Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

Exercise 8. Make word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own

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A Noble Profession пособие

Exercise 8. Make word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.

1) governmental

a) abuse

2) domestic

b) support

3) special

c) contributions

4) lifetime

d) department

5) social

e) needs

Exercise 9. Form the following groups of derivatives. Make four sentences of your own using the words from the table.












Exercise 10. Insert the necessary preposition.

1. A social policy is a decision made ___ public or governmental authorities.

2. ___ the most part, social policies address issues related ___ the social wellbeing of people ___ society.

3. Lawmakers and governmental officials formulate policies ___ a wide

variety ___ topics.

4. The European commission ___ unification ___ social policies distinguishes

two different types ___ social welfare policy.

5. The term social welfare policy is often applied ___ those social policies

that focus primarily ___ the distribution of economic benefits to those ___ need.

6. Some social policies fall ___ the category that can be called private social

welfare policy.

7. The first type, known ___ the Bismarck policy (named ___ the German

chancellor Bismarck), links social support ___ work performance and record.

8. Social benefits are earned ___ lifetime contributions ___ the welfare


Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Skim the article for the main characteristics of welfare programmes in the country described.

Student A: Read article 1.

Student B: Read article 2

Article 1. Social Welfare in the UK

Britain can claim to have been the first country in the world to have accepted

that it is part of the job of government to help any citizen in need and to have set
up what is generally known as a “welfare state.”

The most straightforward way in which people are helped is by direct payments of government money. Any adult who cannot find paid work, or any family whose total income is not enough for its basic needs, is entitled to financial help. This help comes in various ways and is usually paid by the Department of Social Security.

Anyone below the retirement age of sixty-five who has previously worked
for a certain minimum period can receive unemployment benefit (known as
“the dole”). This is organized by the Department of Employment.

All retired people are entitled to the standard old-age pension, provided that

they have paid their national insurance contributions for most of their working
lives. After a certain age, even people who are still earning can receive their
pension (though at a slightly reduced rate).

Some people are entitled to neither pension nor unemployment benefit (because they have not previously worked for long enough or they have been unemployed for a long time). These people can apply for income support and if they have no significant savings, they will receive it. Income support is also sometimes paid to those with paid work but who need extra money, for instance because they have a particularly large family or because their earnings are especially low.

A wide range of other benefits exist. For example, child benefit is a small
weekly payment for each child, usually paid direct to mothers. Other examples
are housing benefit (distributed by the local authority, to help with rent payments),
sickness benefit, maternity benefit and death grants (to cover funeral expenses).

The system, of course, has its imperfections. On the one hand, there are people who are entitled to various benefits but who do not receive them. They may not understand the complicated system and not to know what they are entitled to,

or they may be too proud to apply. On the other hand, there are people who have
realized that they can have a higher income when not working than they can
when they are employed.

The whole social security system is coming under increasing pressure because of the rising numbers of both unemployed people and pensioners. It is believed that if everybody actually claimed the benefits to which they are entitled,

the system would reach breaking point.

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