Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Ключевые слова: дети дошкольного возраста, развитие, словарный запас дошкольников, уровни лекси-
ческого развития, речевые работы, этапы развития, семантическая значимость, синонимический ряд, слова-
антонимы, работы по совершенствованию речи дошкольников.
Summary Vocabulary of ways of development of preschool children B.T.Zhubatyrova, G.M.Karimova,Aktobe Regional State University named of terKudaibergenZhubanov
This article discusses the development of the vocabulary of preschool children. The article presents an analysis of
the psycho-pedagogical foundations of research scientists and leading educators. Identify the stages of development of
the vocabulary of children. The primary role of the semantic nature of speech.
Key words: Children of pre-school age, development, preschool, vocabulary levels of lexical development, voice
work, stages of development, semantic significance, synonymous series, words are antonyms, improvement of speech
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 375