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Тәжекеев Ә.Ә., Төлебаева Н.Б. Қаратау жоталарындағы тарихи мұралар 
(Қызылорда облысы бойынша) // Қазақ тарихы. Алматы, 2020. №4 (181). 2-4 бб. 
Қазақстан Республикасының тарихи және мәдени ескерткіштерінің жинағы. 
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Balmagambetova G., Tanybergenova S.S. 
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda state university 
Information and communication technology has pervaded the fields of education. In 
recent years the term “e-learning” has emerged as a result of the integration of ICT in the 
education fields. Following the application this technology into teaching, some difficulties have 
been identified and this have led to the “Blended learning” phenomenon. The aim of this work is 
to investigate the advantages of blended learning over face-to-face instruction. 
The present work revealed that blended learning is more favorable than pure e-learning 
and offers many advantages for learners like producing a sense of community or belonging. 
Blended learning can be considered as an efficient approach of distance learning in terms of 
students’ learning experience, student-student interaction as well as student instructor interaction 
and is likely to emerge as the predominant education model in the future. “We are living in an 
ever-changing world” [Sethy, p.29]. Through the past decades, the world of education has been 
varied by the fast and rapid revolution in computer and the Internet technologies which 
according to Sethy “new findings are generated and become established at breathtaking speed” 
[Sethy, p.29]. This has revolutionized teaching and learning particularly distance education. The 
arrival of World Wide Web (WWW) has increased the demand for distance education and 
concepts like online learning or e-learning has emerged, as a result. The system of online 
learning has been largely used in higher education, and a lot of studies have been done to 
discover both its strengths and weaknesses [Wang, 2010].
Since e-learning environments present some disadvantages such as inhibiting the 
socialization process of individuals resulting in lack of face-to-face communication, a new 
environment has surfaced. This new environment combines the e-learning and the classical 
learning environments. It has been termed as blended learning, hybrid or mixed learning. The 
foremost goal of blended instruction was to overwhelm drawbacks of pure online instruction. 
Since either pure e-learning or traditional learning hold some weaknesses and strengths, it is 
better to mix the strengths of both learning environments to develop a new method of delivery 
called blended learning [Azizan, 2010]. The application of blended instruction has quickly 
increased because varied delivery methods can increase students’ satisfaction from the learning 
experience as well as their learning outcomes [Lim, & Morris, 2009]. The three most common 
definitions of blended learning: 
1. a combination of instructional modalities (or delivery media) 
2. a combination of instructional methods 
3. a combination of online and face-to-face instruction 
However, the third definition is mostly accepted by scholars. Some scientists declare that 
there are two significant elements in defining blended learning and those are online and face-to-
face instructions. Blended learning is a mixture of online learning and classroom that contain 
some of the facilities of online courses with the presence of face-to-face communication. Parallel 
with the growing use of ICT in the educational setting, blending learning approach can be 
contributing tools to complete face-to-face experiences.
Besides, blended instruction offers an active learning environment with flexibility in 
using resources for the students and provides more time for faculty members to spend with 
learners in small groups or even individually. In addition, blended learning has the potential to 
change students’ experiences and outcomes through learning another advantage of blended 
learning environments is its potential to offer many sources for learners. The application of 
technology in physical classrooms offer extra resources for the students and this is expected to 
enhance learners’ confidence and competence as well as improve the quality of learning. There 
are other advantages of blended learning such as deep understanding of topics by using web 
based resources as well as active participation of students in class. Furthermore, online learning 
engagement provides an interactive setting for communication among teachers and students in 

the classroom and may facilitate cooperative activities even beyond the classrooms. The major 
benefit of applying blended instruction is to overcome the shortcomings of online instruction and 
exploit various instructional process and delivery strategies in order to increase learners’ 
satisfaction as well as boosting the learning outcomes.
Teachers and students communicate virtually via e-learning and this is the predominant 
feature of such a learning process, different from traditional classes in which instructors and 
learners engage in face-to-face interaction. Generally, all the terms which describe distance 
education via computer technology have a unique significance that is learning takes place while 
teacher and learner are separated. It is assumed that engagement in e-learning and virtual classes 
hinders e-learners from community interaction. By adding the human interaction to online 
learning, the educators have considered the human need for socialization which in turn will help 
the process of learning [Sethy, 2008]. This sense of belonging to a community which its absence 
in online learning may disturb improvement of common emotions and feelings among learners 
and instructors. Online or web-based learning environment offers the effectiveness and the 
flexibility that cannot be guaranteed in a classroom environment while face-to-face classes 
provide the social communication that students need for learning. So, the integration of these two 
environments into blended format reserves the advantages of both learning platforms. Hence, it 
can be concluded that one of the principal benefits of blended learning is providing a sense of 
community among learners. 
Vocabulary is the backbone of any language. Without extensive vocabulary knowledge, 
even those who show mastery of grammar might experience the failure to communicate. Many 
foreign language learners know the feeling of not being able to remember the right word 
instantly in a conversation because of the limited range of vocabulary they know. This feeling of 
inadequacy often hinders further development of the language. On the other hand, vocabulary 
does help language learners to form sentences and express themselves in meaningful ways.
Mastery of vocabulary can only be achieved with the teaching strategies that appeal to 
various learning styles. Recent studies have proven many benefits of different technology-based 
instructional materials for effective verbal and written communication [Pazio, 2010]. Therefore, 
many higher education institutions today are using blended learning as a supplementary means in 
developing students’ vocabulary knowledge. Blended learning approach in teaching foreign 
language has become a matter of considerable interest to language teachers all over the world. 
As opposed to pure e-learning which refers to using only electronic media to learn, blended 
learning supplement traditional face-to-face teaching and learning environment with different 
kinds of technology-based instruction.
Blended learning focuses on optimizing achievement of learning objectives by applying 
the right learning technologies to match the right learning styles to transfer the right skills to the 
right person at the right time. Teaching vocabulary through web-based tools is not totally a new 
trend. We have always used a “blend” of teaching approaches in order to provide as rich a 
learning environment as possible for our learners. What is new is the “expectation” of our 
learners to use technology in and out of the classroom as part of the learning process.
So, learners can expand their range of learning strategies and thus develop greater 
flexibility in their ways of approaching language learning. Thus, various instructional materials 
including videos, blogs, online forums and other digital tools provide students opportunities to 
practice the language outside the class. 

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