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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

DER (digital educational resources) is a collection of interrelated educational objects: 
• symbolic objects (signs, symbols, texts, graphics); 
• figurative objects (photos, drawings); 
• audio information (oral texts, dialogues, music); 
• video objects (animations, models, videos); 
• objects of «virtual reality» (simulators, interactive models, constructors). 
Each of the objects has an independent value and can be used in training independently. Some 
of the learning objects have a clear application priority (this depends on the specific organizational 
form). The teacher should rationally use digital educational resources in classes of various types 
(lessons, lectures, elective classes, practical exercises, etc.). 
The use of the DER allows: 
1. to improve the efficiency and quality of education; 
2. focus on modern learning goals; 
3. to increase the motivation of students to learn; 
4. use interconnected learning in various activities
5. take into account the regional aspect; 
6. make lessons emotional and memorable; 
7. implement an individual approach; 
8. to strengthen the independence of schoolchildren; 
9. change the nature of interaction between teacher and student; 
10. to objectively assess the knowledge of students; 
11. improve the quality of visibility; 
12. to facilitate the teacher's work. 

The use of the DER allows you to create visual aids with a minimum amount of time and, as a 
result, increase the clarity and excitement of the lesson, visualize the lesson with the help of 
multimedia elements, which, unlike posters, can be adjusted as needed. Equally important is the fact 
that such visual aids are stored in electronic form and do not require much space in laboratory 
rooms. In addition, the lesson can be held not only in a specially equipped classroom, but also in 
any other room where you can deploy a screen and video projection equipment with a computer 
When using multimedia materials on CDs, we rely on the basic scientific and methodological 
principles: communication, visibility, individualization. In addition, the interactive control tests and 
simulators with a system of reactions to an incorrect answer included in the electronic teaching aids 
(prompts, leading questions, hyperlinks to the reference part of the manuals, individual 
recommendations) allow you to analyze the level of mastering various topics and school courses in 
The use of DER in pedagogical activity enables the teacher to: 
• present the material more clearly, in less time, with greater understanding on the part of the 
• find basic and additional materials for lessons or an elective course; 
• save time for speech practice; 
• organize individual, group and frontal work with the class, simplify the control of the 
educational activities of students; 
• to interest students, increase their motivation, involve them in the creative learning process, 
increase the speed and reliability of assimilation of knowledge. 
Electronic study guides help students: 
• develop systems thinking, learn to analyze, compare and generalize facts; 
• master the skills of working with large amounts of information, searching for information 
and its competent use; 
independently study, consolidate and repeat the passed material; 
• acquire computer skills; 
• thoroughly prepare for the exam. 
Steps when working with discs in English lessons: 
1. Introductory speech of the teacher on the topic of the disc. 
2. Preliminary work with vocabulary. 
3. Independent work with the disc. 
4. Discussion of the covered material (speaking practice). 
At the first stage, the teacher introduces the topic of the disc, its structure and content, 
explains the sequence of work. At the second stage, tasks are performed aimed at practicing basic 
words and expressions, for example, key words are explained, synonyms and antonyms are 
selected; a translation into English is given; work is carried out with adapted mini-texts (reading 
them, translating them into their native language, answering questions, inserting missing words, 
etc.); tasks on word formation are performed (the formation of various parts of speech, complex 
words, finding related words in a row of words, etc.) At the third stage, students work 
independently with a disk. At the fourth stage, the material of the disc, its content, the main issues 
raised in it are discussed, mini-disputes are arranged on the topics covered. Thus, working with 
multimedia materials contributes to a deeper assimilation of the English language by students, since 
CDs are authentic, relevant, use all types of visualization, provide an opportunity for independent 
work in a computer class, help the development of monologue and dialogical speech. 
In conclusion, I would like to note that the full-fledged implementation of ELC and DER with 
their integration into the educational process allows concisely supplementing and combining 
traditional teaching methods with new ones using information technologies, applying an individual 
approach, developing the linguistic abilities of students and objectively assessing the quality of 
knowledge of each child. 

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