Moral: Never be mean to a tiger's wife, especially if you are the
the chosen species (periphr.)—люди
blessed event (euphem.) — роды
prowl car — полицейская патрульная машина (игра слов: to prowl -
to hit the sack (slang) — to take a nap
like so many . . . kittens— подобно многим
Scat, (colloq.) — Вон!
led with the wrong paw (boxing) — ударил не той лапой
I. Find the Russian equivalents for the following:
fell to leaving home, water buffalo, become aware, snarl, yowling, stalk,
tumble down, be mean.
II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following
words and phrases and use them in sentences or situations:
завести общее хозяйство, убирать на чердак, гостиная (общая
комната), приносить горох (кокосовое масло), надоедать кому-л.,
направиться к двери, какого дьявола ..., подвенечное платье,
принадлежать (к), супруг(а), самец, самка, детеныши (тигрята),
достаточно взрослые, не давать кому-л. спать, утопить, больше не
говорил (не называл), краткое сражение, пригвоздить.
I I I . Answer the following questions.
1. How soon d id Proudfoot become tired of his mate?
2. What d i d he get i n to the habit of doing?
3. What did he no longer call her?
4. What did he do when he wanted something?
5. What was the last long speech he ever made to her?
6. Why was his mate obviously displeased w i th th e kind of food he
brought her?
7. How did he answer his mate's questions?
8. What d i d Sobra become aware of one day?
9. How did Proudfoot take the news?
10. How had he learned t o talk to his mate?
11. Why did he go away after learning that his mate was expecting to
have cubs?
12. What shows t h a t he d i d n ' t care to have cubs?
13. How did he spend his time while he was away from home?
1 4 . W h a t d id he say to Sobra when he f in al l y came home?
15. Why did Proudfoot's words have such an effect on Sobra?
16. How long did th e f ig h t last?
1 7 . Wh a t did Sobra s a y when the cubs came tumbling down the stairs
t h e next morning?
18. What's the moral of the story?
I V . Topics for discussion .
1. Trace the change in Sobra's character and account for i t .
2. Give a character sketch of Proudfoot.
3. What kind of relationship does the author satirize in the fable?
4. To what extent do you f i n d the situation outlined here typical?
5. Describe a character from a story (or novel) th a t Proudfoot reminds
you o f .
V . Retell the text using the following words and phrases:
tired of, to set u p housekeeping, to f a ll to leaving home, no longer,
merely, to clap one's paws, upstairs, to whistle, to make a speech, what
the hell . . . , rice, peas, coconut oil, to put away, attic, wedding dress, to
start for, hush, to become aware of, to belong to, the chosen species,
blessed event, to snarl, i n code, to be bothered, males, females, old
enough, to insult, to box with, to ride around, prowl car, f in a ll y , to
keep somebody awake, to drown, like so ma n y , to stalk, front door,
f i g h t , brief, never really knew, to tumble down the stairs, parlour, tiger
rug, fireplace, to be mean to.
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