Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

forward to …».  8.  Yours faithfully

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forward to …». 
8.  Yours faithfully is not suitable in this case as we use it when you don’t know 
the name of a person you are writing to. Yours sincerely would be more appropriate. 
9.  In general, emails you send are a reflection of your professionalism, values and 
attention to details so you should pay attention to choice of words, sentence length. 
Texts for retelling and discussion 
11.  Read the text and retell it: 
Planning is about resource allocation, the way that individuals and organizations 
deploy their limited resources such as time, money and expertise. To understand the con-
cept of planning one must be able to distinguish between the planning and the plan. Plan-
ning is an  activity, a plan is a commitment; in other words a plan is a part of planning. 

In the case of individuals, you could say that there is a worldwide planning industry, 
with its calendars, diaries, electronic personal organizers and time management training. 
Time management courses tend to hand out some advice how to plan: 
-Firstly, make lists of things you have to do. Classify them in terms of urgency and 
-Secondly, do not allow yourself to waste time through distractions and interrup-
-Thirdly, delegate tasks. Do not try to do everything yourself; 
-Finally, do not try to be a perfectionist in everything. Do each task so that it is 
«good enough» for the circumstances. 
Companies also have to do some planning which is setting the direction for the 
company and then guiding the system to follow the direction. There are many kinds of 
planning in organisations. 
Companies have to plan for events that they do not want. Contingency planning is 
designed to prepare for the worst, with specific plans of action for disaster recovery, in-
cluding handling of the media and protecting the company’s reputation.  
Organisational planning is an element of strategy where companies make long-term 
plans about the future development of their activities. They have to anticipate competi-
tors’ activities as well as trends in the general economic and political environment. This 
type of planning includes: 
-Setting the organizational objectives; 
-Organising the work, people and system to achieve the objectives; 
-Measuring performance; 
-Controlling the progress of the plan. 
Very large organizations have teams of scenario planners trying to predict how this 
environment may change and how they might prepare for and perhaps influence this 
In general, planning determines the future course of action. 
Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian: 
Resource allocation, individuals, organizations, limited resources, expertise, to dis-
tinguish between the planning and plan, commitment, diaries, time management, ur-
gency, distractions, interruptions, to delegate tasks, to be good enough for the circum-
stances, contingency planning, to prepare for the worst, disaster recovery, to make long-
term plans, to anticipate competitors’ activities, general economic and political environ-
ment, scenario planners, to predict, to determine the future course of action. 
Answer the questions: 
1.  What is planning? 
2.  Is there a difference between planning and a plan? 
3.  What do individuals use for planning? 
4.  What is contingency planning? 
5.  What does organisational planning include? 

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