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Formal information letters 
The term “business letters” refers to any written communication that begins with a 
salutation, ends with a signature and whose contents are professional in nature. Histori-
cally, business letters were sent via postal mail or courier, although the Internet is rapidly 
changing the way businesses communicate. There are many standard types of business 
letters, and each of them has a specific focus. Here are some of them: Sales Letters, Order 
Letters, Complaint Letters, Inquiry Letters, Follow-Up Letters, Letters of Recommenda-
tion, Cover Letters, Letters of Resignation, Letters giving information, etc. 
Business letters can be transactional (meaning they ether require an answer or are 
written in response to another letter that requires an answer, like complaint letters or in-
quiry letters) or non-transactional (meaning they do not require any answer or further 
communication, like letters of resignation or recommendation). 
An Information letter is a transactional letter, written to someone who is either a 
stranger or someone who you know, but not well. In this letter, you give information that 
was requested, your opinion, suggestions, solution to a problem, etc. 
The KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) principle works very well with business let-
ters. We can also recommend to make your letters logical. The letter structure is also very 

important – the reader does not need to waste their time looking for what they asked. A 
good business letter must include: 
A proper greeting: 
Dear Mr. Neubaum, / Dear Ms. Wallace, 
An opening paragraph starting with:  
“In response to your enquiry”; “Thank you for enquiring about…”; “Thank you for 
your email enquiring about…” or “Thank you for your interest in …”. 
The main paragraph where you give the required information. Remember: omit 
needless detail, tell the readers only what they need to know. Give just the important 
facts, not the whole background or history.  

If there is a lot of data, organize it in bullet point or numbered items. 

Enclose or offer additional information for those readers who want detail, or refer 
them to a Web site where more information can be found: “Please find attached our price 
list and latest catalogue” or “You can find more information on the matter at our / this 
website: www.ourwebsite.com” 

When a program, event, or other thing is new, say so: “The show premieres on 
Monday at Fantastic Theatre House”. 
The proper ending paragraph: “Should any questions arise, please don’t hesitate to 
contact me” or “If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them” or “I look 
forward to you order / reply”. 
And the signature or sign-off: 

highly formal: “Yours sincerely” (if you know the reader’s name) or “Yours faith-
fully” (if you don’t know the name) with a comma after, 

semi-formal (acceptable in most cases): “Best regards” or “Regards” or “Sin-
cerely” with a comma after, 

Informal (acceptable for people you know well, who have the same status as you 
or who have established informal communication style): “Best wishes”, “All the best” 
with a comma after, 
Your name, family name  
Your position in the company one line lower. 

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