To own: the main methods and receptions of research and
practical work in the field of literary criticism; to have skills of
collecting and bibliography systematization on a subject of
educational and research work.
Discipline 2 History of foreign literature of H_H
of century.
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HFL 2412
Course purpose: to consider development of literary process of
the XIX century of foreign countries, to study activity of
outstanding writers of the XIX century.
Contents: Course of history of foreign literature of the XIX
century – an important stage in development of a cycle of subject
matters of the high school cycle covering world literary process
in its historical and theoretical lighting.
Nobility: content of the most considerable works, originality of
an era of their creation, genre specifics; biographies of the largest
writers of the XIX century to have idea of their esthetic views.
To be able: to consider literary process of the XIX century in a
cultural context of an era, to understand national specifics of the
main studied literatures and to be able to establish interliterary
To own: a number of the theoretical concepts connected with
specifics and history of creation of works, outlook and esthetic
representations of an era, system of genres of foreign literature of
the XIX century.
Discipline 3 History of the Russian literature of
H_H of century (ІІ half)
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402, HRL2411
Course purpose:formation at students of complete, complete
idea of literary process of the second half of the XIX century;
formation of idea of basic literary concepts of this period, main
directions of literary process.
Contents:The main regularities of development of the Russian
literature throughout the XIX century in their correlation to
literatures of Europe and America, recognition of the Russian
literature as literature of the world most developed in the art and
esthetic relation. Principles of a periodization of history of the
Russian literature of the XIX century. Literary process of the
second half of the 19th eyelid: main lines of an era and culture.
Nobility: main concepts and terms, history, condition and
prospects of development of modern historico-literary science.
To be able: to apply the received knowledge in the field of the
literary analysis, in scientific иссле¬довательской, pedagogical,
educational and other kinds of activity.
To own: the main methods and receptions of research and
practical work in the field of historico-literary science; skills of
the modern analysis of the art text.
Discipline 4 History of foreign literature of the
XX century
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HFL 2412
Course purpose:to acquaint students with the main literary
works and creativity of certain authors; to create ideas of a
historical and cultural context and the general regularities of
development of literary process; to analyze regularities of
development of the literary directions and literary genres.
Contents:discipline studying "The history of foreign literature of
the XX century" gives great opportunities in expansion of the
general culture of future expert of the philologist. The essence of
world literary process during the latest era is defined by special
historical conditions. The era of socio-political shocks, world
wars, national liberation movements caused disintegration of
fundamental public and moral and esthetic foundations. The
decadence and unbelief became in many respects intrinsic feature
of culture of the XX century. Expression new, in many respects
crisis tendencies was the modernism.
Nobility: the basic literary and literary facts, events and a role of
specific writers and theorists of literature in them.
To be able: to carry out complex search of literary information
in sources of different type, to work with literature, to analyze
the facts and the phenomena of literary and cultural and public
life of foreign countries; to organize independent researches on
the most actual problems of foreign literature of the considered
period and to represent results of the activity in various forms;
To own: skills of the organization of the cross-cultural dialogue
promoting the most constructive and productive assimilation of
Module 5 Theoretical problems of philology
Discipline 1 Historical grammar of Russian
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Course purpose: To acquaint students with process of formation
of Russian and history of development of the main features of its
Nobility: process of formation of Russian and history of
development of the main features of its phonetic and
Prerequisites: IL 1401
phonetic and grammatical system.
Contents: The historical grammar is a subject matter of a
historical cycle in which development of phonetic and
grammatical system of Russian from the most ancient condition
to an era of formation of language of the Russian nation is
presented. The historical grammar is urged to realize the
principle of a historicism as way of linguistic thinking of
students philologists.
grammatical system.
To be able: to see a historical background of the language
phenomena of modern Russian; to explain developed in modern
phonetic system and a grammatical system of the relation.
To be able: skills of the graphic, lexical, phonetic and
morphological analysis of the Old Russian text.
Discipline 2 History of the Russian literature of
the XX century (the I half)
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402, HRL3417
Course purpose: formation at the student of complete, complete
idea of the postrevolutionary period of the Russian literature of
the 20-30th; the Silver age closely connected with culture, the
European modernism and art tradition of the Russian classical
prose; formation of idea of basic literary concepts of this period,
main directions of literary process: futurism, imagism,
Contents: Essence of literary process of the XX century and its
function in the history of world culture. Sign structure of an
artistic image. Universal structural characteristics of the art text.
Poetic image as central unit of the lyrical text. External and
internal laws of development of literature of the XX century.
Variety of currents, schools and directions of literary process.
Nobility: characteristic features of literary process of the first
half of the XX century, feature of literary life of this period,
creativity of leading poets and writers, reflection of their
creativity in criticism and literary criticism
To be able: to be guided in literary process, to analyze works of
art, to compare the facts of historical literary process, to draw
To own: skills of the analysis
work of art;
regularities of literary development of the studied period
Discipline 3 Russian literature of Kazakhstan
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402,
Course purpose: to give an idea of features of development of
the Russian literature of Kazakhstan
Contents: research of an art originality of the Russian literature
of Kazakhstan; reconstruction of the atmosphere of cultural
origin and evolutionary processes in it; to understand the general
regularities of literary process, to define creative identity of
certain writers.
Nobility: leading literary directions, genres and style features of
the Russian literature of Kazakhstan;
To be able: to open features of functioning, the contents and a
form of works with use of the main concepts and terms,
receptions and analysis methods;
To own: skills of the analysis
work of art.
The module 6 Training in Russian and literature at school
Discipline 1 Russian literature of the XX
century (IІ half )
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402, HRL3417
Course purpose: to give an idea of features of development of
the Russian literature of the second half of the XX century, its
main stages and the periods, the major regularities and
development tendencies
Contents: The XX century is considered as the historical and
cultural era having the specifics, esthetic traditions that was
reflected in fiction. The central place in it is taken by the person
with his cultural and moral values. The course is directed on
formation of the identity of the student, education in it high
feelings of humanity and patriotism.
Nobility: literary directions, currents, art methods,
genres and styles, characteristic for 2 half of the XX century;
To be able: to characterize the literary period; literary direction;
creativity of the writer;
To own: skills of the analysis
work of art;
regularities of literary development of the studied period.
Discipline 2 Technique of teaching of Russian
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: SCS 2414
Course purpose: to give to students theoretical and practical
knowledge in the field of Russian teaching as subject of school
Contents: Subject of a technique of teaching to Russian is
process of training in language, its practical use. Tasks to teach
students to define reasonably the purposes, the contents and ways
of training in Russian taking into account specifics of language
as means of communication, psikhologo-pedagogical regularities
of process of training, social requirements of society are set for
Nobility: norms of the Russian literary language; existing
programs and textbooks on Russian; basic concepts of this
course; requirements to skills of pupils.
To be able: to be guided in actual problems of a technique of
teaching of Russian; to set the purposes and tasks for pupils in
the course of training in Russian.
To own: skills of planning and designing of pedagogical
activity; forecasting and analysis of results of the work and work
of pupils; uses of a complex of educational and methodical
it.The technique of Russian will help students to understand
regularities of formation at pupils of skills in the field of
language, assimilation of systems of scientific concepts on
grammar and on other divisions of science about language.
Discipline 3 Technique of teaching of the
Russian literature
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402, HRL 3420
Course purpose: formation idea of literary development, of
historical change of methods of teaching of literature to give an
idea of the most characteristic types of professional activity of
the teacher.
Contents: The course considers the main approaches to reading
and studying of works of art in their rodo-genre specifics;
features of perception reader of works of art; the main methods
of research in the field of the theory and a technique of teaching
of the Russian literature.
Nobility: the content of work when studying each stage of
literary education; system of ways and tutorials, criteria of their
choice and features of use at statement of educational tasks;
options of the organization of work on occupations of different
To be able: to put into practice special technologies of literary
education; to apply domestic and foreign innovative experience
in literature teaching.
To own: skills of ensuring pedagogical process in the field of
literary education.
IET 1 Classical literature
SW 3501
Scientific writing (kz/rus/eng)
1 credit / 2 ECTS
Prerequisites: no
The main objective of development of discipline – to help
students to get acquainted with the principles and to seize
receptions of implementation of the research project
Problems of discipline
to create idea of the basic principles of modern science as
specific form of social activity in a context of formation of
humanitarian knowledge;
to show as justification of rules of scientific activity is connected
with functioning of scientific community, with the directions of
the academic career offered them and forms of scientific
To create idea of an order of the organization of the research
project, to show the skills necessary at each stage of its
implementation – from the formulation of a subject and selection
of sources before text and representation writing to its scientific
Nobility: terminology of the description of the degree or
dissertation project: concepts of a subject, object and problem of
presentation of the analysis of sources of different types; rules of
optimization of a ratio between a subject and sources; rules of
the bibliographic description; main opportunities of search of
research literature; technologies of scheduling of own research as
way to organize research activity how to represent itself and the
scientific work in certain communities as forms of a statement of
the content of work and as models of conceptualization of a
To be able: to work with information: its search, redistribution
and editing in aspect of approach to set (for example, the
employer or scientific community) to a format; to describe
research projects: both own, and the companions on group, other
representatives of a profession in which the student intends to
Russian literary criticism
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL1402
Course purpose: to fix skills of the critical analysis and an
assessment of the various directions in literature.
Within a course experience of the best representatives of critical
thought in Russia is studied, generalized and systematized 18-20
centuries. The main tendencies of public and art development of
the Russian literature of the specified period are considered
taking into account variety of approaches, an esthetic position of
genres of literary criticism and its role in a modern interprettion
of outstanding literary works and literary process as a whole.
Nobility: main concepts of the theory of literature, main
tendencies of development of the Russian literary criticism and
literature of the people of Kazakhstan;
To be able: to analyze and estimate the various directions in
literature to carry out the comparative and comparative analysis
of critical concepts
To have idea: about history and structure of the Russian critical
Philosophical problems of the Russian novel
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1402
The course considers a work of art as a treasury of spiritual and
moral experience, valuable approach obliges to get into
philosophical contexts of knowledge. Following to the general
scientific principles of systemacity, concreteness and historicism
induces to identification of a philosophical perspective of the
Nobility: influence on the Russian novelists of representatives
of the European and Russian philosophical and religious thought
(Gegel, the Edging, Nietzsche, Freud, V.Solovyev, I.Ilyin, N.
Berdyaev), expressed in activization of an internal form of the
word, aspiration to an obobshchennost, associativity of a
Russian novel throughout its formation, since H1H of an eyelid,
in the person of such writers as M.Yu.Lermontov,
F.M.Dostoyevsky, L.N.Tolsta, D.M.Merezhkovsky, L.Leonov,
A.Platonov, M. Bulgakov.
Course purpose: on the basis of knowledge of bases of general
scientific and chastnonauchny methodology to investigate and
open interrelation and interconditionality of the art and
philosophical I began in studying of individual and author's
systems of the specified authors at the level of figurative
мотивной structures and specifics of narrative forms.
Contents: identification of sources and traditions of formation of
a philosophical orientation of the best samples of the Russian
novel, specifics of artistic realization of its perspective in the
specified aspect and detection of the main regularities in
connection with research of philosophical, cultural and literary
contexts of an era are.
To be able: to reveal specifics of a ratio of graphic and semantic
plans to novelistic structure, character and types of art
To own: skills of the analysis narrative and composite whole the
best phenomena of the Russian novel in correlation with
communication of moral and philosophical searches of the
Russian writers actively mastered by modern literary criticism.
Problems of the Russian symbolism
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IL 1402
Substantial filling of discipline is focused on studying of features
and creative experience of predecessors of the Russian
symbolism as most large-scale, considerable and original
phenomenon of culture. Within discipline philosophical and
esthetic bases of symbolism, variety of creative searches of his
representatives, literary achievements and impact of this
direction on literary process of the subsequent periods are shined.
The special attention is paid to art searches and opening of the
Russian symbolists – V. Bryusov, A.Belogo, And the Block,
F.Sologuba, etc.
Course purpose: to reveal dynamics individual esthetic systems
of the Russian symbolism, internal regularities of its formation
and the principles of classification;
Contents: course the characteristic of specific features of poetics
of the Russian symbolism, stages of its formation, an originality
of its genre forms enters;
Nobility: originality of poetics and esthetics of the Russian
To be able: to analyze heritage of the Russian symbolism in
unity of forms and contents, differentiations of various stages of
its formation;
To own: definitions of methodological bases and an originality
of genre and esthetic forms of the Russian symbolism in a
context of world literary process.
Romanticism development at the end of the
XVIII century
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: VL1402
This discipline provides detection of the main features of
formation of romanticism in the Russian literature of the end of
18 beginnings of 19 century of century. The main attention is
paid to literary activity of poets and writers, the originality of
which esthetic systems promoted transition from sentimentalism
and classicism to romanticism – M. Muravyev, M. Heraskova,
I.Dmitriyev, N. Karamzin's creativity, M. Lomonosova, G.
Derzhavin, early V. Zhukovskogo, etc.
preromanticism, its place and a role in world historico-literary
process of the end of 18 beginnings of 19 century of century;
Задачи – to define nature of influence of the West European
literature on romanticism formation in the Russian literature;
- to reveal peculiar features of early romanticism in the
Russian literature
Nobility: about transformations of individual and art systems of
the Russian literary process of the specified period, processes of
their interference and interaction;
To be able: theoretically and practically to prove the
phenomena of early romanticism on the basis of a studied
material, the innovative principles of the image of the world and
the person;
To own: comparative and typological and system approach to
studying of the various literary directions and currents.
Bases of studying of poetics of the text
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Course purpose:
the study of a literary text as a meaningful and
formal integrity, based on a system of linguistic resources.
Nobility: basic provisions and concepts in the field of the
philological analysis of the art text; principles of the analysis of
Prerequisites: IL 1402
Contents: - detection of features of the art text;
- studying of esthetic opportunities of different levels of
- consideration of extralinguistic and linguistic factors,
influencing language completeness of the text;
- research of the general language features of the art text and
individual and author's specifics of use public
language of fiction; the main approaches to studying of subject
and existential structure of the art text;
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