Section III Ex. 1. Respond to the following using the verbs to say, to speak, to tell, to talk: 1. Do you speak German? 2. Can you speak louder? 3. He said, I was
right, didn’t he? 4. Don’t say anything, if you arc not sure. 5. Tell her that
she should come at 10 o’clock, please. 6. He told me that there were too
many mistakes in my paper. 7. They talked all the evening, but I didn’t
take part in their conversation. 8. You were talking to Dr. N when I met
you, what did you tell him?
Ex. 2. Translate the scntcnccs into English.
Наш преподаватель часто говорит, что мы мало читаем. 2. Он
говорит нам, что надо читать новые журналы. 3. Скажите, почему вы
не пришли вчера? 4. Они говорили о методе измерений, когда я подо
шел. 5. Говорите громче, пожалуйста. 6. Он не любит говорить о сво
их планах. 7. На каком иностранном языке вы говорите? 8. Скажите
мне, когда закончите. 9. Он говорит, что этот материал очень труден.
10. Она сказала, что сегодня не готова отвечать.
Ex. 3. Make up short dialogues according to the model.
Model: — A statement. — A question. — A statement. Example:
— 1 haven It prepared my homework today. — Haven 1 you traslated the text? — I've only looked it through. Ex. 4. Give detailed answers to the following questions:
1. What electrons take part in forming bonds between atoms? 2. What
kind of bonding is callcd a covalent bond? 3. What is the relationship
between the activity of the molecule and its structure? 4. What do modem
chemists think about the phenomenon o f covalcncc?
Ex. 5. Discuss the following topics:
1. The Structure of Covalent Compounds.
2. The Kinds of Bonds Between the Atoms.
3. An Example of a Covalent Compound.
A way o f holding component atoms together in a single moleculc
characterized by the sharing of electrons.