(qońyr kúz) ‒ a warm autumn, қоңыр салқын қабақпен қарады (qońyr salqyn qabaqpen qarady) ‒
to give someone the cold shoulder. Moreover, it expresses the meaning of "neutrality". For
example, қоңыр салқын (qońyr salqyn) ‒ breezy weather, қоңыр көлеңке (qońyr kóleńke) ‒ a
shady cool place, қоңыр кеш (qońyr kesh) ‒ cool evening (usually it can be said about summer
evenings), қоңыр дауыс (qońyr daýys) ‒ a lovely voice [6]. As it might be seen that when it
describes the weather it is neither cold nor hot or the voice is not dreadful, at the same time not
outstanding, but pleasant.
In the English language the brown colour defines a state of darkness or being bored: brown-
nose ‒ to try hard to please someone, especially someone in a position of authority, in a way that
other people find unpleasant; in a brown study ‒ a mood in which he/she is involved in his/her own
thoughts and not paying attention to anything else; to be browned off ‒ to be bored, annoyed [17].
Thus, colour plays an important role in human perception of the world. Phraseological units
with component colour terms open direct access to vast spiritual wealth of the people, reflect the
characteristics of mentality and the national character. It is a critical tool for understanding nation in
the process of intercultural communication.
Taking everything into consideration, research reveals that in comparison with the Kazakh
language in English there are fewer phraseological units associated with resentment, scandal,
human appearance, natural phenomena, human characters, etc. Phraseological units related to
money and property, and society dominate in the English language such as black money, blue eyed
boy/girl, brown nose, blue Monday, black mark. These data indicates the peoples’ mentality of the
two ethnics, the territories of usage and the level of development of these languages. It should also
be noted that Kazakhs are quick-tempered and express their feelings in a direct way compared with
the British. This can be illustrated in the fact that there are a lot of phraseological units associated
with the death of a person, traditions and customs, quarrels, resentment, curses and blessings as for
instance aқ бата (aq bata), ақ кигізге көтерді (aq kɪgizge kóterdi), қара қағаз (qara qaǵaz), көк
ала келгір (kók ala kelgіr), көк сойғыр (kók soqqyr) etc. These data once again prove the diversity,
feature of the Kazakh language and the spiritual wealth of the Kazakh people.
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
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