бере алады?» дедім. 17 оқушымның жартысынан көбі жауап беру үшін қол
көтерді, бірақ та мен бір оқушының атын атып орнынан тұрғызамын дегенше
оқушылар хормен жауап беріп үлгерді.
Қай оқушының сабақтың қай мақсатына жеткендігін анықтау үшін сабақ
соңында тақтадағы жазулы сабақ мақсаттарын астына есімдерін жазып кетуін
сұрадым. Жалпы өтілген төрт сабақ бойынша аздап болса да оқушылардың өз
ойлары қалыптасты, ойларын еркін жеткізе бастады, бір-бірінің пікірін тындап
үйренді, өздерін және бір-бірін бағалады және осының бәрін топта, жұпта
жұмыс жасай отыра жасады.
Білгенім, диалогтік оқытусыз 6 модульдің орындалуы екіталай.
Түсінгенім, диалогті орнату үшін мұғалімнің түрткі болып сұрақты қоюы
маңызды екен,себебі сұрақ дұрыс қойылған жағдайда сабақ берудің тиімді
құралына айналады және де оқушылардың білім алуына қолдау көрсетіп, оны
жақсарта және кеңейте алады екен
Қызығы, диалогтік оқытудың тағы бір айта кетер артықшылығы - ол оқу
процесіне барлық оқушыны тартуға мүмкіндік береді екен және де білімді
игеру процесіне әркім өз үлесін қоса алады екен.
Маңыздылығы, 7 модульді іске асыру үшін яғни, оқушыларды сыни
ойлауға, қиын мәселелерді негіздеме бере отыра шешуге, бір-бірінің пікірін
бағалауға, дискуссияға араласуға, өзге де адамдармен қарым-қатынас жасауға
тек диалогтік формада қарым-қатынас жасай отыра қол жеткізуге болады екен.
Қиналғаным, оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде еркін сөйлей алуы, яғни,
кей оқушы сыни ойлай алғанымен онысын ағылшын тілінде дұрыс жеткізе
алмады, ал кейбір оқушылар тілге жақсы болғанымен сыни ойлай алмады. Осы
проблеманы шешу үшін сыртқы және ішкі бақылаушылар өз пікірлерін қазақ
тілде айтты, бірақ болашақта ағылшын тілінде сөйлетуге дағдыландыра алатын
шығармын деген ойдамын және оқушыларды сыни ойлауға уйретуде де
біршама қиыншылықтар болды және осы арқылы үйренгенім, оқушыларды
сыни ойлауын дамыту үшін мен түрткі болып сұрақ қойып отыруым керек екен.
Оқушыны сынамалау үшін және сұрақтарды бағыттау үшін сұрақтардың
мағынасын сақтап сөздерін өзгертуім керек екен, сонымен қатар оқушыларды
қыспаққа алмай жауап беруіне барынша мүмкіндік жасау керек екен тіпті
уақытын өтіп бара жатса да. Өтіліп жатырған тақырыпта АКТ-сын қолданған
өте пайдалы екен, осы арқылы сабағымның қай бөлігінде қандай ақпаратты
интерактивті тақтадан көрсеткен тиімді екенін түсіндім. Мысал үшін, сабақта
өтілген жаңа сөздерді мен тақтадан сурет арқылы көрсетсем және оның қасына
сөз бен оқылу емлесін жазсам мен біршама уақытты ұтады екенмін, сонымен
қатар көзбен көргеннен кейін оқушылар жаңа сөздерді есінде жақсырақ
сақтайды екен. Тұсаукесер бөлімінде оқушылардың қызығушылығын ояту үшін
бейнематериалдар көрсетіп отырдым, бұл оқушылардың сыни ойлауын дамыту
үшін тиімді екен. Негізгі бөлімде АКТ-ны оқушыларға жеке ерекшеліктеріне
байланысты берілген дифференциалды тапсырмалардың дұрыс жауабын
көрсетіп бір-бірін және өздерін бағалату үшін қолдандым. Бір-бірін бағалау
арқылы оқушылардың сенімділігі артады екен, себебі олар қарым-қатынас
диалогына түскен кезде оқыту процесіндегі сабақ, мұғалім, баға деген
шарттарды ұмытып өзін еркін сезінеді, ал оқушының еркін сезінуі оның
бойындағы өзіндік жеке тұлғалық қасиетін ашуға мүмкіндік береді екен, осы
уақытқа дейін байқамайтын бір-бірінің жетістігін көре алады екен. Сыныптағы
дарынды балардың қабілеттерін дамытуға мінезінде ұяңдығы бар оқушылардың
бойындағы қасиеттерін байқап оны дамытуға тиімді екен. Жалпы түсінгенім
негізгі міндетіміз – алдымыздағы жоспарды орындау емес, баланың білімін
кеңейту, дамыту
Қолданылған әдебиеттер тізімі
С.И. Заир – бек, И.В. Муштавинская Развитие критического мышления на уроке: Пособие
для учителя. – М.: Просвещение, 2004 – 175с.
Е.С. Полат Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования:
Учебное пособие. – М. Академия, 2003 – 272с.
Н.Б. Кирилова Медиаобразование в эпоху социальной модернизации: Педагогика. – 2005
– №5 с.13-21
UDC 372.881.111.1
English teacher, S. Yutsevichutene
Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Мақалада SMASH Book-ты ағылшын тілі сабағында қолдану тәжірибесі және дұрыс
қолдануға ұсыныстар берілген. Мақалада берілген тапсырмалар кез келген пәнге өзгертіліп
қолданыла беріледі.
Статья представляет опыт использования SMASH book на уроках английского языка и
содержит практические рекомендации к данному виду деятельности. Задания,
рассматриваемые в статье, могут быть адаптированы к любому предмету.
Teaching English teenagers is any time a big challenge for their teacher. They
are energetic, and prefer active learning, they are open - minded, and are interested in
developing their thinking, finally, they are digital generation, and have no use for
writing. They consider writing as boring and unattractive activity in the classroom.
Teenagers are more enthusiastic about learning if they know their work is valued and
respected. Make your classroom as a friendly, collaborative, comfortable residence
where students feel heard and appreciated, they will be more excited to learn.
Working with youths I faced the question: how to support my students in developing
their skills? How to motivate them to be more independent in their learning? Creative
tasks were the first idea of the solution. As a result of implementing Creative Writing
and Speaking into my teaching the majority of the students enjoyed this innovation
and it was the beginning of their success.
This summer I came up with a new strategy: SMASH book. What is “SMASH
book” for? For everything, it is an Art journal where you can keep and store
mementos, from your summer holiday pictures to the theater or cinema tickets. But
when we are talking about SMASH book in the English classroom, it is a reflective
journal which displays NOT traditional, personal way of making notes, which gives
your students freedom and opportunity to be creative. There are not a lot of evidences
of using SMASH books in the English classrooms. But some of them are described in
teacher’s blogs [see references 2, 3]. SMASH book is a great way to get your students
involved, redirect responsibilities, and allow them to work individually and together.
While learning they are provided with the chances to do the things they are good at,
to play with their strength, and to feel free. This is a good opportunity for you to use
scaffolding without any stress and maximize interaction in the classroom. And you
are able to generate hands – on and project – based activities. BUT you have to be
original and inspired too! Keep self-motivation.
In fact, SMASH book is an enriching experience for me as an ESL teacher. It
awakes the idea: I am not just a teacher, I am a person too. I believe, if you let your
students realize you as a person, you might get a change in how they respond to your
subject and activities. That is why, I made my own SMASH book to stimulate the
students and give them a visual example. Nowadays, I have more than four… They
are my treasure boxes (picture 1).
The objectives of starting them were different: to store the new ideas after taking
part in trainings, workshops and seminars; to keep the links; to refresh the strategies
which were used before; to share my experience with my colleagues. Most of the
issues I have collected in these journals were presented to them, pushed the teachers
to change, to create, to adapt fresh ideas to support the learners. Teachers at NIS
Karaganda, who are working with grades 8 and 9, have significant experience of
applying SMASH books in the learning and teaching.
Tasks for the SMASH books might be adjusted to your curriculum easily. I
recommend starting the work with the books creating two first pages: “About Me”
and “100 things I like” (pictures 2, 3). It helps you to know your students better, to
plan your lessons taking into consideration their interests, hobbies and favourites.
getting to know these aspects, you have a better vision of how they cooperate with
one another. This vision will benefit you in planning groups, resolving possible
conflicts, and coping with difficulties.
pic. 2 pic. 3
It is possible to make up the tasks like:
Formula poem - it is a poem that is written by using a specific formula;
examples of formula poems are acrostics, limericks, and haikus. One of the formula
poems – Bio Poem (picture 4) was adapted from Biography Poems Lesson Plan [see
reference 4] to the Unit “Hobbies and Qualities”, grade 9.
pic. 4
Bio Poem
Line 1 - First name
Line 2 - Four adjectives that describe your personality
Line 3 – Who likes (2 activities)
Line 4 – Who dislikes (2 things)
Line 5 - Who wants (2 things)
Line 6 – Who is afraid of (1 thing)
Line 7 – Who dreams (1 thing)
Line 8 - Last name
Graphic organizers - are visual charts; they are used to organize and represent
student's ideas, searched information or summary of read texts. They are effective as
a part of the learning process to assistant students brainstorm thoughts, pick up details
and draw conclusions in pre-, while- and post – activities.
Free pages - here some of the examples are given: the task “The Aral Sea”/ Unit
“Earth and our place in it”, grade 9, (pictures 5, 6) was free; it was given only the title
of the page:
pic. 5 pic. 6
Issue “New Year in different countries” was set with some requirements, for
instance, to search for information about food, music and traditions (pictures 7, 8).
Because it was planned as the pre-writing activity, afterwards students wrote an e-
zine article about New Year celebration in the world (Unit “Languages and
Traditions”, grade 9).
pic. 7 pic. 8
When I offered my students to create their SMASH book, their reaction was not
the same. Some of them were really encouraged to start, but some of them were not
pleased at all. It took some time to engage them in, to motivate them, and to get the
better results. In fact, this is an effective tool for recording classroom notes. Tasks for
the SMASH book are close to the teens’ world, they are personalized through the
individual reflection of the learnt topics, as well as optional homework. Workings
with the SMASH book students develop their critical and creative thinking. It gives
them confidence to use their vocabulary, to improve their writing skills. Keeping
SMASH book is a chance to study, compare and analyze your teaching. This is a
long-lasting project to work with your students together, to grow together.
Cambridge, Integrated Programme of Development
English, Grade 9, Course Plan
UDC 811.111.(075.8)
Master in Advanced Management, S.A.Yeshengazina
Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty
Автор бұл мақалада көптеген педагогикалық және әдістемелік бағыттарды қолдана
отырып, оқу процесінде пассивтік білім алушылардың шығармашылық түрде мәселені шешу,
ағылшын тілінде әр-түрлі мәселелерге сұхбаттасып, өз ойларын мағыналы дәлелдеп,
белсенді оқушыларға айналу жолдарын қарастырған.
Автор данной статьи рассматривает методические и педагогические подходы в
преобразовании пассивных получателей знаний в активных участников учебного процесса ,
умеющих коммуницировать на английском языке на различные темы, критически
осмысливать информацию, обоснованно отстаивать свое мнение, и творчески подходить к
решению проблем.
It is undeniable that learners of English as a foreign language (L2) at the
university level differ in their learning styles, their academic abilities, and the
proficiency level of the English language. In fact, about 40% of our university
entrants lack in the academic study skills, nor can they express their judgment on
general topics, instead they turn to be accustomed to rota memorization or simply
retaining information even without clear understanding of the meanings. They are
able to reproduce big chunks of information, particularly course book information,
but when it comes to expressing opinions, agreeing/disagreeing, summarizing main
points of a text, or simply paraphrasing a sentence or a phrase, the students are at a
loss. These passive learning styles are often the result of their school experiences,
when in an effort to gain higher scores in the Unified National Test they have had to
memorize big chunks of information to reproduce them in a given context of the test.
Furthermore, the differences in the learning styles might cause some learners with the
higher level of thinking skills to act leading roles in the classroom activities, while
those 40% might feel unconfident and seek silence as a comfort zone, thus becoming
impassive learners.
However, if more than 50% of the learners are impassive or inert, this might be
the teacher's fault, who might sound too dull, combined with a monotonous or
sometimes too complicated content of the English for technical students, or the
instructor might too self-assertive with a traditional teacher-centered style of working
with the students.
To address these problems, to arouse an interest in the Technical English
learning, the cooperative/ collaborative learning style combined with the alternative
assessment, and clever class management strategies may open new opportunities for
such learners, and help them self-discover their huge thinking capabilities.
It is common knowledge that the goal of higher education is to raise specialists
with life-long competencies, of which critical thinking capabilities play a pivotal role.
In terms of the ESP classroom setting, this means transforming passive or impassive
language learners to the efficient communicators in authentic professional contexts.
As Richard Paul and Linda Elder [1] define, an efficient communicator is an
effective critical thinker who:
responds in a thoughtful way to a broad range of issues and problems;
is open to differences in opinions, accepts them by evaluating reasoning and
is able to communicate effectively with others in working out solutions for
complex problems,
raises vital issues and problems, defining them concisely and succinctly;
collects, sort outs and evaluates relevant information, using abstract ideas
to interpret it effectively and to come up with well-reasoned conclusions and
solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards;
These are the most desired competencies university English teachers strive to
foster in their students applying different type of teaching and learning approaches.
However, in the first place we must overcome our traditional, teacher-centered or
assertive style to allow students to behave as open-minded and active learners of the
English language; teachers must be open-minded themselves and allow students more
freedom for self-expression and a pro- active learning style.
One of the ways to help teachers to decentralize the focus from the teacher to
the learners is the cooperative or collaborative learning style, a learning approach
when the class performs tasks or activities collectively in groups, and the teacher
takes up the role of a facilitator and observer. According to Johnson W.T. and R.T.
Johnson, quoted by Ghazi Ghaith [2], “cooperative learning is an instructional
strategy that utilizes group work to structure classroom interaction. It is based on
positive interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face interaction,
interpersonal skills, and group processing as a means of achieving individual and
group goals”. It is apparent that when students work independently from the teacher,
but together as one think tank, each of them within the group feels more responsible
for the outcomes of group work, and is more motivated to cooperate with others
while completing tasks and/or working out solutions for the defined problems.
The biggest benefit of cooperative learning style is that the synergy of group
work enables each group member to perform at a higher thinking level than he would
do on his own [3]. The other benefits of collaborative group work are: more frequent
language production, more intensive group interaction, continuous improvement,
anxiety-free environment, and learner-centered learning instead of the teacher-fronted
one [3,4,5].
In addition to the instructional design in the form of group collaboration in
performing tasks, to make the learners more autonomous and confident, ESP teachers
should engage their students in real-life or authentic tasks, such as project-based
tasks, panel interviews, walking galleries, student work portfolios, etc. Another very
important strategy is delegating some forms of alternative assessment to the students,
particularly, the formative assessment, which is ‘the means of collecting evidence
regarding how students approach, process and complete real-life tasks in the target
To fully enjoy the benefits of the cooperative learning approach, a number of
cooperative learning approaches are recommended.
The class is normally divided to groups of 3-4 members, but the instructor should
ensure an equal quality of the group content. Regarding this, groups can be formed as
a combination of students with mixed academic abilities and the English level,
otherwise the group of more advanced learners might overtake others. Another
strategy we apply is creating groups as a blend of very active, neutral and unconfident
learners. The most important tactic in this approach is to impose the rule of taking
turns for speaking to allow each group member a speaking opportunity. In addition,
the talking time per a group member must be clearly defined or restricted to 1-2
minutes. Those who break the rules should be somehow punished, but the rules of
behavior and forms of punishment should be discussed with the class before any
group work starts.
One of the ways to awaken students’ intellects and boost every student’s
participation is assigning roles to the members within each group to monitor group
discussions or brainstorming sessions. These roles might be: a time-keeper and
language guide to control the talking time and prevent interruptions, the topic
controller to ensure relevance of the ideas expressed, and a note-taker to put down the
summary of the group ideas. The roles may differ depending on the task complexity
and lesson objectives.
It should be noted that the delivery or presentation is to be done by all group
members in front of the class.
To provide visual support and blend the differences in the learning paces, Gena
Rhoades [4] advises to assign a certain colour to each role taker.
Such group work is also helpful and efficient in the ESP classes when it comes to
checking and evaluating home tasks. The class can be divided to 2 bigger teams to
first compare, contrast individual answers, discuss and work out a group vision of the
home tasks, ending up with a presentation. Self-assessment is also made by the
groups which might be based on the group scores, and/or an assessment list provided
by the teacher.
A good idea is to delegate formative assessment to the groups when making
peer report appraisal, staging group performances, conducting interviews or doing
vocabulary drills (see Peer Appraisal form below).
In our ESP lessons the maritime students are engaged in engineering or navigation
problem-solving activities, which demand real-life exploration, search for authentic
sources of evidence. For example, they have to tackle ship engine or sea navigation
problems described in the tasks. There might be 15-20 problems at a time, which is
time-consuming. The cadets work in 2 teams, appoint the crew leader, assign tasks or
problems and start search for information. First cadets approach their tasks
individually by resorting to the course books, surfing the Internet and interviewing
their lecturers and the captain (the dean), each of them has to identify at least 2
sources of evidence, which are later compared and summarized. In the next stage, the