Науки о Земле
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ
Growing City (промышленный центр), Green City (туристический центр). Численность Алматинской
агломерации (с прилегающими районами и городами-спутниками) составляет 2,5 млн. человек. Доля
населения Алматинской агломерации в численности населения республики составляет 15 %.
Демографическая емкость Алматинской агломерации (порог людности ядра) согласно расчетам
составляет 10 087 тыс. чел.
В настоящее время развитие пригородной зоны города Алматы осуществляется в рамках
принятого Комплексного проекта градостроительного планирования развития территорий
пригородной зоны города Алматы.
Численность населения Алматинской агломерации в 2020 г. прогнозируется на уровне 2,7 млн.
чел., при этом коэффициент развитости в 2030 г. предположительно составит 22,8.
Территориальное развитие Алматинской агломерации предусматривается в северном
направлении вдоль трассы Алматы-Капшагай с дальнейшим разветвлением вдоль северного берега
Капшагайского водохранилища и ниже, вдоль берега реки Или. Данный подход имеет следующие
1) снижается сейсмичность территории (с 9 до 6-7 баллов);
2) наличие обширных территорий, пригодных для застройки и не представляющих ценности
для орошаемого земледелия и садоводства;
3) имеются практически неограниченные ресурсы поверхностных и подземных вод;
4) указанные территории хорошо проветриваются, что исключает возможность смогов,
характерных для города Алматы и его пригородов;
5) благоприятные условия для организации отдыха у воды;
6) на данном направлении имеется хорошо развитая транспортная инфраструктура (станция
Жетыген превращается в железнодорожный узел после ввода в строй железнодорожной линии
"Коргас-Жетыген" с прямым выходом на границу с Китаем);
7) обилие солнечных и ветреных дней в году позволяет развивать альтернативные виды
Для развития городских агломераций, как и процессов урбанизации в целом, характерна
стадийность, то есть их развитие представляет собой ряд последовательных переходов. Само
появление агломераций стало возможным после быстрого роста городов в результате активной
индустриализации на стадии классической (или крупногородской) урбанизации, когда за счет
увеличения роли агломерационного эффекта размещения к городским агломерациям стягиваются
основные экономические функции. На этой классической стадии урбанизации в самих агломерациях
наиболее активно развивается центральный город, и преобладают центростремительные
миграционные потоки[6].
Каждый из типов поселений имеет свои проблемы, особенно обострившиеся в период
становления рыночной экономики. В городских агломерациях, больших городах с высокой
концентрацией промышленного производства и населения негативные процессы связаны с
ограничением функциональной деятельности градообразующих производств, возрастанием
безработицы, ухудшением жилищных и экологических условий, состояния здоровья населения.
Развития населенных пунктов, как дальнейших элементов системы территориальной
организации населения, позволяет более четко выявить их проблемы и наметить пути решения. Воз-
можности развития выделенных групп городов разные, но именно они останутся в среднесрочной
перспективе основными точками роста на территории Алматы.
1. Программа "Развитие регионов". Прогнозная схема территориально- пространственного развития
страны до 2020 года, утвержденная Указом Президента Республики Казахстан от 21.07.2011 года № 118;
2. Алаев Э.Б. Понятийно-терминологический словарь. - М. Мысль, 1983 -218 с.
3. Келинбаева Р.Ж. Оценка потенциала территориальной организации населения Алматинской
области: автореф. ...канд.географ.наук. Бишкек, 2012 г. Стр. 12.
4. http://www.zakon.kz/4571781 Объем валового регионального продукта
5. Департамент статистики города Алматы Сайт. rus.almaty.gorstat.kz
6. www.adilet.zan.kz Информационно-правовая система нормативных правовых актов Республики Ка-
Жер туралы ғылымдар
ҚазҰТУ хабаршысы №1 2014
1. Programma«Razvitieregionov». Prognoznayasxematerritorialno-prostransvennogorazvitiyastrany do 2020
goda, utvergdennaiyaUkazomPrezidentaRespublici Kazakhstan ot 21.07.2011 goda № 118;
2. Alaev E.B. Ponyatino-terminologijescislovar. – M. Mysl, 1983-218 s.
3. Kelinbaeva R.G. Ocenka potenciala territorialnoi organizaci naseleniya Almatinskoi oblasti: avtoref.
…kand.geograf.nauk. Bichkek, 2012 g. Str. 12.
4. http://www.zakon.kz/4571781Obemvalovogoregionalnogoproducta
5. Departamentstatistikigoroda Almaty Sait. Rus.almaty.gorstat.kz
6. www.adilet.zan.kzInformacionno-pravovayasistemanormativnyxpravovyxaktovRespubliciKazaкhstan.
Нургальдиева А.Р.
Алматы агломерациясын ұйымдастырудағы аумақтың даму үрдісі мен факторлары
Түйіндеме. Мақалада Алматы агломерациясын ұйымдастырудағы аумақтың негізгі даму үрдістері мен
факторлары қарастырылған. Алматының даму деңгейі спутникті қалалармен байланысты болғандықтан,
проблемалар мен олардың шешу жолдарын анықтау, Алматы агломерацияның болашақтағы құрылымын
Негізгі сөздер: агломерация, урбандалу, маятниктік миграция.
Нургальдиева А.Р.
Тенденции и факторы развития территориальной организации Алматинской агломерации
Резюме.В статье рассматриваются основные тенденции и факторы территориальной организации Алма-
тинской агломерации, исходя из уровня развития взаимосвязей Алматы с городами-спутниками, определяется
структура Алматинской агломерации в перспективе, что позволяет более четко выявить их проблемы и
наметить пути решения.
Ключевые слова: агломерация, урбанизация, маятниковая миграция.
Nurgaldieva A.R.
Tendencies and factors of development of territorial organization of the Almaty agglomeration
Summary. Basic tendencies and factors of territorial organization of the Almaty agglomeration are examined in
the article, coming from the level of development of intercommunications Almaty with cities-companions, the structure
of the Almaty agglomeration is determined in a prospect, that allows more clearly to educe their problems and set the
ways of decision.
Key words: agglomeration, urbanization, pendulum migration.
● Технические науки
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ
УДК 637.146.1: 66.047
Konarbayeva Z., Sarsekova F., Saparbekova A., Mamayeva L., Aytkulova R.
(M. Auezov South- Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent)
Summary. The method of sublimate drying is based on the freezing agent in the composition of which water and
this substance is dried with dehydration. The material which passes drying cooled survive their biological, chemical and
physical properties also increases shelf life. Production of dry kumis powder is a new technology that allows exporting
national product over long distances, cover the deficit of natural kumis in the winter months and provides an
opportunity for the organization of the winter and, consequently, year-round kumis treatment therapy.
Key words: dairy product, kumis, method of sublimate, dry powder.
Milk and dairy products is the ideal environment for development of microorganisms. It contains a lot
of water, nutrients for bacterial growth quickly and cause spoilage products. As a result milk and dairy
products become unusable for use in the food purposes. Therefore all methods of conservation of foodstuff
are directed on destruction of microorganisms [1].
Modern industrial conservation of milk and dairy products is based on abiosis (absence of a life)
and anabiosis (life suppression) microorganisms.
Product conservation on a basis abiosis is prepared by thermal sterilization. In addition to it is possible
to use chemical substances, as corbin acid, its salts, an antibiotic nisin which are harmless to the person.
They cause strong bactericidal actions on yeast and a mould. Thermal sterilization in a complex with
preservatives provides product in storage long time.
Conservation of foodstuff on the basis of suppression of a life of microorganisms (anabiosis) is
prepared by their freezing or dehydration (drying). At dehydration the free water as the frozen water, is
inaccessible to microorganisms connected. [2].
Kumis is the national product of Kazakhstan, able to become a brand of the republic in the world
market. Kumis is developed during the summer-autumnal period when mares is milked. It is perishable food,
in 4-5 days after manufacturing even at temperature 2–6°С turns sour and becomes unsuitable to the use. Its
reception in a tinned kind was century dream of Kazakhs and other people loving this wonderful drink. Such
product would be accessible at any time year and in distant regions [3, 4].
Existing methods of conservation are developed taking into account properties and structure of the cow
milk. They are unsuitable to mare's milk having other, rather distinct from cow milk, physical and chemical
properties. Prevailing fiber mare's milk is albumin which at heating above 65°С drops out in a deposit and it
is lost. Fat mare's milk is much more richly polynonsaturated fat acids and vitamins A, Е, which at high
thermal processing and the aerations accepted in drying of the cow milk, are oxidised, that considerably
worsens curative properties of koumiss [5, 6].
Proceeding from these and other features mare's milk and kumis we choose sublimate (molecular)
drying. In this process mach of free water from a product leaves in the frozen condition at deep vacuum.
Thus water, passing a liquid condition, passes in water steam. In this stage of a molecule of water not
meeting other molecules, on the cooled surface again turns to ice. From here sublimate drying sometimes
name molecular. Air and not condensed gas mix are pumped out by the vacuum pump. Then a residual
moisture completely delete, poorly warming up heating surface.
Numerous researches show, that sublimate drying promotes reception of high-quality products with
almost full preservation of the initial natural properties, and also colour, taste and other properties. In
addition, vitamins do not destroy and biological value of a product does not decrease.
● Т Е Х Н И Ч Е С К И Е Н А У К И
● Техникалыќ єылымдар
ЌазЎТУ хабаршысы №1 2014
The method of sublimate with cooling is based on the freezing agent in the composition of which water
and this substance is dried with dehydration. The material which passes drying cooled survive their
biological, chemical and physical properties also increases shelf life. Before applying the substance which
had passed the sublimate drying can be restored to its form, it should be added to water, and the properties of
the substance are not changed. This method is widely used in medicine, food industry. We use sublimate
equipment is illustrated in the figure 1.
The main features of sublimate equipment
1. This device is equipped with modern methods of freezing in a fraction , it quickly cools .
2. The plasma control system is convenient to manage.
3. The control system automatically saved date.
4. Category drying consists of glass, which is inserted in an isolated form, and therefore can control
drying agent and stroke work.
5. Elektric cord connects the processor to the current manufactured according to universal standards , it
is comfortable and durable.
The name of the individual parts of the
1. Cooler.
2. The round ball-shaped part.
3. Table to work .
4. The place to connect the pipe pressure
5. Supply port (exit) of water.
6. Proved management.
7. The switch.
8. The main electric current.
9. Drive to connect the instrument of pressure.
10. Fuse.
Technical Notes
1. Cool temperature of - 55
C .
2 . The permanent pressure - less than 10 Pa .
3 . The amount of substance to be cooled.
Average number of : equipment for solid matter
-4 capacity utensils -200 grams or 1200 ml .
Figure 1. Sublimate equipment
The main part of equipment (Figure 2)
1 . Table to work .
2. The metal tray from stainless steel
3. Glass cover
4. The handle
Figure 2. The main part of sublimate equipment
● Технические науки
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ
Proceeding from these preconditions, in the given work the sublimation method mare's milk by
possessing is softest thermal mode and not causing product aeration has been chosen.
The first step in preparation of dried powder was a freeze wherein the primary parameter influencing
the quality of the subsequently finished product is freezing temperature.
The optimum temperature of freezing of study selected objects was determined based on the index
number of chilled water. The numeric value of this parameter depends not only on the cost of energy to
produce cool but the thermodynamic and mechanical characteristics of the products.
In the technology of chilled cooling water expressed in decimal fraction or percentage of the total water
content in the product.
For determine the amount of chilled water we studied the thermogram freeze bunches of dairy
products in the temperature range of - 40
С to - 50
С. Analysis of experimental data showed that as the
freezing temperature of the objects from - 20
С to - 30
С , τ - 2-3 hours of chilled water from 12 to 14%
in the laboratory, from 13% to 15% in industry production. In the range from- 40
С to - 50
С, τ - 5-6 hours
this rate by an average of 2.5-3.3 % in the laboratory, from 2.5 % to 3.1% in industrial production.
With decreasing temperature, the water activity of the product decreases monotonically. Decrease water
activity in the product at freezing leads to a decrease in the intensity of oxidation, enzymatic, non-enzymatic
browning, etc. processes, which is important for the refrigeration technology in particular for the process of
storing foods.
Since freezing of the objects at temperatures ranging from -30 º C to -40 º C bond energy increased
moisture of 17 kJ / kg and 175 kJ / kg and at temperatures ranging from -40 º C to -50 º C until it reaches 152
kJ / kg that must be considered during the thermal calculations freezers as well as lowering the temperature
requires additional costs of artificial cold.
In this regard, from an economic point of view the energy cost for the production of cold reduction of
the product below the freezing point - 40 º C is impractical. Based on the experimental study of the optimum
temperature of freezing of condensed - 40 º C before the critical moisture content ( Wkr ) binding energy of
the water decreases monotonically , and then upon reaching Wkr energy of the water is increasing
dramatically. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the vacuum - is removed by freeze drying
koumiss free water and then bound moisture.
Then frozen clot fermented milk product is sent to freeze -drying chamber. Drying is carried out under
vacuum with a residual pressure of 6-7 Pa.
Fresh mare's milk after definition of a chemical compound and physical and chemical properties and
cooling to 20-25°С spilt in metal tray from stainless steel a layer 1,0-1,2 sm and placed in the chamber
sublimator for freezing fig 3
Figure 3. Freezing mare's milk
Thin layer of a product slowly froze at temperature a minus 40-50
С and in hermetic sublimator dehydrated
at first a method of molecular drying at residual pressure in the chamber 6-7 P. For removal of a residual moisture
a product subject to thermal drying, gradually lifting temperature in the chamber to +26-28
С. We dried before
full removal of a free moisture, with a moisture mass fraction in a dry product of 3,7 %.
● Техникалыќ єылымдар
ЌазЎТУ хабаршысы №1 2014
Table 1. Тthe Chemical compound of dry mare's milk
М±m Max
Structure, g/100g
1. moisture mass fraction
2. mass fraction of solids
3. mass fraction of fibers
4. mass fraction of fat
5. mass fraction of carbohydrates
6. Ashes mass fraction
7. Power value of kcal 458
8.dry milk
Vitamins, mg of %
1. Vitamin C
2. Vitamin A
3. Vitamin Д 17,0±1,45
4. Vitamin E
5. Vitamin F
Results are authentic, р <0,05
/ Vitamin F – polynonsaturated fat acids, are expressed in g/100g from all fat acids lipid milk.
Drying process lasts 8-11 hours. In a dry powder of a moisture
should be no more than 4,5 %.
The received product package in glass jars, hermetically corked.
Dry mare's milk represents white homogeneous amorphous weight
in the form of a gentle friable powder fig 4
In water it is dissolved completely. The restored milk on colour, a
consistence and taste differs from fresh mare's milk a little.
The Organoleptichesky characteristic of powders dry mare's milk.
1) Taste – sweetish, with pleasant aroma,
2) Smell – pure, gentle with a sweetish bouquet,
3) Colour – milky-white, with a yellowish shade,
4) Consistence – a friable, easy powder.
Apparently from table 1 materials, powders of dry mare's milk
contain 96,2±0,47 g of solids, including the most valuable food
components are fibers, fats, the carbohydrates which quantity
accordingly makes: 23,09±1,12, 16,22±1,45 and 56,30±4,05 g/100g of
The maintenance of the basic vitamins sublimated mare's milk
corresponds to level indicators from literary data. In it and Д,
accordingly 33,6±11 and 17±45 mg of %, than the raised quantity of vitamins C.
Sublimated mare's milk can be stored about 3 months, to transport in other regions where there is a
necessity of its use. It is well tinned product from which it is possible to prepare natural kumis and to use for
a children's food.
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Figure 4. Dry mare's milk
● Технические науки
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ
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Конарбаева З., Сарсекова Ф., Сапарбекова А, Мамаева Л., Айткулова Р.
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