Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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Call me as soon as possible
)Yours faithfully
Edward Thomas 
Director, Target Management plc 
Tel: 0207 9462120  
How not to write an email 
1.  The message doesn’t have a subject line, so nobody can tell if the email is im-
portant or not. It can be overlooked or rejected as spam. 
2.  Don’t use titles with a person’s full name. Instead of Dear Mr. John Jansen use 
Dear Mr. Jansen
3.  First sentence should start with a capital letter so it should be «I …» 
4.  Passive constructions are more common in emails. Besides, colloquialisms 
should be avoided. As a result  instead of «I got your email» you’d better write «I have 
been given your email by…».  
5.  There is a grammar mistake in the sentence «We are plan…» . It should be «We 
are planning…»   
6.   «To meet» in the sentence «I would like to meet»  sounds too straightforward 
and pushy. It would be better to write «I would like to arrange a meeting». 
7.  The phrase «Call me as soon as possible» is not appropriate in the first-time 
email. Moreover, it sounds too directive. The more common polite expression is «I look 

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