Nobility: various approaches to the philological analysis of the
art text, receptions of its interpretation; principles of creation of
the art text; basic provisions and concepts of the text analysis.
To be able: to investigate semantic space of the text; to define
the structural organization of the art text; to carry out the text
analysis, using computer technologies;
To own: the main methods and receptions of research and
practical work in the field of the analysis of the art text.
Module of 1 Basis of philology
Discipline 1 Introduction in linguistics
2 credit / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : no
Course purpose: to create at students idea of linguistics as
about science; to broaden linguistic horizons.
Contents: The course acquaints students with system of
concepts and terms which any linguistic discipline uses.
Information on what distinguishes language from the other
phenomena of reality, what its elements and units that such
structure and language system is supplied. In it are considered as
well the major principles by which there is a language change, its
evolution and those regularities which operate historical
development of language. The course serves as the general
theoretical introduction to all complex of linguistic disciplines.
Nobility: main concepts and linguistics terms, its internal
To be able: to put into practice basic skills of collecting and the
analysis of the language facts with use of traditional methods and
modern information technologies.
To own: main methods and receptions of the linguistic analysis
of the facts of raznosistemny languages.
Discipline 2 Introduction in literary criticism
2 credit / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : no
Course purpose: acquaintance to literary criticism as science in
system of humanitarian knowledge, its interaction with
linguistics, rhetoric, Art Studies, an esthetics, cultural science,
public history.
Contents:The discipline "Introduction in literary criticism" is
urged to acquaint the student with the general regularities of
development of literature and a number of fundamental concepts
and categories of science about the literature, knowledge making
an obligatory minimum of the principles of the structural
organization of the art text and the general laws of historical
evolution of literature as art form. This course gives the chance
to students to receive ideas of difficult system of the various
parties and elements of form and content of the literary work and
to learn to consider analytically the art text in all variety of its
aspects and interaction of art elements of various levels of the
text organization.
Nobility: essence and tasks of the theory of literature as
scientific and educational
disciplines, history of its formation, structure and a place in
system of humanitarian knowledge; specifics of literature as art
form; structure and functions of the literary work, specifics of
literary childbirth and genres; essence of literary process and its
To be able: to be guided in methodical and reference books on
discipline and to apply it during the independent work; to be
guided in historico-literary process and to correlate poetic
features of works to its development.
To own: basic principles and receptions of the literary analysis
Discipline 3 Phonetics of Modern Russian
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
Course purpose: to create at students
system ideas of a sound system of language and speech and to
create preconditions to studying of the following-level sections
of the course "Modern Russian".
Nobility: phonetic laws and norms of the modern Russian
literary language; articulation and functional characteristics of
phonetic units; principles of the Russian graphics and spelling;
conceptual framework of discipline in its development and a
Contents:Phonetics. Sound means of language and aspects of
their studying. System of phonemes of Russian. Acoustic and
Syllabication theories. Modification of phonemes in a speech
stream. Position and combinatory options of phonemes. Types of
organizatsionnaya organization of a speech stream.
To be able: to use theoretical knowledge in own speech practice
and the linguistic analysis of the text;
to make the phonetic analysis of language units;
To own: reference books on Russian philology, dictionaries;
Discipline 4 Russian Folklore
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
Course purpose: assimilation by students of specifics of types
and genres of the Russian folklore and regularities of folklore
process, ideological and esthetic and art essence of works of folk
poetic art.
Contents:During studying of this discipline the special attention
is paid to illumination of the historico-literary and art facts,
traditions; knowledge of national spiritual culture in its past and
the present, various aspects of a national life goes deep.
Nobility: general development of folklore; contents and art
folklore; the major folklore works;
To be able: to understand the variable nature of folklore and to
analyze its concrete
works; it is correct to write down folklore texts;
To own: skills of the analysis of the folklore text; knowledge of
history and principles of studying of oral national creativity;
receptions of the textual analysis of folklore genres.
Discipline 5 History of antique literature
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
Course purpose: to adumbrate about
development ancient (Greek and Roman) literatures in unity of
literary, sociocultural, philosophical, historical aspects to create
the valuable relation to studying of the world literature as the
most important component of all-intellectual and spiritual
development of the personality.
Contents: The course of antique literature opens for the student
history world and first of all the West European literature. Main
objectives of studying of a course: to make idea of an art
originality of antique literature and conditions of its formation
and development.
Nobility: general regularities of development of antique
literature (formation of patrimonial and genre forms);
To be able: to be able to apply the received knowledge in
practical activities (the analysis of art texts), to be guided in
studied historical and cultural space;
To own: system theoretical literary (and partly philosophical)
concepts and on this base skills of the independent analysis art
Module 2 Questions of classical philology
Discipline 1 Lexicology of Modern Russian
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IIL 1401
Course purpose: studying of lexical structure of the modern
Russian literary language; studying of word meanings and
phraseological units, their typological characteristics and system
relations; the analysis of features of functioning of lexical units
in speech; research of processes of updating and arkhaization of
lexicon and Russian phraseology;
Contents: The course "Lexicology of Modern Russian"
adumbrates about a lexicology as a division of science about
language, its subject and subsections, describes the lexical party
of the modern Russian literary language from the point of view
of an origin, the use, expressional and stylistic character.
Traditionally the section "SRYa Lexicology" joins also the
dictionaries of Russian and the phraseological party of Russian.
Nobility: main concepts and lexicology terms, internal
stratification, history, current state and prospects of development
of dictionary structure of Russian, main types of linguistic
To be able: to apply the received knowledge in the field of a
lexicology in research and other kinds of activity; to use
conceptual terms framework; competently to carry out the lexical
and phraseological analysis;
To own: the main methods and receptions of research and
practical work in the field of philological science, skills of work
with dictionaries, directories, high school textbooks, with
scientific literature on linguistics, skills of the linguistic analysis.
Discipline 2 Word Formation of Modern
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: IIL 1401
Course purpose:to acquaint students with theoretical bases of
word formation of Russian and to help to develop skills of the
correct word formation
Contents:This discipline assumes studying of word-formation
system of modern Russian. Word formation is closely connected
with the morphology studying grammatical structure of the word,
Nobility: main ways of word formation.
To be able: to make morphemic and word-formation analyses of
To own: skills of use of significant and office parts of speech in
oral and written language; to have idea of the main and
facultative characteristics of significant and office parts of
a part of speech. The knowledge of these questions is necessary
in speech activity of the native speaker in any sphere in reality.
Discipline 3 History of the Russian literature
H_-XVII of century.
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: RF1404
Course purpose: formation at the student of complete, complete
idea of a "initial" stage of the Russian literature, closely
connected with folklore, the Byzantine cultural heritage.
Contents:Studying of art heritage of Ancient Russia has
fundamental value for training of specialists of philologists – at
the most ancient stage of literary creativity national features of
figurative knowledge of life, system of moral and spiritual
orientations of all Russian literature were created. The course
"Stories of the Russian Literature H_-XVII of Century." is urged
to lay the foundation for philological knowledge, to promote
formation of scientific outlook,
moral and esthetic feelings.
Nobility: contents and literary features of the most considerable
literary works
Ancient Russia.
To be able: to read works in the original
To own: skills of their complete historico-literary analysis to
have idea of specifics and regularities of development of Old
Russian literature as a whole and during the separate periods.
Discipline 4 History of foreign literature of the
Middle Ages and Renaissance
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HAL1405
Course purpose: To adumbrate about development of the world
literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in unity of
literary, sociocultural, philosophical, historical aspects, to create
the valuable relation to studying of the world literature as the
most important component of all-intellectual and spiritual
development of the personality.
Contents: Distinctive feature of a course is formation at students
of complex religious and philosophical, art and esthetic
perception of culture and literature of an era of the Middle Ages
and the Renaissance; in ability to be guided in the scheme of
literary development and definition of a place of this period of
literature in a context of the world literature.
Nobility: the content of the most considerable works, originality
of an era of their creation, genre specifics, and also the biography
of writers to have idea of their esthetic views;
To be able: to consider literature of the Middle Ages and the
Renaissance in a cultural context of an era; to understand
national specifics of the main studied literatures;
To own: a number of the theoretical concepts connected with
specifics and history of creation of works, outlook and esthetic
representations of an era, system of genres of foreign literature of
the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Module 3 Questions of studying of philology
Discipline 1 Morphology of modern Russian
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: SMRL 1407
Course purpose: description of the morphological
language level taking into account modern achievements of
linguistic science,
typological features of grammatical classes and forms,
formation of skills of the analysis of the grammatical
Contents: The course "Morphology of Modern Russian" is the
first when studying grammar in system of linguistic disciplines.
It acquaints students philologists with the main concepts and
grammar meta language.
Nobility: grammatical meanings of words.
To be able: to classify Russian words in parts speeches, to
analyze their grammatical categories and forms; to make
morphological analysis
To own: conceptual and terms framework; skills of the analysis
of a word form of language units.
Discipline 2 History of the Russian literature of
the XVIII century.
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402, HRL1408
Course purpose: formation at being trained complete idea of the
new stage to the Russian literature which has begun with
carrying out in Russia of Petrovsky reforms
Contents: Patriotism of the Russian literature of the XVIII
century. Fight of the advanced writers for development of
national consciousness of the Russian people. Growth of
democratic and liberating ideas. The statement of extra class
value of the personality, accusation of abuses by the power,
dream of social harmony, equality of all members of society
before the law. Reflection in literature of the main vital (moral,
social and ethical, social) the era conflicts, changing nature of
Nobility: main concepts and terms, history, regularities of
development of the Russian literature and culture of the XVIII
century; the main concepts of an era of Education, freely to be
guided in system of literary genres of classicism and
To be able: to apply the received knowledge in the field of the
literary analysis, in scientific иссле¬довательской and other
kinds of activity; independently to estimate and analyze art texts
of this period;
To own: the main methods and receptions of research and
practical work in the field of historico-literary science; skills of
their permission. Main regularities and dynamics of historico-
literary development. Formation of the new literary directions
(classicism, sentimentalism, preromanticism). Fight of the
literary directions; interaction of various methods and styles,
the comparative analysis of the text.
Discipline 3 History of foreign literature of the
XVII-XVIII centuries.
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HFLMAER1409
Course purpose: acquaintance to development of literary
process, to activity of outstanding writers of the period.
formation of modern scientific idea of regularities of the
European literary process of 17-18 centuries; to give the
characteristic to the main art directions of literature of 17-18
Contents: During studying of foreign literature of 17 - 18
centuries acquaintance to development of literary process, to
activity of outstanding writers of the period which is marked by a
maturing and carrying out the first bourgeois revolutions is
supposed. When studying a course have to be considered: the
independent esthetic value, unique originality of monuments of
literature of this period – Kornel's great works, Racine, Milton,
Swift, Diderot, Russo, Goethe and value of achievements of
literature of classicism, baroque, the main art directions of an era
of Education for the subsequent development of spiritual culture
of mankind.
Nobility: biographies of the largest writers of 17-18 centuries to
have idea of their esthetic views;
To be able: to consider literary process of 17-18 centuries in a
cultural context of an era; to establish interliterary connection; to
analyze literary works in unity the forms and contents relating to
different genres.
To own: skills of the analysis
work of art;
regularities of literary development of the studied period.
Discipline 4 Syntax of a simple sentence
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1401, TMRL 2410
Course purpose: to create idea of syntax of a simple sentence in
modern Russian, to deepen the theoretical data acquired by
students on this problem.
Contents: syntax as the highest circle of system of language,
syntactic links, syntactic relations, composition, submission,
синтаксема, compatibility, valency, phrase, phrase paradigm,
communication, strong and weak communication, offer as
predicative unit, statement, speech act, predicativity, block
diagram, grammatical meaning of the offer, semantic sentence
structure, model and standard value of the offer, category of a
modality, syntactic time, category of the person, main sentence
parts, minor sentence parts, complication and offer distribution.
Nobility: history of studying of private questions of syntax;
traditional (the phrase and the offer) and syntactic units allocated
taking into account the latest scientific development, their types;
syntactic links and relations, ways of their expression; various
aspects of studying of syntactic units
To be able: to analyze syntactic units of all types; to represent
theoretical provisions in debatable lighting, to choose the most
acceptable point of view on this or that scientific problem;
To own: skills of comparison linguistic and scientific
facts, classification and systematization of a language material.
Discipline 5 Syntax of a compound sentence
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1401, TMRL 2410
Course purpose: to create at students
ideas of syntactic system of modern Russian in all its features.
Contents: The main attention at a statement of a training
material is paid to general-theoretical provisions and approaches
to actual problems of syntax of a compound sentence. Practical
tasks are urged to create skills of the analysis of syntactic units in
structural-semantic, functional and communicative aspects.
Nobility: history of studying of private questions of syntax;
traditional (the phrase and the offer) and syntactic units allocated
taking into account the latest scientific development, their types;
syntactic links and relations, ways of their expression; various
aspects of studying of syntactic units.
To be able: to analyze syntactic units of all types; to represent
theoretical provisions in debatable lighting;
To own: skills of comparison linguistic and scientific
facts, classification and systematization of a language material.
Module 4 Classical questions of literature
Discipline 1 History of the Russian literature of
H_H of century (І half)
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402, HRL1408,
Course purpose: identification of ideological and art wealth of
the Russian literature of the XIX century, regularities of literary
process, fight and continuity of the various directions, styles, art
identity; in education through a subject at being trained scientific
Nobility: regularities of development of the Russian literature
and culture of the XIX century; freely to be guided in system of
literary genres of romanticism and realism; main literary
directions and schools of this period.
outlook and moral and esthetic culture.
Contents: The main regularities of development of the Russian
literature throughout the XIX century in their correlation to
literatures of Europe and America, recognition of the Russian
literature as literature of the world most developed in the art and
esthetic relation. Principles of a periodization of history of the
Russian literature of the XIX century.
To be able: to generalize the theoretical knowledge necessary
for an objective assessment of the modern directions and
concepts in the field of literary criticism; independently to
estimate and analyze art texts of this period.
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