Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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(a place to live), advice, equipment, furniture, hair, knowledge, luck, money, news, permission,
progress, research, travel, work.
Some nouns have mixed uses: p ap er - a paper, experience - an experience, w ork - a 
literary w ork, much difficulty - a difficulty.
1 .1 don’t travel on business very often. I take o n ly __business trips a year. 2. Your friend
won’t h a v e ___ difficulty making the right decision. 3 . ___ people realize they are something new
in the world, unfortunately. 4. My friend and I do many different things. We h a v e ___ shared
experiences. 5. A challenging job like that requires ___ experience. 6. There is ___ rent-free
accommodation, so far as I know. 7. This conference is very authoritative.___ researchers are eager
to attend it. 8. Frankly, I do v e ry ___ research. I prefer top focus on the practical side, so to say. 9.
_ travel is very broadening. 10. Twenty years ago we u s e d ___ appliances in our household. 10.
The best paper is the one with _ _ mistakes in it. 11. Burt is the laziest employee in the office. He
probably d o e s ___ work in our company. 12. R ead in g ___ books means m a k in g ____progress. 13.
As you get more experienced you spend _ _ time and effort on each operation. 14. There have been 
_ robberies around here recently. 15. The Vice dean interview ed___ people last week.
Exercise 1. Study the rules on the definite and indefinite articles. Translate the following
sentences paying attention to the meanings of articles.
1. This component reacts in the typical manner with a variety o f reagents.
2. A discussion o f this system has been given elsewhere.
3. At this point the current decreases markedly.
4. A resemblance to Scythian art can often be recognized in the sculpture.
5. There will be almost never a solution to the problem.
6. In the second stage a sequence o f domains is formed.
7. It will be found that the choice involves a number o f compromises.
8. The case is rather common in practice.
9. In a work o f art a feeling is always formulated.
10. The inadequacy o f a definition varies in direct proportion to the number o f works used in the 
11. A mathematical model is no more than an approximation o f a real phenomenon.
12. The two theories are not different in their essential content; only in details.
13. The four centers lie in the plane.
14. Only molecules involving the four elements H, N, О and C are usually considered.
15. In many cases simulation is the only viable approach for predicting behaviour o f a machine.
16. Only one hydrogen can be exchanged at a time.
17. The other opponent came to the same conclusion.
18. In other cases the formal analysis is not advantageous.
19. The optional methods were superior to the others.
20. Another object o f this paper is to examine the integrity o f the latter method.
21. The specific solution dominates the others.
22. Virtue can be defined otherwise than in terms o f happiness.

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