Paradise Lost
by J. Milton)
Text 16
My empty vessel,
throbbing hiatus.
I am
a mess up,
I admit.
I sat in hollow, bare silence,
my voice had shout
few holes through it.
The walls were breathing in the lighting,
my empty vessel,
I’m alone.
I’m chasing ocean on my eyelids.
I only ask to get me home.
When ghosts are coming into town,
my empty vessel,
save my soul.
The salty smell of ocean’s dying
being consumed by mold on walls.
I’d never let a person suffer.
My empty vessel,
I’m a prick.
My face is melting, yellow butter.
With shattered eyes put deep in it.
My empty vessel, I surrender.
My hands are shut behind my head.
At times like this, life gives you lemons
to put the juice on wounds you heal.
Paradise Lost, A Poem in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. The Second
Edition, Revised and Augmented by the same Author. London, 1674. P. 5–8.
My empty vessel, you possess me.
Now in rejoice we’ll cross our hands.
And in a shiny, joyful glitter
we decompose
spring’s first green trees.
(From A. V. Pudovkin’s
poetic experiments)
Text 17
Anton V. Pudovkin
– one of the first listeners of this course as performed by
the author of this manual at the Department of Linguistics (Ural Federal University).
Солнце светит из-под горизонта,
сощуренный взгляд
из-под фетровой шляпы.
И сосны наши макушки кроют!
И ветер гулял в волосах-каштанах!
На дереве белка села на ветку,
тень от листвы была точно
как сахар.
И белка с ветки на ветку слетела!
Успев уцепиться когтями едва ли!
Наружное небо вдруг стало
как мрамор,
рисуя собою картину мазками.
И мир в глазах твоих словно замер!
Я был окутан твоим взглядом!
Когда потемнело, поднялся ветер,
прошелся по коже своими когтями.
А я совсем, совсем не заметил!
Вклеенной в небо луна закачалась!
Sun is showing from under the blanket,
you blink with your eyes from under
the felt hat.
And forests above with their tree-fingers
And wind plays in bliss with your
chestnut hair!
A squirrel was jumping, annoying
the tree limbs,
and shadow from crowns was just like
The squirrel flew down through all
of the green leaves!
Was close to collapsing, but managed
the movement!
The outer sky has turned into marble,
was drawing itself with itself
with blue smears.
Whole universe froze inside of your
And I was devoured by your flickering
And when came the dark, the wind
started raging,
it went through our skin with its wintery
Oh dear, my love, I have paid no
Moon swung in the sky all covered in
Facing the wind, your treehouse was
you shiver, you laugh afterwards ringing
I will pull the God out his birdcage!
The poppies were blooming, as usually,
Yellowish, old and rubbed out poster
will show us the filmstrips
of reminiscences.
Just look, take a look, my heart’s
in my throat!
Breathe in, look at me and see how
they shimmer!
They’ve said, it’s the place where
Buddha was buried,
he fell on his knees, then turned into
Blue flowers then flooded this deserted
And I, as I hope, will someday get
Let’s go to the lake, I’ve seen ducks
on its surface.
When time comes to midnight, do you
mind walking?
Or what would you say if I get us
The wind was still raging and skies
were crowded.
Sharp needles of rain came all
of a sudden,
while laughing, we ran to the house
crushing daisies.
I forgot my own language out of wonder!
You might as well do it on daily basis.
Твой домик на дереве скрипнул
от ветра,
ты вздрогнула,
только затем рассмеялась.
Я вытащу бога из этой клетки!
Маки цвели, как обычно, красным.
На выцветшем желтом старом плакате
пустить диафильмы реминисценций.
Ого! Посмотри, посмотри как мерцают!
У меня в пятки уходит сердце!
Нам говорили, что там умер Будда,
упал, а потом разветвился рекой.
Там выросло поле из незабудок!
И там я когда-то найду покой.
Когда стукнет полночь, пойдем
У озера видел сегодня уток.
А может быть дома устроить танцы!
На небе сгущались тяжелые тучи.
Дождь зарядил по ключицам
со смехом по мокрым ромашкам
до дома.
Господи, я от восторга дар речи
совсем потерял! Тебе это знакомо?
The smells in the house were glue and
some sagebrush,
we’ve built it together, don’t you
For two in a row, I haven’t been crying,
I haven’t been crying for two stretchy
White steam from a kettle was
warming the air
and shadows on walls were still
Let’s open those cookies that we have
been saving!
Your witchery held me, in front of you,
Small drops of the rain were strolling
the window,
I hug you so tight while you were
I stood, with my bare hands curling
your figure.
Poppies were blooming,
as usually,
Тут дерево, клей, полынь и плакаты
мы строили этот дом с тобой вместе.
А я ведь уже два года не плакал.
Не плакал совсем, не плакал, ну
На стенах легли друг на друга тени,
пар чайника сделал картинку
Давай откроем ту пачку печенья!
Я был очарован тобою так сильно...
По стеклам стекали красивые капли,
и ты улыбалась своими губами.
Маки цвели по-прежнему красным,
в объятиях,
(Both versions, English and Russian,
provided by the same author, A. V. Pudovkin)
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М. А. Овечкина
А. А. Макарова
А. А. Макарова
Компьютерная верстка
Г. Б. Головина
Бортников Владислав Игоревич
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