Part T h r e e
Lesson 19
ГРА М М А ТИ КА : М есто дополнения в предложении. Сущ ествительное и
местоимение в
функции дополнения.
Section I
E x. 1. P ractise y o u r p ro n u n ciatio n .
a) originally [a'ndsonoh], stereochemistry [.steno'kemistn], final ['fainnl],
postulate ['postjoht], draw [dn>:], concise [ksn'sais], qualitative ['kwohtativj,
numerous [*nju:mon>s], electronic [ilek'tromk], culminate ['kAlmineit], completion
[кэт'рНг/эп], emphasize ['emfosatz], clarify ['kkenfai], isomer ['aisomoj
b) thc^'structurc^of4.molecules, compo'sition^of^a4. substance, theu
'natureyOfythcj-cNaction, theu'theoryuof\valence, 'afterutheudis\covery-
an^elec 'tronicNtheoiy, 'thesej^deas, all3ofu'thesc4students
c) The 'nature of the ‘bond | was com'plctcly un\known.
E x. 2. P ay a tte n tio n to th e s tru c tu re o f th e follow ing w ords. T ran slate
th em in to R ussian.
a) stereotype, stereochemistry, stereophonic, stereoscope, stereometry
b) dihedral, trihedral, tetrahedral, pentahedral, octahedral
c) neighbourhood, childhood, boyhood, manhood
Ex. 3. Define th e m eanings o f th e w ord
in th e follow ing sentences:
1. A theory usually involves some idea about the nature of some
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