«Ағылшын тілінің практикалық грамматикасы»

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«Ағылшын тілінің практикалық грамматикасы»

Орындаған: Алпысбай Шұғыла
Қабылдаған:Ахабаева Шынаркуль


1.Complete with the First Conditional.

  1. If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. 

  2.  You will pay a higher insurance if you buy a sports car

  3. If I find your ring, I will give it back to you. 

  4. Peggy will go shopping if she has time in the afternoon. 

  5. Simon will go to London next week if he gets a cheap flight. 

  6. If her boyfriend does not phone today, she will leave him. 

  7. If they do not study harder, they will not pass the exam

2. Complete the sentences using the Third conditional.
1. He didn't get the job. He couldn't buy a bigger flat. = If he'd got the job, he could have bought a bigger flat.
2. You didn't say you were sorry. She left.= She wouldn't have left if you had said
 you were sorry.
3. You didn't tell us earlier. We didn't do anything.= We could have done something you had told us earlier.
4. You stopped quickly. We didn't crash.= If you hadn't stopped quickly, we would have crashed.
5. You didn't listen to me. This happened.= This never would have happened if you
you had listened  to me.
6. You didn't apply for the job. You didn't get an interview. =You might have got an interview if you'd applied for the job.
7. I went to the party. You persuaded me to go.=  I wouldn't have gone to the party if you had not persuaded me to go.
8. I didn't know she was coming. I didn’t wait for her.= I would have waited for her if I'd known she was coming.
3. Defining Relative Clauses Exercise
1. The man who Julie invited was late.
2. The doctor who I wanted to see was sick.
3. The accountant who works for my father's company was arrested.
4. I wrote to the friend who you met last week.
5. The mobile phone which is broken can't be fixed.
6. John made a copy of the photo which I took.
7. I met a girl who was a doctor.
8. We called a doctor who works at a hospital in London.
9. We like the actor who was in a famous film.
10. I went to the restaurant which I read about in the newspaper.
11. She bought a car (which her sister liked.
12. I often buy cheese which is imported from Paris.
13. The hairdresser who has red hair was very good.
14. The child who we see often is playing in the garden.
15. The nurse who treated my grandmother is in the office.
4. Change to reported questions.
1. He asked:”Do you live in the country Peter?” He asked me if I lived in the country.
2. They inquired:” Did you see Charles yesterday morning”? They inquired if I had seen Charles that morning.
3. She wanted to know:”Will we get there on time, John?” She wanted to know if they would get there on time.
4. The policeman wondered:”Don’t you know the traffic regulations?” The policeman wondered if he didn’t know the traffic regulations.
5. The commander asked:”Do our soldiers have enough weapons?” The commander wanted to know if their soldiers had enough weapons.
6. The coach wanted to know:” Can you do your best boys?” The coach wanted to know from the boys if they could do their best.
7. He asked:”Are we going to start work tomorrow?” He asked if they were going to start work the next day.
8. They inquired:”Have they ever been to America?” They inquired if they had ever been to America.
9. She wanted to know:” Is he staying with his family now?” She wanted to know if he was staying with his family at that time.
10. The residents asked:”Are you going to have our roads repaired, mayor?” The residents asked the mayor if she was going to have their roads repaired.
11. The watchmaker asked:”Did you buy this Swiss watch at my place”? The watchmaker asked if she had bought that Swiss watch at his place.
12. The instructor asked me:” have you ever worked with groups from abroad?” The instructor asked me if I had ever worked with groups from aboard.
13. She wanted to know:”Were you informed about the meeting yesterday?” She wanted to know if I had been informed about the meeting the day before.
14. The assistant asked:”Are you looking for something?” The assistant asked if I was looking for something.
15. The pilot asked:” Have you prepared the runway for our flight?” The pilot asked if she had prepared the runway for their flight.
16. Sarah asked:”Do I have to sweep the floor after work?” Sarah asked if she had to sweep the floor after work.
17. They wanted to know:” Will we go for a walk if the weather is fine?” They wanted to know if they would go for a walk if the weather was fine.
18. The doctor wanted to know:”Have you had the symptoms for a long time?” The doctor wanted to know if I had had the symptoms for a long time.
19. The Flight attendant asked:”Could you fasten your seat belts, please?” The flight attendant asked if we could fasten our seat belts.
20. Daddy wanted to know:”Are you going to be a lawyer Kevin?” Daddy wanted to know if Kevin was going to be a lawyer.

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