Maintenance of a course: development by students of system of
terms and modern definitions of the main concepts of a course,
filiation of a lexicography and its communication with other
linguistic disciplines.
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know: stories of creation of the well-known domestic
dictionaries and solution of standard lexicographic problems, the
main theoretical works on a lexicography.
to be able: to use theoretical knowledge for the analysis of any
dictionary and to estimate quality of the dictionary as linguistic
to have: skills of the qualified using various dictionaries for full-
fledged understanding of texts of different genres and for an
effective textcreatings.
MSTT 3508
Methods of Special Texts Teaching
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: to prepare students for independent work on the
original scientific and technical literature connected with their
future specialty.
Tasks: training in ability to read and translate professionally
focused texts for the purpose of extraction of necessary
Maintenance of a course: course to cover training in skills of
summarizing and annotation of texts of a professional
As a result of discipline development the being trained has to
Know skills of search of professional information, summarizing of
texts of a professional orientation.
to be able to find, analyze and process information received from
various sources;
to have skills of summarizing of literature in a foreign language;
SAET 3509
Stylistic Analysis of English Texts
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: formation of professional competence of stylistics area,
and also use of various means of expression for achievement of
the purpose of the stylistic analysis.
Tasks: development at students of knowledge, skills of the
stylistic analysis of any complexity.
Maintenance of a course: the course is directed on use of
modern English-language tests on the basis of different means
and stylistic receptions in the analysis of texts.
As a result of discipline development the being trained has to
classification of functional styles of definitions of their
communicative purposes
to be able:
to find texts, expressional means and stylistic receptions, to define
them functions.
SPLEL 4510
Special Professional Lexis of English language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: formation of special and professional lexical
competence at students philologists.
Tasks: ability to choose the necessary lexical units taking into
account its development and enrichment;
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying:
the student has to
nobility: main regularities of development of lexical units of
professional character.
Maintenance of a course: development by students of a lexicon
of professional and special lexicon of studied language.
to be able: to analyze a concrete language material of units:
to own: skills of professional using various dictionaries for full-
fledged understanding of texts of different genres.
TLC 4511
Theory of Language Contacts
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: to provide increasing knowledge and the abilities
received by students at passing of disciplines, focused on
language studying in dynamics, language contacts and language
Tasks: acquaintance with comparative-historical researches as
backgrounds of the theory of language contacts and the theory of
the language universality, used at verification and typology of
language contacts.
Maintenance of a course: the course studies processes and
results of a contacting of two or several languages in concrete
geopolitical space under certain historical and social conditions
of communication of the people, ethnic groups, the ethnic
communities, the separate human collectives which are speaking
different languages.
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
nobility: psycholinguistic, social linguistic language contacts
to use: terms "native" and "first" languages, "interference" and
"loan", "switching of codes" and "loan", "tracing-paper" and "loan"
and B'day.
TML 3512
Theory and Methods of Linguistics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FTTFL 3417
Purpose: illumination of the main problems and linguistics
directions, deepening of theoretical knowledge of the theory of
linguistics and acquisition of practical skills of the analysis.
Tasks: to master the main regularities of development of
linguistics in the general process; bases of evolution of
linguistics; theories and linguistics methods.
Maintenance of a course: in a course different approaches to
definition the linguistics focused on the various points of view of
scientists on linguistics which modifies traditional ideas of
speech, the text, dialogue, style and language are allocated.
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
To know: main theories and linguistics methods:
to use: different methods of linguistics in the analysis.
IE 4601
Innovative Entrepreneurship (trade-wise)
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No.
The purpose of the teaching of this discipline is the study of the
legal regulation of innovative business, as with the level of
economic development increases the value of the use of
innovations. Innovative Entrepreneurship - is the process of
development and commercial use of technical and technological
innovations. Innovation is the specific instrument of
entrepreneurship. The course is planned to study the subjects of
innovative business, its core (innovative business based on
internal organization, innovative businesses based outside the
entrepreneurship based on the external orgavnizatsii with
ventures), the features of the innovative business, a comparative
analysis of innovation entrepreneurship in the world, in countries
near and far abroad.
Competence, mastered from the study of the module: the student
Know - the general theoretical principles and methods of
entrepreneurship, the concept, content and history of the
development of innovative business, goals and objectives of
innovative business principles of the forms and methods, objectives
and tasks of innovative entrepreneurship.
To be able to - to analyze and apply this knowledge in practice.
Work with legal and regulatory framework governing the
innovative entrepreneurship and to implement the knowledge,
Possess the skills of solving scientific and practical problems in the
field of legal regulation of innovative entrepreneurship.
Graduates will possess in-depth knowledge in all areas of law and
to be able to carry out a critical analysis of the state of current
IPL 4602
Intellectual Property Law
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Purpose and Objectives: to help students understanding of the
Competence, mastered from the study of the module: the student
Prerequisites: No.
Contents: The subject examines the concept and principles of
the judiciary, the court system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the
courts. The course provides information on the activities and
competence of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Judicial jury,
the Committee on Court Administration.
know: the theory and practice of judicial work;
be able to: theoretically, logically, intelligently and make judicial
decisions (the verdict, decision, judgment);
have: skills in the main proceedings of the court of appellate,
cassation and supervisory authority.
MEPK 4603
Modern Ethnic Processes in Kazakhstan
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No.
Purpose: To generate listeners’ basis of presentation of the
ethno-cultural map of Kazakhstan, its dynamics and structure.
Objectives: To provide conditions for the understanding of the
factors of contexts and processes affecting the ethnic and cultural
dynamics in territorial aspect.
Contents of the course: To study the changes in the social
stratification of ethnic groups, the influence of ethnic and
cultural features of the social mobility and cultural distance in a
multiethnic Kazakhstan society.
The results of training, mastered by studying modules: the student
know the basics of modern ethno-cultural and historical
be able to conduct spatial analysis of ethno-cultural map of
have an initial idea of the ethnic processes in a particular region;
FTT 4604
Fundamentals of Translation Theory
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No.
Aim: to familiarize with the basic theoretical problems of
translation, practical difficulties and ways to overcome them,
with the history of the formation and development
perevodovedcheskoy science.
Objectives: To develop a basic knowledge and skills to translate
texts of different functional orientation.
The Contents of the course: to improve the overall level of
language skills in oral and written form, detailed practical skills
of translation and interpretation, detailed introduction to the
cross-cultural aspects of translation
The results of training, mastered by studying modules: the student
To Know the basic model of translation, the main methods of
to be able to use the translation transformation;
to have a clear understanding of the basic principles of translation.
BBCP 4605
Book Business and Communication Policy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No.
Aim: training with the skills to ensure the effective functioning
of the book market.
Objectives: The introduction to the key processes of formation
of assortment policy, market research methods to study the book
The Course content: The course examines the essence of
marketing theories, techniques, and methods of distribution of
books, publishers marketing policy.
The results of training, mastered by studying modules: the student
To know the basic processes of formation range policy
booksellers, publishers and enterprises;
To be able to make a strategic program of the publishing /
bookselling business in the book market;
to have project management skills to achieve business results;
MCWK 4606
Mass Communication in the World of
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No.
Aim: creating in the minds of students the whole view of the
nature of communication processes.
objectives: establishing a view of mass communications as a
social institution, the study of relationships between the activities
of the mass media in the modern world, and advertising
The content course: study of the basic theories and concepts of
interpersonal functioning, professional and mass communication
in modern society.
The results of training, mastered by studying modules: the student
To know the current status and trends in mass communication;
To be able to use a sociological and psychological approaches to
the study of the mechanisms of perception of mass communication
To have basic skills in designing, creating, updating and evaluating
advertising text as an element of mass communication
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