Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 «г» классе игра «I know everything»

III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов игры

өлшемі80 Kb.
түріВнеклассное мероприятие
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III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов игры.
Jury: The score is and . The team " ” is the winner.
(Победителям игры ставятся в журнал отличные оценки). 
Reflection. Do you like our game? Will you take part in such games more? 
If you didn’t win the game, don’t worry, you are all clever guys. 

Учетная карточка команд

Название конкурса

Максимальное кол-во баллов за конкурс

The ABC Game


A Magic Five


Parts and Holes


The English numerals


Proverbs and Sayings




Hidden Words


A Tongue-twister


The Right Choice



Inventions and Discoveries



  1. doctor, sportsman, teacher, children, actor.

  2. pen, book, TV set, pencil, desk.

  3. teacher, English, History, Literature, Russian.

  4. orange, black, yellow, green, dog.

  5. lemon, tree, orange, banana, apple.

  6. basketball, volleyball, hockey, baseball, music.

  7. boat, bus, bank, car, bicycle.

  1. doctor, sportsman, teacher, children, actor.

  2. pen, book, TV set, pencil, desk.

  3. teacher, English, History, Literature, Russian.

  4. orange, black, yellow, green, dog.

  5. lemon, tree, orange, banana, apple.

  6. basketball, volleyball, hockey, baseball, music.

  7. boat, bus, bank, car, bicycle.

  1. doctor, sportsman, teacher, children, actor.

  2. pen, book, TV set, pencil, desk.

  3. teacher, English, History, Literature, Russian.

  4. orange, black, yellow, green, dog.

  5. lemon, tree, orange, banana, apple.

  6. basketball, volleyball, hockey, baseball, music.

  7. boat, bus, bank, car, bicycle.

Put your head on your bed.

Run round the playground.
Е N G L A N D A M E R I C A Better late than never Two heads are better than one East or West home is best

  1. The capital of England is a) London b) Paris c) Moscow.

  2. London stands a) the Volga b) the Mississippi c) the Thames.

  3. The symbol of England is a) a red rose b) a tulip c) a daffodil.

  4. The English flag is a) blue and white b) red and green c) red and white.

  5. Golf comes from a) Scotland b) Russia c) the USA.

  6. A. Bell invented a) a car b) a telephone c) a plane.

  7. Ch. Chaplin was a) an artist b) a composer c) an actor.

  8. Cricket comes from a) England b) Italy c) France.

  9. "Robinson Crusoe” was written by a) Lewis Carroll b) Daniel Defoe c) Alan Milne.

  10. The traditional Christmas meal in England is a) roast turkey b) fish and chips c) porridge.

Example: If I shout, he’ll hear me.(Fish)
1. Close the door at once!
2. He’ll come to America tomorrow.
1. Do good workers succeed?
2. If Roger comes, we’ll begin.

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