1. George Washington
George Washington, the President of
the United States of North
America, had a friend who fought with him in the war and was in peace
time his daily companion. This friend was a pleasant man but had no
talent for business.
When a high government post became vacant many people thought
that Washington’s friend was sure to get it.
But another candidate for the office appeared. This was a political
opponent of Washington, a man of great talent for business.
How great was everybody’s surprise when that other man got
the post.
When people asked the president to explain this appointment,
he said:
“My friend is welcome to my house and to my heart; but with all his
good qualities, he is not a man of business; the other man is. My private
feelings have nothing to do with the case. I am not George Washington,
but President of the United States; as George Washington I am ready
to do my friend any kindness which is in my power, but as President
of the United States I can do nothing.”
2. The Secretary’s Watch
George Washington did not like people who were always late. One
morning his secretary came late and saw that Washington was in his
office already. The secretary said that his watch was wrong that morning.
Washington replied quietly: “Yes, you must get another watch, and if
that does not help you, I shall get another secretary.”
Type of space
(according to reality)
Dyna mic
Type of space