To be able: to apply the received knowledge in the analysis of
the literary work, and
: to characterize the studied text in linguistic aspect from a point
sight of its genre and patrimonial accessory, to specifics of the
semantic and composite and speech organization; originalities
To own: modern methods of the philological analysis of the art
text, including: to analyze work language from the point of view
inclusions in a historico-literary context; language and metric
features of work, dependence on a sort and genre; identification
intertekstualny communications.
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1402
Literature on Pushkin, both art, and literary, continuously grows
as in Russia, and abroad. Owing to this fact system studying and
a statement of these materials setting as the purpose to generalize
everything most essential to Pushkin studies is necessary,
including: question of the biography of the poet as special type
of literary research (T.Tsyavlovskaya, B.Meylakh), analysis of
socio-political and historical views of Pushkin (S. Abramovich,
E. To Tarl), questions of an art method of Pushkin in correlation
to development modern to it domestic literature (A.Sokolov,
L.Ginzburg, M. Gilelson), an originality of Pushkin realistic
synthesis in its communications with other literary directions and
art methods of the world literature (N. Piksanov, D.Blagoy, P.
Berkov), historical and functional approach to studying of a
creative heritage of Pushkin in literary criticism and criticism of
the Russian Abroad (V. Khodasevich, N. Trubetskoy),
achievements of modern Russian Pushkin studies (Yu.Lotman,
V. Nepomnyaschy), etc.
Course purpose: studying of the main literary concepts in
science about Pushkin to define ways of illumination of
problems of poetics of Pushkin in a context of modern literary
Contents: epokhi.literaturovedeniye are identification of the
main tendencies of development of Pushkin studies as special
branch of literary criticism, immersion in philosophical,
sociocultural and literary contexts Pushkin;
Nobility: about the main approaches to studying of heritage of
Pushkin both traditional, and innovative;
To be able: it is correct to compare and analyze the different
points of view, to generalize and systematize basic data;
To own: the system and weighed approach to a diverse material
of scientific and critical discussions, consecutive and its
professional lighting.
Poets of a silver age
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402
Course purpose: 1) to create complete idea of poetry of a silver
age at students;
2) to acquaint with system of genres of poetry of a silver age;
3) to teach to apply the received knowledge to the solution of
problems of professional activity.
Задачи освоения дисциплины:
1) the analysis and interpretation on the basis of concepts
existing in literary criticism and applied techniques of the
Nobility: main features of poetry of the Silver age; system of
genres of the Russian poetry of the Silver age, their function, the
contents and poetics, and also the texts of works provided by the
To be able: to open features of functioning, the contents and a
form of poetic works of the Silver age with use of the main
concepts and terms, receptions and methods of the analysis and
interpretation of the texts accepted in modern literary criticism;
phenomena and the processes happening in poetry of a silver
2) oral, written and virtual representation of materials of own
supervision and researches of creative identity of poets.
professional activity.
to state orally and in writing the conclusions and supervision
concerning structure and work poetics;
To own: the main methods and receptions of research and
practical work in the field of the analysis of literary and art
poetic work.
Literature of the people of the CIS
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402
Course purpose:- formation of system knowledge of the main
stages of development of national literatures, on regularities of
interaction between them.
Contents: - to promote mastering by students by humanitarian
knowledge, familiarizing with universal knowledge;
- to develop skills of the analysis of national work;
- to cultivate interest to polycultural space of the CIS.
Nobility: main names of representatives of literature of the CIS;
interrelation of cultures and literatures of the CIS;
To be able: to define universal and national in the ideological
and art content of works; to use the main methods of the literary
analysis; to use scientific, reference, methodical books; to
perform independent work on the analysis of creativity or a work
of art of the writer of literature of the people of the CIS;
To have idea: about the general stages of development of
literatures of the CIS.
Classical literature of the East
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402
To receive general idea about stories of literatures of the East in
system of history of the world literature during the Antiquity and
Middle Ages era, about the main regularities of formation and
development of the most representative classical literary
traditions of the East, their periodization and typology; to
understand specifics of formation of regional traditions (The Far
East, the Southern Asia, the Middle East); to examine problems
of development of genres and styles of the called literatures,
literary activity of the largest representatives of philosophical
and religious trends; to be guided in various methodological
approaches to studying of literary interrelations of the East and
the West.
Nobility: main milestones of world literary development,
chronological borders of the main eras, contribution of literatures
of the East to a treasury of the world literature and nature of
interaction of literatures of the East and West; the most
considerable stages, authors and works of the main literary
traditions of the ancient and medieval East;
To be able: to compare the literary phenomena of various
traditions, to isolate the common and peculiar features of each
literature, to use the received knowledge in research work; to
analyze the literary work in aspect of its national originality, its
communications with works of other national literatures (genesis,
structure, functioning);
To own: the main receptions historical and typological,
historical and functional, comparative and typological and other
modern methods of the literary analysis for scientific
interpretation of literary process in various regions of the East
during the Antiquity and Middle Ages era; the main receptions of
the scientific description and interpretation of works in
komparativistsky aspect.
Modern Russian literature
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402
The purpose – to give system knowledge of modern literary
process, the main tendencies of development of literature,
significant representatives of various currents, to create readiness
for scientific and critical reception of the Russian literature of a
turn of the XX-XXI centuries.
Nobility: the most significant historico-literary facts and the
phenomena of the studied period, periodization of literary
process; creativity and biographic given representative poets and
writers; genre and style processes in literature of the studied
To be able: to consider literary process in a sociocultural
context of an era;
to designate these or those tendencies of development and
chronology of the historico-literary phenomena; to compare the
works belonging to various esthetic directions and to reason their
typological and individually author's accessory;
To own: methods, receptions of research, analytical and
practical work with art, critical and scientific texts.
Classical children's literature
3 credits / 5 ECTS
The purposes of development of discipline is formation of
system of knowledge, the skills connected with features of
Nobility: children's literature as quite independent historico-
literary phenomenon reflecting the general tendencies of
Prerequisites: IL1402
children's literature as the art and pedagogical making Russian
and world literature, as bases for development of universal
competences and a basis for development of professional
Discipline objectives:
- studying of the classical Russian, modern and translated
children's literature;
understanding of features
children's literature;
- formation of system of knowledge and abilities necessary for
regularities of historical development of children's literature and
children's reading; and
also necessary for consideration of evolution of genre forms in
literature for
children and youth;
- formation of system of knowledge and the abilities connected
with selection of books for school and
house reading;
- providing conditions for activization of informative activity of
students and
formations of experience of critical evaluation of creativity of
writers at them for children and
separate books for reading children;
- stimulation independent, activities for contents development
disciplines and to formation of necessary competences specific to
their professional activity
development of domestic and world culture, literature;
monographic creativity of outstanding children's writers, both
Russian, and belonging to world culture;
To be able: to carry out search and to select information
necessary for the solution of a specific objective; independently,
proceeding from available teoretiko-literary knowledge to
analyze works of children's literature of different types and
genres; to look through any children's books, to define, for what
age they are intended, what their approximate contents,
educational and educational and
esthetic value;
To own: skills of analytical approach to the art text, having the
addressee of the child or the teenager; key literary and critical
written genres: summary, review, review of the children's literary
edition; art genres: literary fairy tale (stylization, parody, other),
riddle, story.
Literature of the people of Kazakhstan and
Central Asia
2 credits / 3ECTS
Prerequisites: RLC 3421
To study literary process of the people of Central Asia and
Kazakhstan from an antiquity to the present, to receive idea of
character of art and semantic space, literary property of the
people of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, specifics of the literary
directions, internal regularities of development and creative
identity of the largest national writers of Central Asia and
Nobility: literature of the people of Kazakhstan and Central Asia
as quite independent historico-literary monographic creativity of
outstanding writers;
main stages of historico-literary process of Kazakhstan and
Central Asia;
To be able: independently, proceeding from available
teoretiko-literary knowledge to analyze literary works of
Kazakhstan and Central Asia;
To own: skills of analytical approach to the art text; literary
IET 2 Russian language
SW 3501
Scientific writing (kz/rus/eng)
1 credit / 2 ECTS
Prerequisites: no
The main objective of development of discipline – to help
students to get acquainted with the principles and to seize
receptions of implementation of the research project
Problems of discipline:
to create idea of the basic principles of modern science as
specific form of social activity in a context of formation of
humanitarian knowledge;
to show as justification of rules of scientific activity is connected
with functioning of scientific community, with the directions of
Nobility: terminology of the description of the degree or
dissertation project: concepts of a subject, object and problem of
scientific research; . technology of implementation and
presentation of the analysis of sources of different types; rules of
optimization of a ratio between a subject and sources; rules of
the bibliographic description; main opportunities of search of
research literature; technologies of scheduling of own research as
way to organize research activity how to represent itself and the
scientific work in certain communities as forms of a statement of
the academic career offered them and forms of scientific
To create idea of an order of the organization of the research
project, to show the skills necessary at each stage of its
implementation – from the formulation of a subject and selection
of sources before text and representation writing to its scientific
the content of work and as models of conceptualization of a
To be able: to work with information: its search,
redistribution and editing in aspect of approach to set (for
example, the employer or scientific community) to a format; to
describe research projects: both own, and the companions on
group, other representatives of a profession in which the student
intends to self-actualize.
Practical course of Russian
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1401
To create on the basis of the received theoretical knowledge
practical skills of possession of the modern Russian literary
Nobility: basic provisions of the theory of modern Russian;
To be able: is comprehended to use the punctuation marks, all
types of language norms in independently created texts;
To own: skills of the analysis of language means in a context,
ability to carry out research activity.
History of the Russian literary language
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1401
Цели и задачи дисциплины
To acquaint students with the main problems and features of
formation and development of the written and book Russian
literary language since its origin to the present.
Задачи изучения дисциплины:
-To acquaint students with the main stages of development of the
Russian literary language in connection with people history.
- To show typical features of literary texts and the main
tendencies of development of the literary language during the
different historical periods.
- To show how appeared and as common-language and intra
stylistic norms, what reasons and conditions of formation of the
relevant standards developed.
- To develop skills of the analysis of language of literary works,
ability to allocate that new that authors of analyzed texts bring in
the literary language, ability to mark out the features reflecting
the main tendencies of the Russian literary language.
Nobility: regularities of the Russian literary process, basic terms
and the theoretical concepts necessary for judgment stories of the
Russian literature, a periodization of the Russian literature,
essence of the concept "tradition" and regularity of its
functioning in literary process, the basic facts of creative
biographies of the Russian writers, the main stages of creative
evolution of studied authors.
To be able: to analyze texts of various genres in unity of form
and content taking into account author's philosophical and
esthetic opening, to reveal structural components of the text, unit
of various levels of language, to define their place and function
in the text, to compare texts and to define their place in the
history of the Russian literary language
To own: conceptual framework of history of the Russian literary
language and to use it in the analysis of texts.
Russian spelling and punctuation
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1401
Course purpose:Fixing, systematization and improvement of
knowledge, skills according to the most difficult sections of
spelling and a punctuation.
Nobility: I ruled creation of speech works, theoretical bases of
formation of the literary language.
To be able: is comprehended to use the punctuation marks,
all types of language norms in independently created the text;
Иметь: skills of the analysis of language means in a context,
ability to carry out research activity.
Lingvokulturnye symbols of Kazakhstan of the
period of Independence
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1401
The training course is built on the basis of basic knowledge of a
lingvokulturologiya and regional geography when training
The course purpose – to help to seize lingvokulturovedchesky
and stranovededchesky information on Kazakhstan.
Tasks: will reveal a role interrelation of language and culture in
system of training of RKI; to acquire lingvostranovedchesky
information on Kazakhstan when training RKI; to create idea of
key lingvokulturny concepts of an evraziystvo.
Nobility: lingvokulturovedchesky and stranovededchesky
information on Kazakhstan; maintenance of key cultural
concepts of the Euroasian culture;
Быть способным to present lingvokultury lacunas in the
educational purposes;
To be able: to analyze a language material for the purpose of
detection of national and cultural semantics;
To own: analysis of a language picture of the world.
Functional grammar of Russian
3 credits /5 ECTS
communicative the focused approach to language, methodical
Nobility: specifics of the Russian grammar in unity of structural
and system and functional approaches; main sections of
Prerequisites: IL 1401
knowledge, skills in the field of functional grammar of Russian;
to acquaint with aspects of functional grammar; to describe
grammatical forms and syntactic designs from the point of view
of functions carried out by them in speech; to present specifics of
the Russian grammar in unity of structural and system and
functional approaches; to train future teachers of Russian in
methodical working methods
functional grammar.
To be able: to represent specifics of the Russian grammar in its
system and functional potential; - to reveal communications and
interactions of different functions of language units within
system and in speech; - to be guided in approach to the
functional description of grammar by the principle "from an
expression form to function".
To own: theoretical and practical knowledge of grammatical
forms and syntactic designs from the point of view of functions
carried out by them in speech. readiness to apply knowledge,
skills on student teaching; to make scientific reviews, summaries,
to make papers and the bibliography on scope of conducted
History of the Russian literary language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1401
Course purpose:
To acquaint students with the main problems and features of
formation and development of the written and book Russian
literary language since its origin to the present.
Contents: -To acquaint students with the main stages of
development of the Russian literary language in connection with
people history.
- To show typical features of literary texts and the main
tendencies of development of the literary language during the
different historical periods.
- To show how appeared and as common-language and intra
stylistic norms, what reasons and conditions of formation of the
relevant standards developed.
- To develop skills of the analysis of language of literary works,
ability to allocate that new that authors of analyzed texts bring in
the literary language, ability to mark out the features reflecting
the main tendencies of the Russian literary language.
Nobility: regularities of the Russian literary process, basic terms
and the theoretical concepts necessary for judgment stories of the
Russian literature, a periodization of the Russian literature,
essence of the concept "tradition" and regularity of its
functioning in literary process, the basic facts of creative
biographies of the Russian writers, the main stages of creative
evolution of studied authors;
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