov, A.A. Valitova have written about this era in their works.
Recent years,epic “KuttyBilig” has attracted scientist’s attention, as it is considered to be the precious treasure and great phenomenon of medieval period. The importance of this epic is immense as people admire its wisdom while readingit, and epic attracts by its artistic peculiarity and humanistic character. It is historical and aesthetic heritage too. It is essential property of nation and regarded as spiritual and aesthetic heritage of Kazakh literature.
Yusuf Balasagun’s epic is didactic composition which teaches morality and good behavior, also itis considered as political, edification, admonition, educational tractate. The prominent scientist A. Egeubayevgives clear description of this epic by saying: ““KuttyBilig” seemed as the shining guide for purpose of strengthening the creation of civilized and wealthy Turkish country”.
“KuttyBilig” was written in the spirit of moral, ethicality, and humanism. Yusuf Balasagun’s epic has a wide meaning, but the main idea is the human being’s development and maturity as an individual, thereby to make the society more powerful and prosperous. He says person should develop in congruence with his personal qualities. Theseepic lines prove this statement:
Be well-known by your wisdom,
Happy life depends on morality!
Do good things for other people,
Make people to be proud of you!
This epic explains to avoid making harm and harassment to others, considering them as bad manners. “Evil is like a fire, it burns everything” is said in this epic, he explains that evil destroys person’s correct development and maturity. The author defines bad personal qualities such as laziness, jealousy, greediness, gossiping, levity with clear observation, and shows their inappropriateness with personal quality.
Also, Yusuf chants about intelligence, mentality, knowledge and education. The following lines are good examples of this.
If person has mentality from birth,
He can get all the knowledge of the world
Humaneness makes person to be different from animal,
Animal has brain, but not mentality!
Could it be explained more deeply than Yusuf did? Mentality and knowledge are inseparable.
Mentality and memory are given by nature,
They should be fulfilled by knowledge and art,
One can achieve everything by his knowledge, except by mentality,
One can get knowledge by his hard work.
Knowledge is obtained by the person’s interest. “Knowledge is the source of humaneness”. The author states if mentality isn’t fulfilled by knowledge, person loses his personal qualities. He says “If a person doesn’t have knowledge, it means his humaneness is damaged”. Being educated and intelligent shows person’shumaneness.
In these lines author says that it is worthless to be happy by being only rich or making harm to other people.
Don’t be like an animal, get knowledge and education,
Knowledge shows your humaneness.
Makhsat Alipkhanuly in his work “Key of prosperity is humaneness” defines the author’s idea and epic’s content by the following system. Person-Mentality-Cognition-Humanism-Development-Maturity. Yusuf Balasagun states his ideas on different themes in various spirits, but he never goes out of reality. He always puts the humaneness ahead, and often mentions about it in his great epic. Each line of his work gives the idea about faithfulness, kindness, generosity, temperance, and prosperity of motherland. These qualities obviously have a lot of meaning in the life. The poet’s main attempt is to make people to assimilate his ideas.
Humanism is the main idea of Yusuf Balasagun. In this epic humanism is considered as the meaning and beauty of life. Meaningful life doesn’t exist without humaneness.
As an ancestor’s admonition, I want to say,
Keep in mind do kind things!
People shouldn’t just live, but it is very important to leave valuable and meaningful heritage to generation. Humaneness is the road in achieving our dreams and hopes.
Blessedness, Glory, Happiness and Honor
are achieved through Humaneness.
So, the meaning of life and the death without regret are reached by humaneness. He invites people being kind, agitates doing kind things.
Honesty is the significant theme which attracts YusupBalasagun’sattention. He thinks that person’s thought, action and behavior areevaluated by honesty. If there is honesty, person can save his humaneness.
World’s support is honesty,
If support falls, life is destroyed.
or the lines “Be honest, and always point the faith way” are the main statements of epic about honesty.
Humanism spirit and social character of epic “KuttyBilig” is significant. This book proves that fair sense, bright thoughts, good behavior, and honesty make your actions eternal. It is obvious that mentioned topics in this epic will be valuable and meaningful heritage to generation. “KuttyBilig” is the knowledge about humaneness. This epic has great future as it enriches spiritual world of people and its value flourished and developed time by time.

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