Grandfather: Hello, people! Читает стихотворение "Good morning"

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Grandfather:  Hello, people!
Читает стихотворение "Good morning".
Oh, what a big turnip!
One, two, three! - 2 раза.
Oh, noy!
It is big for me!
Granny, come here!
Grandmother: I am to run!
Hello, people!
What do you want?
Grandfather: Help me, please!
Grandmother: O, kеy!
Grandfather + Grandmother: One, two, three, one, two, three!
Oh, noy!
Grandmother : Granddaughters, come here!
Звучит песенка «One, two, three, four, five»,
Granddaughters: Little girl, little girl, where did you go?
Hello, people!
What do you want, Granny?
Grandmother: Help me, please!
Granddaughters: O, kеy!
"One, one, one........ "
O, key, Granny, we helps you!
All together: One, two, three, one, two, three!
Oh, noy!
Granddaughters: Dog, dog! Help, please!
Dog: Hello, people! What do you want?
All together: Help me, please!
Dog: O, kеy!
Проводит со всеми детьми зарядку "Hands up, clap, clap, ..."
All together: One, two, three, one, two, three!
Oh, noy!
Dog: Cat, cat, come, help, please!
Звучит музыка, появляется кошка.
Cat: I am nice and funny cat.
I’m white and grey,
I like with you to play.
Cat: I am help to you!
All together: One, two, three, one, two, three!
Oh, noy!
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse!
Звучит музыка, выбегает мышка.
Mouse: Hello, people!
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse!
Where is your house?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat!
I have no flat.
I’m a pour mouse. I have no house!
Cat: Little mouse, help please!
All together: One, two, three!
Oh, noy!
Оne, two, three, four, fife!
Yes! O, kеy!
Тhe turnip will go!
Все падают, репка встает, поднимает вверх руки.
The Turnip: Here I am!
Звучит песенка «Over in the meadow», все актеры танцуют под нее танец.
All together: Good buy, people !!!!

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