Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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Example 2 
Dear Ms Philips 
Translation Services & Fees 
Thank you for your letter of 4 November enquiring about our translation services. 
Lingua Services Galactic offer a full range of translation services to help you in the 
development of sales literature and web sites. Please find attached our latest brochures 
and price list from which you can see that our prices are highly competitive. 
I look forward to calling you in a few days. 
Yours sincerely, 
James T Brown 
Sales Manager 
20.  Study examples 3 and 4, comment on the style of the letters, their struc-
ture, logic and vocabulary and make changes where necessary. 
Example 3 
Dear Mr. Whitmeyer: 
I have attached copies of the certificates requested by the Port of Houston Author-
• Insured endorsements 
• OCP policy with a $500,000 limit 
• Notices of cancellation 
The job will last approximately 90 days and will involve earthwork and some un-
derground storm work to provide proper sloping and drainage of the site. The site is ap-
proximately 3500 feet from the ship channel and involves no in-water or on-water expo-
We have a very limited time (until May 1) to get the approved bonds and certifi-
cates to the Port Authority; therefore, I will appreciate your help in delivering them as 
soon as possible. We have come to expect your fine servicing of our accounts. 
Thank you, 
Example 4 
Dear Ms. Jones: 
Some of the materials you recently requested had to be retrieved from our archives, 
and if you could see our archives, you’d know that’s no easy task! 
We are pleased to enclose the old product pricing policies you needed. However, we 
have been unable to locate the specifications on the AW-1893 engine. I’ve noted your 
request on my calendar and will ask my assistant, when she returns from vacation, if she 
can give me further clues as to where we might locate that information. If you don’t hear 

from me again, please understand the information is simply too old to still be in our pos-
Best wishes with your research. Let us know if we can help in other ways. 
21.  Write your own reply to this email enquiry: 
Dear Mr. Woodman, 
I’m writing to enquire about the Tech Crunch conference for this year. I would be 
extremely grateful if you sent me the following information about the event: 

Exact dates and location; 

Conditions for participants; 

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