Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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түріУчебное пособие
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16.  Match the words to their Russian equivalents: 
1.  aim / to aim (at
2.  the main aim of… 
3.  target / to target (no preposition
4.  the main target 
5.  to decide the date of the launch 
6.  marketing strategy 
a)  маркетинговая стратегия 
b) цель / нацеливаться на (2 раза) 
c)  главная цель (2 раза) 
d) определиться с датой выпуска товара 
17.  Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases: 
1)  розничные магазины; 2) я за …; 3) зачем ждать дольше? 4) срубить денег 
на чем-то; 5) технически совершенны; 6) время пикового спроса на что-либо; 7) в 
целом, мы все согласны; 8) специализированные магазины; 9) защитные очки; 10) 
магазины спортивных товаров. 
18.  Make your own dialogue for the following situation:  
You and your colleagues are holding a meeting to decide on the next step of new 
product development. The deadline for the research and development stage is next week, 
but so far there is only a concept and no working prototype yet. The concept is very 
promising and the product can bring huge profits, but it will take more time and money 
than you would like. The competition is also working on something similar, and you are 
afraid they are more successful, but you don’t know for sure. Think about the product 
you’re developing, work out the positions for every participant (3-4 people) and agree on 
your course of action. 
Use a minimum of 15 words and phrases from the exercises and the course book. 
Use the dialogue in the recording script as a model.  

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   ...   283

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