5. Spelling
At the time of the first settlement of America the rules of English orthography
were rather vague as the problem of spelling attracted very little special attention.
Only after the colonies were established in an independent position, a new attitude
taken to the English language, both in its spoken and written forms. Those
concerned with the matter of spelling realized that the most rational and logical
reform was elaboration of such rules that would represent
sounds of the language
with utmost precision and regularity in writing.
The spelling reform for American English was introduced by Noah Webster, the
world-famous American lexicographer. He set forth his ideas in the work titled
„American Spelling Book‟. A great many of his innovative proposals failed to take
root and he gave up some of them in the course of time himself. But many of his
reforms were readily accepted by his countrymen. The
following of his spelling
proposals were adopted in American English:
a) the deletion of the letter „u‟ in the words ending in „our‟, e.g.
color, favor,
b) the deletion of the second consonant in words with double consonants, e.g.
wagon, traveler;
c) the replacement of „-re‟ by „-er‟ in the words of the French origin, e.g.
theater, center;
d) the deletion of unpronounced endings in the
words of the Romance origin,
dialog, program;
e) the replacement of „-ce‟ by „-se‟ in the words of the Romance origin, e.g.
defense, offense, license;
Among other spelling peculiarities noticeable in American English we should
also mention the replacement of „ise‟ (a verb-forming suffix) by „ize‟, e.g.
crystallize, organize.
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