Уроки вождения школьный автобус

Administration (9/1, Chernyakhovskogo ul., Moscow, 125319

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Administration (9/1, Chernyakhovskogo ul., Moscow, 125319, 
Russian Federation). E-mail: elenamatviyuk79@gmail.com
School of Opportunity: Project-based learning
There is no common understanding of the project method in 
school: it is considered to be rather a panacea or a waste of school 
time. The authors examine the project-based learning and man-
agement as an opportunity of transforming school education, its 
substance and educational practices. The project-based learning 
changes the nature of educational relations, develops student’s 
subjective position, motivates them to active learning, creativity 
and personal development. However, the results of transforma-
tion depend on preparedness of all of the participants of the edu-
cational process, methods applied, technologies and tools.
Key words: project-based learning, project method, project 
approach, self-education, subject- subjective relations, vari-
able education, project target, project platform, festival, project 
1. Blonskiy P. P. Trudovaya shkola [Labor school]. Moscow, Literaturno-izda-
tel’skij otdel Narodnogo Komissariata po prosveshcheniyu, 1919. (In Russian)
2. Boby`rev A. D., Rabinovitch P. D., Tsarkov I. S., Tsutskikh A. Yu. Sovremen-
naya model` izucheniya tekhnologii v V–VII klassakh: opy`t shkoly` № 29 g. 
Podol`ska [Modern model of learning Technologia in V–VII grades: a case 
study of experience of school 29 in Podolsk]. 
Shkola i proizvodstvo, no. 4, 
pp. 25–36. (In Russian)
3. Gerasimov 
G. I. 
Transformatsiya obrazovaniya — sotsiokul`turny`i potentsial razvi-
tiya rossiiskogo obshhestva. Dokt, Diss. [Transformation of education as a socio-
cultural development potential in Russian society. Dokt, Diss.]. Moscow, 2013.
4. Dewey J. Demokratiya i obrazovanie [Democracy and Education]. Moscow, 
Pedagogika-Press, 2000.
5. Zavedensky K. E., Samojlov N. E., Tsarkov I. S., Rabinovitch P. D. Tsifrovaia 
shkola proektnykh tekhnologij. 
Sbornik trudov vserossijskoj nauch-
no-prakticheskoj konferencii “Proektnaya deyatel’nost’: novyj vzglyad na 
obrazovanie” [Proc. Nat. Conf. “Project activities: a new perspective on 
education”]. Moscow, 2018, pp. 79–87. (In Russian)
6. Zavedensky K. E., Samojlov N. E., Nikiforov G. G., Tsarkov I. S. Tsifrovaia 
shkola proektnykh tekhnologii na osnove uchebno-issledovatelskogo 
tsentra [Digital school of project technologies on the basis of the Centre for 
reseach and training]. Fizika v shkole. no. 2. 2017.

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