Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

Exercise 4. Ask questions using the given word combinations. Follow the model

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Exercise 4. Ask questions using the given word combinations. Follow the model:
to take graduate courses - Who takes graduate courses?
1. to attend lectures in Philosophy; 2. to work on the problem o f Contemporary history; 3. to 
give lectures in political sciences; 4. to investigate international relations; 5. to support the project;
6. to extend the range o f research; 7. to represent a research group at an international symposia; 8. 
to make a forecast for the next few years; 9. to analyze the problems o f economy; 10. to criticize the 
results o f the experiment.
Exercise 5. Put questions to the underlined words or word combinations:
1. I consult dictionaries only when I don't know the meaning o f a word. 2. My colleagues 
share my interest in the problem under investigation. 3. Our University course requires a lot o f 
books. 4. It takes many years to study this problem. 5. The entire experiment takes about two years.
6. The scientists o f our laboratory work out a number o f programmes which deal with certain 
problems. 7. The problem goes beyond the subject matter o f the work. 8. Several factors affect the 
quality of an experiment. 9. They approach this problem from many sides. 10. In England and the 
Llnited States university education implies graduate and postgraduate study. 11. Sport helps me to 
keep in shape. 12. His job has much to do with risks. 13.1 mostly rely on my intellectual abilities 
while I learn.
Exercise 1. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple tense:
1. The scientific advisor (to consult) his graduate a month ago. 2. They (to discuss) the plan 
o f their work at the meeting o f the department. 3. This graduate (to look through) periodicals 
yesterday. 4. The scientists (to analyze) the results o f the experiment last week. 5. Professor X. (to 
deliver) lectures on psychology last year. 6. The members o f the laboratory (to make) an experiment 
the day before yesterday. 7. The teacher (to explain) a new grammar at our last lesson. 8. Scientists 
(to talk) about the new field o f research at their meeting. 9. I (to write) my thesis a year ago. 10. I 
(to read) a specialty literature in the library yesterday. 11. These alarming statistics (to show) that 
unemployment was rising steadily. 12. When John (to be) in high school, he (to lead) a double life. 
13. At first the local authorities (to ignore) the campaign against the new atomic power plant 

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