Устойчивое развитие: язык, межкультурная коммуникация

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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Ключевые слова: интерференция, отрицательное влияние, изучение иностранного языка, 
речевые ошибки, английский язык. 
Consideration of the impact of native language system on the target language in the 
methodology of teaching a foreign language is one of the most significant. At the initial stage of 
learning another language, the student needs a linguistic base, which in most cases is the native 
language. Comparing the studied phenomenon of a foreign language with similar phenomenon in 

their own languages, analysing them, discovering similarities and differences, the student builds a 
foreign language system for himself. Among the most crucial factors influencing both the process 
of mastering a foreign language and its result, the leading place is occupied by the phenomenon of 
The scientific works of many domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to the study of this 
phenomenon (V.V. Alimov, U. Vainreich, E.M. Vereshchagin, V.A.Vinogradov, V.N. Minyar 
Beloruchev, N.B. Mechkovskaya, V.Yu. Rosenzweig, L.V. Shcherba and others). The term itself 
was introduced into science in the middle of the last century by the American linguist W. 
Weinreich. In the monograph "Language contacts" published by him, the concept of "linguistic 
interference" was used for the first time and its description was given.
A prerequisite for the occurrence of interference is language contact, by which a scientist 
means a situation when one person alternately uses different languages in his speech, which 
happens in the process of learning a foreign language. In Russian linguistics, L.I. Barannikova, 
V.Yu. Rosenzweig, L.V. Shcherba and others have the same point of view. In the scientific 
literature, the understanding of this term in a narrow and broad sense has been determined. 
Following V.V. Alimov, G.M. Vishnevskaya, V.A. Vinogradov, N.B. Mechkovskaya, T.G. 
Shishkina and others, we use a broad understanding of this phenomenon as a process that causes the 
mixing of elements of the native and foreign languages in the linguistic consciousness of an 
individual, which is the result of the imposition of two systems on top of each other during 
linguistic contact [1, 5]. 
The linguistic reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon are the differences and 
similarities in the linguistic systems of the languages in contact [2, 232].
In modern linguistics, there are different types of interference, depending on what is accepted 
by scientists as the basis of the classification. Among them: the nature of the transfer of the native 
language skills to the studied foreign language (direct and indirect); detectable signs (explicit and 
latent); communicative effect on the addressee (interference that makes understanding difficult, 
interference that disturbs understanding, interference that prevents understanding; form of 
manifestation (intra-lingual, i.e. internal, and interlanguage, i.e. external, or interference of the first 
language and interference of the second language); type of speech activity (impressive, or receptive, 
and expressive, or productive); impact result (positive, or constructive, and negative, or 
destructive); levels of language (phonological, phonetic, grammatical, lexical-semantic), etc. 
Let us consider in more detail the types of interference in the form of manifestation. 
Intralingual interference is understood as “the processes of interaction of various components of the 
structure of a developed language” [3, 486]. Intralingual interference manifests itself in the 
replacement of linguistic units and the rules for handling them, which leads to errors within one 
For those studying a foreign language, the most significant is interlingual interference, which 
arises due to the existence of differences in the systems of the native and studied languages [4, 448]. 
Interlingual interference occurs due to the discrepancy between the linguistic and cultural pictures 
of the world among different people, the difference in encyclopedic and linguistic knowledge. It 
manifests itself in the form of speech errors, unmotivated transfer of the phenomena of the native 
language to another, the establishment of connections and relations that are not characteristic of this 
language between individual facts and phenomena of a foreign language. The result is a violation of 
the norms of the linguistic structure of a foreign language. 

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