Түйін сөздер: функционалдық сауаттылық, оқырмандық сауаттылық,м`тінді қабылдау, оқу техникасы,
м`тінді қабылдау деңгейі, м`тінді түсіні деңгейі, бағалауы.
Ways of formation of younger students Reader literacy
O.A.Shunkeyeva –Associate Professor,ARSU named after K.Zhubanov, shunkeyevao@mail.ru
B.K.Almurzayeva – Associate Professor,ARSU named after K.Zhubanov,2008379@rambler.ru
A.A. Zhaitapova – professor,KazUIR& WL named after Ablai Khan, a.zhaitapova@mail.ru
The article considers the problem of forming a competent reader, able to read and analyze a large amount of
informationIn primaryschool, it is necessary to activate the reading as an intellectual technology base for the
development of personal potential, mastering of knowledge and social experience. Proposed by the authors the system
of tasks contributes to the formation of reader literacy of younger students, that is the basis of functional literacy.
Keywords: functional literacy, reader's literacy, readability, reading machines, the level of understanding of the
text, the interpretation of the text, reflection.
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