Ш. Ш. УӘлиханов атындағы тарих және этнология институты

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1971. vol. 11, p. 173-179; Idem. Fiscal Feform in Turkestan// Slavic and East European Review.
1974, vol. 52. N o 128, p. 382-392; Bensidoun S. Asie Centrale et la Russie au millieu du XIX sied e
/ / Revue Historique. 1958, t. 2206, no 2, p. 135-148.
155 The American Slavic and East European Review. 1961, vol. XX, no 2, p. 325.
'56 p jerce ft, Russian Central A sia, 1867-1917: A study in C olonial Rule. L., 1960, p. 305.
157 Demko G. J. The Russian Colonisation o f Kazakhstan, 1816-1916. Bloomington, 1969;
Williams D. Russian Peasant Settlem ent in Sem irech ye// Central Asian Review. 1966, vol.
XIV, no 2, p. 110-116; Senkovsky S. Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia. Cambridge, 1960, p. 68-
69; Pierce R. Op. cit., p. 108, 120-138.
158 The Kazakhs and Pugachev's R evolt// Central Asian Review. 1960, vol. XVIII, no 3, p.
256-263; Russia and the Kazakhs in the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries// Central Asian Review.
1957, vol. 5, n. 4, p. 358; Kräder L. Peoples of Central Asia. Bloomington, 1963, p. 100; Allworth E.
(ed.). Central Asia. A century o f Russian rule. N .-Y ., L., 1967, p. 17 etc.
159 Sarkisyanz E. Geschichte der orientalischer Völker Russlands bis 1917. München, 1961, s.
160 CzaplicaM. A. The Türkis o f Central Asia in history and the present day. Oxford, 1918, p. 17.
161 Pierce R. A. Russian Central A sia, 1867-1917: A study in C olonial rule. Berkeley,
1960, p. 291; Kräder L. Peoples o f Central A sia, p. 108; Spector 1. The Soviet U nion and the
Muslim World, 1917-1958. Seattle, p. 31; Z en ko vsky S. Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia.
Cambridge, 1960, p. 135-138.

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