B. Main body. The main body consists of one or more paragraphs of ideas and arguments.
Each paragraph develops a subdivision of the topic. In short the body paragraphs will explain your
project's topic and so encompass the entire contents of the following text accompanying basic idea
and theme. Each paragraph that you will use in your main part has to contain three points: 1) A
topic sentence that expands your theme and makes a transition from the previous paragraph; 2)
Development of ideas that support whole your writing; 3) An ending sentence that wraps up the
paragraph and helps to transition into the next paragraph. With these criteria we see that all of
sentences in main body have to be logical, exact. Moreover it has to begin and end up correctly and
laconically. Generally whole details have to be linked together.
How to write a good main part?
- In every kind of work planning was an important and essential detail. Plan you work
properly before you write. In addition to this use brainstorming, mind maps or just a list of points
you want to include. It helps you to organize next steps and not to muddle sequences of your
arguments, facts and paragraphs. For example there is a plan of article content using keywords as
the basis for:
The title – ―How to study for an exam?‖
The subtitle - What to do in order to get a good mark on a difficult exam; how to prepare
mentally to such activity.
Summary – describe properly all steps for reaching the goal, while mentioning the risk to
which the student is subjected to do a particular work; explain what kind of helps they need.
Associated keywords – exam study, basic knowledge, reviewing materials, exercises, exam
preparation, and good mental and physical condition, positive attitude.
- Apart from this keep your essay balanced. Paragraphs should be more or less the same
length. Don't write very lengthy paragraphs. The main body should account for at least two thirds of
the essay as a whole.
- Next keep in mind the theme, the main idea of paragraph. Try to write concisely and try to
avoid being over-wordy in your style. It is easy to spend thousands of words saying little or nothing
at all. Get your point across as quickly and precisely as you can.
- Further show your knowledge of the topic, by including relevant evidence. Decorate your
project with specific facts and examples. This will give more formal colour to your writing:
―In the study, Nielsen examined how exposure to Internet ad campaigns influenced brand
measures such as ad recall and likeability, and whether the consumer said they were more likely to
purchase the product after viewing the ad.‖ [3]
- Finally Principe of ―being analytical‖. It means bringing out the importance of a given
aspect of your work; getting the overview/bigger picture, rather than describing just an example or
case in lots of details; evaluating (that is, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of) what you are
discussing; avoiding simplistic and passive agreement with the assignment title; and recognizing the
limitations of your own perspective as a writer.
C. Conclusion. Conclusions are often the most difficult part of an essay to write, and many
writers feel that they have nothing left to say after having written the paper. Most important, the
conclusion should ensure that the reader gets the essay's main point and takes away the intended
―In summary, our society would be healthier if more people took part in sports of all kinds.
We should continue to try to prevent accidents and injuries. However, we should also ensure that
sports are challenging, exciting, and, above all, fun‖ [4].
Understanding a conclusion's purpose, significance and features is essential to writing an
effective conclusion. Remember some advices for being successful in making sentences for
- To begin with a conclusion is not merely a summary of your points or a re-statement of
your thesis.
- Second the conclusion, like much of the rest of the paper, involves critical thinking. Try to
convey some closing thoughts about the larger implications of your argument.
- At last broaden your focus a bit at the end of the essay. A good last sentence leaves your
reader with something to think about.
2. The next problem is one of the widespread questions which cover all areas of activities,
including academic writing. Huge challenge of 21
century is Plagiarism.
What is ―plagiarism‖?
Basically plagiarism means taking ideas or words from a source without giving a credit
(acknowledgment) to the author [5]. Generally plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation and
publication of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of
them as one's own original work.
Obviously it's against the rules to buy essays or copy chunks from your friend's homework,
and it's also plagiarism to borrow passages from books or articles or Web sites without identifying
How not to Plagiarize?
a) You need to integrate your acknowledgements into what you're saying. Give the reference
as soon as you've mentioned the idea you're using, not just at the end of the paragraph. It's often a
good idea to name the authors, e.g.: Doctor Norton says, Oxford‘s searching shows and etc., and
then indicates your own stand.
b) Quotations come from somewhere, and your reader will want to know where. Letting
your reader know exactly which authorities you rely on is an advantage: it shows that you have
done your research and that you are well acquainted with the literature on your topic.
c) One of the most prevalent ways out is paraphrasing. Paraphrasing involves changing a
text so that it is quite dissimilar to the source yet retains all the meaning. Whenever you paraphrase,
remember it must be entirely in your own words.
3. Needless to say one of the frequent mistakes that every student did is connected with
grammar. But everyone has to remember that errors in grammar, punctuation and style will provide
you to lose your marks or balls in academical writing. Furthermore this part of operation is a great
problem for non-English speaking students.
The reason of doing very simple obvious mistakes or too complicated faults can be different.
For instance: missing auxiliary verb in present indefinite tense, confusing one preposition with the
other, using wrong words and etc. This article won‘t be comprehensive guide to English grammar.
Rather it focuses on some very widespread of the common problems students have in using
grammar in their academic writing. There are given only some of the chapters connected with
For example: To a certain degree a written message is much clearer when the sentences have
appropriate punctuation. Punctuation provides structure to writing and so enables the writer to
separate ideas and refine the information being presented. There are certain standard practices and
all students need to be familiar with these.
To know all grammar rules is not enough. Therefore for being aware in good grammar and
being sure that we don‘t miss comma or full stop students have to be more attentive and careful.
4. One of the very complicated and problematic things is lexical difficulties namely
problems with words.
Words are the basic element in English grammatical system‘s contracture. Moreover words
must be used in their correct form according to what they are doing in the sentence. As this problem
is a very vast topic we divided it into several sections for doing paragraph more clear and easy.
At first one of the most interesting and meticulous questions is about linking words and
phrases. These kinds of words and phrases will help to guide your reader through your writing.
Although some of these words have already been mentioned as sentence connectors, they can also
be used to develop coherence within a paragraph that is linking one idea argument to another. Most
of students don‘t pay enough attention on this tick. It can be one of the biggest mistakes because
textbooks, articles and other writing forms are well-written and will probably include a lot of these
cohesive devices.
For example compare these two statements:
a) John has been so lazy these days and his grades became terrible. His relationship to his
parents got worse too.
b) John's grades are terrible because he has been so lazy these days. In addition to this, his
relationship to his parents got worse.
The second one‘s structure and speech is in the nature of academic writing. Accordingly it
differs with sequence and style.
So we overviewed some of the most interesting moments in problems of academic writing
which is very frequent. Everyone has different problems in this way (i.e.: choosing correct words,
using articles, writing complete sentences and etc.) and the main task is eliminating these problems.
In order to achieve this goal there are several ways from published books and English language
courses to the online lessons.
No one is insuring from mistakes. Some of us can get it due to inattentiveness, and some
don‘t have enough knowledge. But all this is fixable, everything can be fixed. In every situation
there is a solution. And so the best way to be sure in correctness of your writing is checking again
and again. In short it is called Proofreading.
―Proof-reading means checking your work for errors in spelling and style and checking that
you have met the format requirements of your subject/department‖ [6].
Only after carefully editing the structure and the style you should begin reading. There are
several steps for making your proofreading more effective:
1. Do your re-reading after plenty of time. It is better to recognize mistakes when your mind
is fresh and stopped to think about writing process.
2. Read everything aloud and emphasis. As once we were taught in literature classes: with
short stops where the comma was and long ones where the full stops. This is a good way to see if
your sentences are too long or too short, the structure is right or not.
3. Be careful with cutting and pasting elements. The proverb ―Look before you leap‖ can be
very effective. Think twice before doing something.
4. The help of others won‘t be excess. Ask your friend or group mate advice for increasing
your assurance. They may find mistakes that you miss even after reading several times running.
On the whole everything you have to do is improving your knowledge using any way that
comfort for you and you interested in. And then just keep your achievements, don‘t afford yourself
to lose everything. Namely practice your language, increase the hours of English conversation, and
supplement your vocabulary every time to be successful in academic writing.
Dr. Natilene Bowker. Academic writing: A guide to tertiary level writing. New Zealand:
Massey University, 2007
Wilson Morales. Bruce Almighty: An Interview with Jim Carrey, 2003 // www.blackfilm.com
Thom Mocarsky. Link between online brand metrics and offline sales, 2011 // www.nielsen.com
Bill Daly. Conclusions: Examples, 2010 // www.writefix.com
Stephen Bailey. Academic writing: A handbook for international students. 3
edition. London:
Routledge, 2011
John Trzeciak, S.E.Mackay. Study skills for academic writing. London: Prentice-Hall, 1994
Бентя Е. В.,
Кокшетауский Государственный Университет им. Ш.Уалиханова, Кокшетау
Научный руководитель – Н.Ф. Немченко
Настоящее исследование посвящено изучению параграфемных средств в
художественном произведении. Визуальное оформление художественного текста часто несет
в себе определенный подтекст. В текстах произведений некоторых авторов нагрузка на
элементы параграфемного типа настолько сильна, что может быть определяющим фактором
в интерпретации смысла произведения, его содержательно-подтекстовой информации
(СПИ), что можно проследить в романе Дэна Брауна «The Da Vinci Code» [1].
Параграфемные средства в романе представлены курсивом, капитализацией, выделением
жирным шрифтом, топографическими средствами текста.
Из параграфемных средств в английской версии романа наиболее широко представлен
курсив. Соотношение количества слов, выделенных курсивом, к тексту в целом составляет
5% всего произведения, а именно на 139447 слов романа приходится 7065 слов выделенных
курсивом. На основе исследованного текста романа «The Da Vinci Code» нами были
выделены следующие функции курсива:
1) указание на внутреннюю речь персонажа;
Все мысли персонажей, их внутренняя реакция на происходящие события выделены в
романе курсивом:
а) One hour, he told himself, grateful that the Teacher had given him time to carry out the
necessary penance before entering a house of God. I must purge my soul of today's sins.
2) акцентуация;
В данном случае курсивом либо выделяется слово, которое было произнесено в
произведении с определенной интонацией:
б) "Your agent said Jacques Saunière himself did—"
либо курсивом выделяется слово или фраза, которая несет в себе какую-либо имплицитную
в) Langdon did not add the reason he hadn't yet shown the manuscript to anyone else.
Таким образом курсив акцентирует часть текста. Если мы говорим о произнесенной речи,
как в (б) – фраза из диалога, - то это помогает читателю почувствовать мелодию речи
персонажей. В то время как акцентирование с помощью курсива во втором случае (в) дает
почву для размышлений, подталкивает читателя строить догадки. Не просто поглощать
предоставленную информацию, но и вникать в смысл и строить логические связи.
В [2] отмечается, что одной из функцией кавычек является заключение слов или
словосочетаний, являющихся названием литературных произведений, газет, журналов,
предприятий, пароходов и т.п. В исследуемом романе эта функция полностью передана
курсиву. Стоит также добавить к перечисленному списку произведения искусства – картины
и книги.
г) He is the author of numerous books: The Symbology of Secret Sects, The An of the
Illuminati, The Lost Language of Ideograms, and when I say he wrote the book on Religious
Iconology, I mean that quite literally.
Также к этой функции была отнесена речь, которая относится не к текущему моменту
повествования, а была сказана раньше:
д) The connections may be invisible, he often preached to his symbology classes at Harvard,
but they are always there, buried just beneath the surface.
Так как в тексте кавычки как таковые используются только для представления реплик
диалога, то можно предположить, что в рамках романа произошло разделение
функционирования курсива в разных речевых формах. Следовательно, кавычки
используются для диалогической речи – речи настоящего момента, а для оформления
остальной речи, как то – внутренняя и произнесенная речь в прошлом – используется курсив.
4) выделение французской речи;
Французский язык занимает особое место в тексте, так как основная часть действия
разворачивается во Франции, Париж. Курсивом выделены не только реплики французской
речи, но и названия, слова и фразы на французском языке, которые вклиниваются в
английскую речь, придавая тем самым тексту особую атмосферу, определяя характер
образов, создаваемых читателем в процессе восприятия текста.
е) As a veteran of la Guerre d'Algérie, the curator had witnessed this horribly drawn-out
death before.
ж) "Mais, monsieur," the concierge pressed, lowering his voice to an urgent whisper.
5) выделение иностранной речи (не французской).
Кроме французской речи в курсивном выделении встречаются слова на латинском
языке (большинство), немецком, языке коренных жителей Америки, испанском и иврите:
з) "Hago la obra de Dios," Silas whispered
Далее рассмотрим такое параграфемное средство как капитализация – выделение слов
и фраз прописными буквами. Его функционирование более ограниченно в сравнении с
курсивом. Так, прописными буквами обычно в тексте выделяются надписи. Обычно такие
случаи сопровождаются словом «sign»:
и) Langdon had hung enough NE PAS DERANGER signs on hotel room doors to catch the
gist of the captain's orders.
к) His eyes focused now on a crumpled flyer on his bedside table.
proudly presents
Кроме того капитализации в тексте акцентирует, наделяет реплики особым
л) "You do?"
"Yup. PHI."
The girl gaped. "NO WAY!"
"Way!" Langdon fired back [...]
Довольно сложно провести четкую грань между данным способом передачи
интонации и передачи интонации при помощи курсива. Тем не менее, в (л) улавливаются
сильные эмоции, что подкрепляется также и предшествующим словом «gaped». Отсюда
следует, что капитализация несет в себе не просто функцию интонирования, а
интонирования с сильной эмоциональной окраской. Стоит также отметить, что это
единственный случай использования капитализации в данной функции в рамках изучаемого
O, Draconian devil!
Oh, lame saint!
Надпись посредине доски:
н) [...] standing in front of his "Symbolism in Art" class, writing his favorite number on the
о) [...] led in only one direction—toward a huge set of oak doors with a brass sign.
Слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в романе не многочисленны – всего 24
единицы. Из примеров (н), (о) видно, что жирный шрифт выполняет функцию своеобразного
эмулятора, здесь также подключается капитализация для более достоверного визуального
эффекта. Так, надписи большими буквами, как то - название банка, библиотеки и проч. –
приобретают массивность, как если бы читатель видел их в реальной жизни. В (п) жирный
шрифт подражает реальной поисковой системе. Именно таким образом предстают
результаты запроса:
п) […], but he clicked anyway. A new window popped up.
...mythological knight named Parsifal who...
...metaphorical Grail quest that arguably...[...]
Последним супраграфемным средством, представленным в тексте «The Da Vinci
Code» является изменение типа шрифта. Данный прием используется для выделения текста
компьютерной программы при процессе ввода цифрового ключа:
р) The screen refreshed instantly.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Из изученных примеров видно как многообразно представлен метаграфический план
произведения Дэна Брауна «The Da Vinci Code». Такое многообразие может быть объяснено
новыми технологическими возможностями оформления печатного текста, хотя ранее в
литературе XX века не был редкостью и курсив – Э. Хэмингуэй, Дж.Д.Сэлинджер, Дж.
Ирвинг и многие другие использовали параграфемику как способ стилизованной подачи
текста. Не так часто однако встречается в прозе выделение жирным шрифтом и
топографические средства. В романе же умело применены все вышеперечисленные
параграфемные средства, что, несомненно, придает произведению особый стиль, стиль
выходящий за рамки стандартов художественного произведения. Параграфемные средства
создают более четкий и насыщенный образ происходящих событий, направляя мысль
читателя, помогая как можно глубже понять авторскую идею произведения.
Список использованных литератур:
1. Brown Dan. The Da Vinci Code. New York: Anchor Books. 2003
Әкежанова Д.М.
Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ҧлттық университеті, Астана
Ғылыми жетекші – Сҽтенова С.К.
Мақалада аргументация теориясының жаңадан алған бағыты қарастырылады. Еуропа жҽне
аргументацияның теориялық негіздері келтірілген. Мақалада аргументациялық мҽтіндердегі
аргументациялық схемаларға талдау жасалып, тҥйінді ҧғымдар мен концепцияларға
тҥсіндірме беріледі. Аргументацилық топиктер моделі (Argumentum Model of Topics), жҽне
соның контексінде қолданылатын топиктер (topics), эндоксон (endoxon), датум (datum), локус
(locus) терминдері қарастырылып, кҿзқарас, аргумент деген терминдер талқыланады.
Мақалада аргументация теориясын зерттеу мақсатымен прагма-диалектикалық ҽдіс
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