PhD, Research and technology center for analysis of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Analysis RTC) Radio research & Development institute, Abstract: Article describes specrum management issues, namely methods of spectrum refarming and
conversion. It outlines main characteristics of spectrum refarming and conversion processes, specifies
relationship and difference between terms refarming and conversion. Article describes ways of exten%
sion of spectrum usage due to specrum refarming. There are examples of spectrum refarming and con%
version for new technologies development in foreign countries. It gives an overview of main stages of the
refarming procedure as an algorithm of measures to be taken for refarming. There are organizational
and methodological issues of refarming implementation in Russian Federation described. Article consid%
ers main methods of solving conversion issue. It gives advantages and disadvantages of the described
methods of conversion. There is a list of organizational and technological measures for conversion divid%
ed into general and local. Due to technical complexity of implementing conversion measures and mini%
mizing financial costs there are three methods describing implementation order proposed.
Keywords: management, refarming, reallocation, frequency spectrum, methods, arrangements, costs. Исследование IBM: инвестиции
в социальные технологии
В отчете о новом исследовании корпорации
IBM отмечается, что компании наращивают инвести%
ции в социальные технологии, но руководители сред%
него звена с трудом находят для них применение в
повседневной работе. Как показывают результаты
опроса IBM (в нем приняли участие более 1160 спе%
циалистов в области ИТ и бизнесе), в то время как
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