Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind translation of conditionals

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Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind translation of conditionals
after “wish”.
1. I wished I could have been at the committee yesterday. 2. She wishes you could 
understand her better. 3. They wished you would read more in future. 4. They wished they hadn’t 
noticed her embarrassment. 5. We wished he hadn’t known it. 6. I wish I could make m yself 
understood. 7 . 1 wished you hadn’t come so late. 8 . 1 wished we had followed our parents’ advice. 9. 
I wish I could read this book in original. 1 0 .1 wish I hadn’t followed your instructions. 1 1 .1 wish I 
could play tennis as well as you do. 12. I wish she didn’t look so pale. 13. I wished he hadn’t left.
1 4 .1 wish you were my sister. 15. He wished he hadn’t left so early. 16. I wish I had thought o f it 
before. It’s a good idea. 17. I wish I could feel sure about it. 18. D on’t you wish you had come 
Exercise 10 Answer the following questions using conditionals after the verb ‘wish’ according
to the model.
Are you a teacher?
I wish I were.
1. Are you a graduate? 2. Can you speak English well? 3. Did you speak at the meeting 
yesterday? 4. Will she come to the party? 5. Have you got a raincoat with you? 6. Is dinner ready? 
7. Do you know where she is now? 8. Will they take part in the coming competitions? 9. Is her hair 
naturally wavy? 10. Has she returned from her business trip? 11. Shall we go there together?
Exercise 11. Paraphrase the following so as to use conditionals in object clauses after the verb
‘wish’. See the model.
I t’s pity you are so busy these days. - 1 wish(ed) you were not so busy these days.
1. It’s pity we shan’t be able to reach the destination before sunset. 2 . 1 am sorry I made you 
angry by disturbing you at such an early hour. 3. What a pity you are leaving so soon! 4. We were
very much disappointed that she hadn’t come to our party. 5. Unfortunately, you will not receive an 
answer before the New Year. 6. She regretted she had mentioned his name at our presence. 7. My 
friend regrets not having told you this at once. 8. She was sorry not to have had enough time to 
make the experiment. 9 . 1 was sorry not to have told him the truth. 10. It’s pity we hadn’t taken part 
in the experiment.

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