Образовательный процесс в современных условиях должен идти в ногу со временем, где есть место информационным технологиям. Каждый год тысячи приложений рождаются в области мобильной разработки

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Current state and prospects of mobile applications in the learning process of L2


The educational process in present day conditions must keep pace with the times, where there is a place for informational technology. Every year thousands of applications are born in the field of mobile development. This article highlights the prospects of using mobile applications in the educational process and its effective use in the learning process, expanding ways in this area. The purpose of the research of this article analyzes the effectiveness of the use of mobile applications in education
Key words: information technology, mobile applications, mobile learning, education


Образовательный процесс в современных условиях должен идти в ногу со временем, где есть место информационным технологиям. Каждый год тысячи приложений рождаются в области мобильной разработки. Данная статья освещает перспективы использования мобильных приложений в ходе учебного процесса и его эффективного использования в процессе обучения, расширение путей в этой области. Цель исследования этой статьи анализирует эффективность использования мобильных приложений в сфере образования
Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, мобильные приложения, мобильное обучение, обучение, образовательный процесс
Қазіргі жағдайдағы білім беру процесі ақпараттық технологияларға орын бар уақытқа сәйкес келуі керек. Жыл сайын мобильді даму саласында мыңдаған қосымшалар туады. Бұл мақалада оқу процесінде Мобильді қосымшаларды пайдалану перспективалары және оны оқу процесінде тиімді пайдалану, осы саладағы жолдарды кеңейту туралы айтылады. Осы мақаланың зерттеу мақсаты білім беру саласында мобильді қосымшаларды қолданудың тиімділігін талдайды
Түйін сөздер: ақпараттық технологиялар, мобильді қосымшалар, мобильді оқыту, білім беру процесі


Nowadays, mobile devices offer a wide range of services that allow you to find a number of applications that allow you to learn certain knowledge, such as learning foreign languages. The presence of mobile applications on mobile devices creates the most comfortable conditions for practical use for students, taking the learning process outside the educational institution. Thanks to modern technology, studying becomes much more interesting and accessible. In fact, about 70% of people who develop and study using mobile applications do so on the road, 7% of them while waiting in line and 3% while taking a shower or eating [8, p. 15].

The relevance of this research is due to the fact that at present the problem of mobile learning applications are still under development and are designed more for the mass consumer than for use in the education system, also due to the weak methodological preparation of teachers to implement mobile devices in the learning process.

The largest providers of mobile applications are GooglePlay and AppleAppStore. GooglePlayMarket is the official catalogue of applications for android mobile devices. In addition to mobile applications, books, movies, music and more are available for download in AndroidMarket [9].
App Store is a digital app distribution shop for Apple mobile devices and laptops.
Currently, the App Store and GooglePlay offer more than 3 million applications and the total number of downloads has exceeded 100 billion. The app shop is used by around 600 million people. Studies show that more than 50 million users have downloaded educational apps for learning different languages. Educational applications are services that help users of different ages and backgrounds to learn different subjects [9].
A recent American study found that more than 75% of students today use smartphones and tablets to improve academic performance. More than 60% agree that they feel more confident in preparing for classes if they have these gadgets at their fingertips. The number of mobile learning applications is increasing day by day [10]. Popular mobile learning apps:
Quizlet, Kahoot, Duolingo, TED, Foxit Reader, ABBYY lingo and etc.

Theoretical framework

The development of modern society is influenced by information technology, which plays a major role in all spheres of humanity, ensuring the dissemination of information around the world. The field of education has been densely affected by information technology. In the past, information technology was not necessary for teaching any discipline, but now it is important for teachers to know this field.
The current period of development in the field of technology provides easy and affordable ways to get information, using devices like phones, tablets, smartphones. Almost everyone between the ages of 10 and 60 now has a mobile device. Consequently, mobile applications are always relevant. Learning about subjects through mobile apps is a relatively new way to learn, and it is gaining popularity.
Let's start by explaining the concept of a mobile app. A mobile application is a developed software designed to function on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices [1, p. 154].
Many methods of teaching English using interactive and mobile technologies are used today. They provide a highly informative, visual, intensive and stimulating learning experience. For example, learning English on mobile devices is a fast, easy-to-access, fun way to learn English that is gaining popularity with many people. Usually such applications involve continuous learning. Since the mobile device is always at hand, one can easily continue learning at any time.
A big advantage of mobile applications over "paper dictionaries" is their multimedia and hypertextuality. For example, hyperlinks in mobile applications can take you to the desired resource immediately, whereas in "paper" applications you have to browse until you find the desired application. It also increases the intensity of learning English. And importantly, you don't have to worry about searching for information. It is very important to learn foreign languages today, especially English. Different networking platforms for communication such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc. are using English as the main language. Similarly, in the field of entertainment English is also predominant. [8, с. 150].

Before using the applications in the classroom or presenting them to students, the teacher should have a clear idea of how of the different types of applications that can be integrated into learning process. According to K. Shipman [2, pp. 32-33], there are different types of learning applications: content applications that can add new information to the presented information; fieldwork applications that help students to collect and store information; sound and visual applications where students can listen to other people's speech or record themselves; creative applications where students can create their own images to enhance or add information to their work.

According to the work of F. Hudged and S. Lattenman, there are three parameters to evaluate mobile apps efficiency: speed, security and simplicity [4, p. 121]. The speed of mobile app allows students and teachers to work faster and more efficiently by giving them access to applications from different devices; the security parameter ensures that people using a given mobile app can perform the tasks efficiently and therefore feel confident in their abilities in mastering the material; the simplicity parameter determines how easy it is to use and efficient.

We can briefly highlight the distinctive merits of free applications that are regularly used in English language teaching practice.
The Kahoot app allows for interactive quizzes or tests with an unlimited number of students. The teacher prepares the quiz in advance on the website, and in the classroom, using a computer and projector, shows the students the questions and answer options, which the students select through the app installed on their mobile phones. Points are awarded according to the correctness and speed of answers to the questions. At the end of the test, all results can be saved in a spreadsheet for later analysis by the teacher. The Kahoot app makes the lesson at any stage interesting and dynamic, engaging all students in active learning activities [5].
Quizlet app is a fun format for introducing and reinforcing learning material in any subject. It's the electronic equivalent of cards, allowing you to compare the text (and picture) on one side of each card to the other. You can practice memorizing words and their translations, dates of historical events, mathematical and chemical formulas, names of literary works and their authors, and much more. It is possible to make your own sets of cards [5]. Working with Quizlet is particularly convenient because it is always at hand and you can practice for just a few minutes (while travelling to school or to avoid wasting time in class when the teacher is checking an individual task).
Duolingo. An application for learning foreign languages. It matches pictures with their meanings and displays the words you need to learn. Duolingo can also be used for teachers to evaluate students in each section in terms of the requirements and merits of each one. In other words, it's a virtual classroom for teachers to teach their classes remotely. The first thing you need to do to get started with this extension is to access the official Duolingo For Schools website.
An opportunity for self-education is provided by the TED app, learning languages and discovering ideas from around the world shared by speakers at the renowned conference. TED videos are not only quality content on a wide range of knowledge areas. All videos are subtitled in English and translated into many other languages.
To prepare the content for the interactive whiteboard, use Foxit Reader. Interactive elements (answer pop-up windows, play buttons, links to other files etc.) are superimposed over the image of the scanned page of the textbook or other manual, which can be started by pointing to the relevant element. Such interactive visualization increases students' motivation and allows a colourful and dynamic introduction and consolidation of learning material [5].
ABBYY Lingvo Online Dictionary is one of the most popular applications for school and university students. The program translates not only words but also phrases, expressions, paragraphs, and entire text. Where necessary, ABBYY Lingvo uses correct expressions, inflections, and so on. you can use the translator even without the Internet [6].
This study was conducted to test the effectiveness of mobile apps as a tool for increasing active vocabulary. To this end, 50 students took part in an experiment that lasted for four weeks. The participants were divided into two groups: an experimental and a control group. Both groups underwent preliminary testing necessary to diagnose the initial knowledge of the students. The participants in the experimental group then had to use the software applications Memrise, Tinycards, Upmind, etc., installed on their mobile phones, to perform vocabulary exercises [11]. At this time, the control group worked only with printed study aids. At the end of the experiment, both groups performed a post-test, which was necessary to identify the participants' active vocabulary knowledge and was intended to demonstrate whether there was an effect of using mobile apps. We then compared the results of the post-test to determine the differences in scores between the groups. In addition to the usual test questions with one correct answer choice, students in the post-test were offered a written task. They had to write an essay of at least 100 words in 20 minutes. The test results showed that the experimental group of students significantly outperformed the control group in vocabulary learning. In addition, the students showed their positive attitude towards using mobile apps while learning new words, because they allow the use of pictures, sound, games. Young people were interested in engaging these features in the learning process [11].
The experiment found that smartphone applications have a positive impact on students' vocabulary acquisition. In vocabulary acquisition, the ultimate goal of students is not only to allow the acquired vocabulary to exist in long-term memory, but also to search quickly for a lexical unit for active use.
The results of the study also demonstrated the important role that mobile phones play in enhancing learning opportunities outside the classroom, anywhere and anytime.


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