Р.Б. Тажмұханова
Faculty of Philology,
Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University,
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
е-mail: tazhmuhanova@bk.ru
The article сonsiders the question of helping the communicative approach to the development
of speech skills in students. Interactive forms of teaching are revealed, their role in the formation
of communication skills, ways of using interactive forms in the process of teaching English. The
achievement of the goal is facilitated by the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodical
literature and observation. The author reveals the features of using the communicative method,
gives examples of the use of various forms of teaching in the English lesson. These methods of
teaching foreign languages contribute to: the formation of interest in learning a foreign language
and a general interest in learning; gaining communicative experience; the development of creative
thinking and skills in working with information; developing team work skills.
Key words: communicative approach, speaking skills, foreign language, modern methods,
interactive classes..
At the present stage of development of our country and forming the relationship
with others, our teaching system is going through favorable conditions for learning
foreign languages and for the productive use in communication. Successful knowledge
of foreign languages gives to students new features such as superb continue studying
abroad, strengthening international relations.
As is well known, the problem of the formation of communicative competence in
the studied language is one of the main goals of teaching a foreign language in a language
university. It should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, communication training is
reduced to focusing on the formation of speaking skills. According to the main provisions
of the communicative approach, the formation of speaking skills should be integrated into
the overall process of teaching a foreign language and should have the ultimate goal of
developing the ability to use the language being studied for communicative purposes [1].
This also necessary to take into account the realities in which language learning
and learning takes place. In the context of teaching English to students, the process of
learning the language in general, and colloquial speech, in particular, should be built with
an indispensable consideration of the differences that exist between the studied foreign
language and the native language of the students, not only at the systemic, but also at the
normative level.
One of the main purposes of teaching a foreign language in a language university
is to develop students' communicative competence in the language being studied. As is
well known, the main components of communicative competence are: grammatical or
linguistic competence, discursive competence, sociocultural competence and strategic
competence. Communicative language training involves the formation and development
of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. However, it should be noted that in
most cases, communication training is reduced to focusing attention on the formation of
speaking skills.
According to the main provisions of the communicative approach, the formation
of speaking skills should be integrated into the general process of language learning and
have the ultimate goal of developing the ability to use this language for communicative
purposes. Accordingly, the formation of speaking skills in the studied foreign language
among students studying the language for professional purposes should help to build
confidence, desire and ability to use their linguistic resources, not only correctly, but
also adequately to the goals of communication. Taking into account what is known
about the nature of language learning and the peculiarities of the formation of students'
speaking skills, it is necessary to set real, clear and achievable goals at each stage of
language learning. It is also necessary to take into account the realities in which a foreign
language is taught and studied. So, in the conditions of teaching English to students,
the process of learning the language as a whole, and speaking, in particular, should be
built with an indispensable consideration of the differences that exist between the studied
foreign language and the native language of students not only in the systemic, but also in
regulatory level [2].
The concentration of students' attention on the features of the use of the language
by its native speakers in the process of colloquial speech significantly contributes to the
prevention of potential difficulties and their overcoming. Learning colloquial speech
in a foreign language primarily involves the formation of learners' ability to combine
individual sentences in the process of coherent speech in such a way that they form a
single semantic whole. It should be noted that the ultimate goal of teaching a foreign
language in the context of globalization, regardless of the context in which the language
is learned and studied, is to master the language as a means of verbal communication.
Successful language exercise communication remains a pressing issue and requires
implementation in educational process of new productive methods, forms learning.
Active implementation of interactive forms in the learning process is quite promising in
the practice of training foreign languages. Use of such forms and teaching methods has
become quite common and cause this was a mismatch between the level possession of
communicative norms and real communication process.
Choosing the forms and methods of training, allowing students to reveal their
creativity, the teacher opens new opportunities for them. It’s very important to consider
all factors including psychological, as students overcome a certain psychological barrier,
learn to communicate, interact in a foreign language environment. Communicative
learning implying the use of such effective forms as interactive requires the teacher to
create situations active interaction in the lesson.
The educational process is organized in a way where a teacher and students are equally
involved in the process, actively interact with each other. All become active participants
of pedagogical process. Interactive Learning Forms foreign languages foster development
communicative skills work as a team, listen to opinions others, defend their point of
view. At the process of using interactive forms learning activates the learning activities of
students, a general interest in learning and motivation to learn a foreign language. During
specially created learning and speech situations, the teacher and students have the ability
to freely express their opinions, speak the target language. Students finding themselves in
real conditions communication requiring speech interactions, practice foreign language
speech. Learning process this way becomes emotionally saturated memorable for students
that important when learning a foreign language [3].
All native speakers, to one degree or another, know the rules and are familiar with
the rules governing speech activity in that language. The vast majority of people who
naturally speak English observe these rules in the process of verbal communication. It
should be borne in mind that often native speakers cannot spell out the rules, but they can
accurately determine which sentences are unacceptable. In the context of communicative
language teaching, it is this level of “knowledge” that should become the main goal of
mastering foreign languages. On the whole, the whole process of teaching a foreign
language, in our case English, should be built taking into account the interests and needs
of students, their age, intellectual and educational level. Learning any language to a
certain extent means mastering knowledge of how and when a person speaks to someone
and about what [4].
According to Savignon the study of a language as a means of communication,
along with the assimilation of linguistic knowledge, involves the assimilation of
knowledge related to the choice of speech structures, and lexical units that are most
relevant to social situations in which hypothetically students who learn the language for
professional purposes may end up. According to a prominent researcher of the problem
of communicative language teaching S. Sauvignon, a combination of these two types
of knowledge can be defined as communicative competence”. Sandra J. Savignon is a
Professor of Speech Communicaton and Director of the Graduate Program in English as
a second language at the Pennsylvania State University. Committee of examiners for the
educational testing service and has been a consultant on language testing to various state
and national commissions [5].
The functional learning of colloquial speech in one or another language certainly
involves the formation of the following skills in students:
• Greet, say goodbye, invite, accept;
• congratulate, compliment;
• interrupt the speaker's speech;
• to make a request;
• express their own opinion on any occasion;
• criticize;
• disagree;
• advise, recommend
• handle the demand;
• show sympathy;
• ask questions in order to obtain information;
• apologize.
We all know that the process of mastering speaking skills in a foreign language is
gradual and slow, since language learners, including students studying the language for
professional purposes, as a rule, do not have the ability to communicate directly with
native speakers of that language, or, if there are any, these possibilities are extremely
limited and cannot ensure the formation of adequate speaking skills in the language being
studied by students. One of the necessary indicators of the ability to conduct a conversation
in a foreign language is the ability to evaluate how adequately the other participants in
communication perceive his speech.
A very important condition for the success of the process of verbal speech
communication is the ability to clarify this or that information, the ability to compete
in one way or another with the imperfection of their linguistic knowledge or speech
capabilities. The lack of sufficient time to think about what they would like to say implies
the ability to spontaneously respond in accordance with the circumstances in which
speech communication occurs in the language being studied. The integral components
of real speech communication are fluctuations, indecision, attempts to gain time
to select the right words and phrases necessary for the implementation of the speech
intention of the communication participant, change the direction of the conversation,
reorganize the language material, retell. Accordingly, their appearance in attempts at
verbal communication in a foreign language undertaken by a student of a language is
inevitable [6].
Teaching foreign speech is a psychological process from the psychological point
of view, a complex process consisting of teaching foreign language material (means of
communication) and learning the activities of communication. The process of learning
the language in general and colloquial speech in the language being studied, in particular,
should be built with the indispensable consideration of the fact that motivation is the basis
of all types of speech activity. The content of the linguistic and speech material should
serve as an incentive and cause students to need verbal communication [7]. Researchers
note that one of the factors that impede and significantly complicate the process of
teaching a foreign language is the interfering effect of the native, in our case, Kazakh
or Russian language on the newly acquired foreign (English) language. Interference in
the most negative way affects the process of formation of speaking skills in English of
Communicative learning is built in such a way that all its content and organization
are permeated with novelty. Novelty prescribes the use of texts and exercises that contain
something new for students, refusal to repeatedly read the same text and exercises with the
same task, the variability of texts of different contents, but built on the same material. Thus,
the novelty ensures the rejection of arbitrary memorization, develops speech production,
heuristic and productive speech skills of students, arouses interest in learning activities.
The principle of novelty concerns the content and form of speech utterance, the methods
and tasks of instruction, and the content of instruction. Consider the place this principle
occupies in our study. The product of the principle of novelty is an interest in learning.
The novelty of the material, both in form and in content, contributes to the emergence of
interest. The principle of novelty also determines the non-standard organization of the
educational process and the diversity of work methods. Novelty as a phenomenon also
applies to teaching methods, learning conditions and learning content (material).
The following aspects of novelty should be identified: a) the novelty of the conditions
for the formation and development of speech skills and abilities: the constant change of
speech tasks, the transformation of speech patterns, the variability of phrases, components,
etc.; b) the novelty of the content or manuals (the novelty of the content should be at such
a level that students feel an urgent need to read a text or textbook); c) the novelty of other
aspects of the learning process, namely: the novelty of the forms of lessons, their types,
the novelty of techniques and types of work, the novelty of organizational forms.
So, in the Financial Lyceum located in England, where teachers began to work with
a new generation of study guides – The New Cambridge English Course, Family Album,
English Grammar in Use by R. Murphy – this novelty is very significant and noticeable,
because the content of the tutorials, their illustrativeness and informational content arouse
constant interest of students in learning a foreign language.
Summarizing the foregoing, it should be noted that for all its complexity, the problem
of teaching students in English spoken language is quite possible. A very important factor
contributing to the teaching of adequate oral and speech activities in a foreign language
is the creation of an environment that provokes students' speech activity and promotes the
involvement of students in the process of speech communication as its active participants.
It is necessary to develop speaking skills in the target language in a purposeful, phased,
gradual manner, always taking into account the differences that exist between the rules
governing spoken language in the target language and the relevant standards that exist in
the native language of students.
The effectiveness of interactive forms learning of foreign languages is that students
in the process of such learning are as active as possible, i.e. they are included in the search for
information. Choosing the specific interactive form students overcome the psychological
barrier communicating with each other, learn to transfer learning experience gained in real
language environment. In the process of applying interactive forms of learning between
participants in communication relationship, there is a need for communication [8]. Such a
relationship is a communication of individualities. It is need for genuine communication,
which provides in turn communicative motivation. Interactive way of communication
(interaction based on any activities other than educational) contributes communication
skills development students. So interactive forms learning foreign languages contribute
to: the formation of interest in learning a foreign language and general interest in learning;
acquisition of communicative experience; development creative thinking and working
skills with information; developing work skills in group (ability to lead a discussion,
defend the point of view, ask questions).
1 David Riddell Teach English As Foreign Language, 2012, p.140.
2 Active and interactive teaching methods [Electronic resource]. Mode of access:
http//festival. 1september.ru/articles/512797/
3 Autin, John L. 1962. How to do Things with Words. Cambridge. M.A.: Harvard
University Press., p. 68–70.
4 Kashlev S.S. Tekhnologiya interaktivnogo obucheniya [Interactive learning
technology]. Minsk, Belorussky Verasen Publ., 2005. 176 p. (In Russian), p. 133–140
5 Savignon 1983. Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice.
Reading, Mass & Addison-Wesley., p. 10–25.
6 Leontyev A.L. Psychological features of mastering a foreign language. Book:
International Conference prop.rus.yaz. or T. (Abstracts of reports and speeches). Moscow,
1989, p. 155 (In Russian).
7 Kumari, AV. 2016. Methods of Teaching English. Guntur: New Era Publications.,
p. 132.
8 Suchdeva, MS. 2018. A New Approach to Teaching of English in India. Ludhiana:
Tandon Publications., p. 70.
Р.Б. Тажмұханова
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