of educational Internet resources Zh.K. Abilchanova – Master of Pedagogic sciences University of Foreign languages and Professional career
The main aim of learning a foreign language is the formation of students' intercultural communicative competence.
In this regard, the need to improve the efficiency of formation of intercultural communicative competence of future
foreign language teachers through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and teaching
methods in the learning process that allow to intensify the process of learning and create the organizational and didactic
basis for the implementation of competence-based approach in higher education is obvious. Training Online Resources
based on Web 2.0 technologies can be offered to students with different didactic purposes. Consequently, under the
educational Internet - resources we understand the text, audio - visual materials, as well as social services of Web 2.0 on
various topics aimed at building intercultural communicative competence of future foreign language teachers. Training
Online Resources based on Web 2.0 technologies aimed at introducing with the new material and the formation of
language skills and speech abilities.
Key words: intercultural communicative competence, online recourses, Web 2.0 technology, information and
communication technology, Hotlist, Multimedia Scrapbook, Treasure Hunt, Insight Reflector, Concept Builder, Subject
Sampler, WebQuest.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г. 218
УДК 78 (075.8)