Section III Ex. 1. Make up short dialogues according to the example.
Example: — Can 1 help you?
— Yes. I’d like some information about foreign journals on
chcmistiy in this library.
— What field of chemistry arc you interested in?
— Nature compounds.
— Let’s use the computer, we’ll find all the information you need.
Ex. 2. Respond to the following statemets:
1. Statistical methods arc used not only for the design o f expe
rimentation. 2. To my mind, intuition is not important for chcmists.
3 .1 don’t think the balancc is the most essential tool in a chcmical
laboratory, there arc many others.
Ex. 3. Give detailed answers to the questions.
What methods arc used in analytical chcmistry? 2. What must
students be able to do in a laboratory? 3. What aspects must be taken into
account in planning experiments?
Ex. 4. Discuss the following topics:
1. Interpretation of Experimental Results.
2. Designs of Modem Analytical Balances.
3. How to Avoid Errors in Experimentation.
4. How to Estimate Experimental Errors.