Вестник Института законодательства РКБайланысты: aza-l-pbi-n-lat-n-grafikas-na-k-sh-rud-keyb-r-m-selelerВестник Института законодательства РК
№5 (54) 2018
Из практики законотворчества на государственном языке
Казахстан при переходе на латинскую графику; какие магистральные трудности сто-
ят перед Центром и какие возможные трудности предстоит преодолеть при переходе.
Несмотря на сложные задачи, поставленные Главой государства, авторы позитив-
но оценивают возможности всех казахстанцев при переходе на латиницу, приводя по-
ложительный пример переноса столицы в Астану и оптимистично смотрят в будущее
Центра лингвистики.
Mushanov Talgat
Head of Department of Linquistic center of the Leqislation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: t.mushanov@adilet.gov.kz
Khamzina Nazgul
Senior researcher of Linquistic center of the Leqislation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail:abutai_79@mail.ru
cyrillic, latinization, reform, latinized graphics, system of values, strategic priority.
The authors in their article consider the issue of the transition of Kazakh language from
Cyrillic alphabet into Latin script, in the beginning going into the history of the development of native
language over the past century.
The authors mention that when creating a national latinized graphic attention was given to
general principles, which is built on the idea of making writing more abbreviated; describe reasons
for such rapid language transitions from one graphic writing to another.
Until 2025 - the period when the country will fully switch to the Latin alphabet - there will be
tremendous work requiring serious financial costs and resources.
In this regard, the authors consider those aspects to which attention of Linguistic Center of
the Institute of Legislation should be given during the transition to Latin script; what are the main
difficulties for Linguistic Center.
Despite the targets set by the Head of State, the authors positively assess possibilities of Kazakh
people during the transition to Latin alphabet, citing a positive example of moving the capital to
Astana and are optimistic about the future of Linguistic Center.
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