№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

Some peculiarities of developing critical thinking skills in children

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Some peculiarities of developing critical thinking skills in children
through the process of teaching English as a second language 
The article discusses the features of the development of critical thinking in children in the process of learning 
English as a second language, its essence and its stage of development at English lessons. The article reveals 
the development of critical thinking through listening and speaking. Using foreign language lessons, some 
methods of formation of critical thinking, students get a lot of satisfaction from the learning process itself and 
on its results. 
Key words: globalization, vocalization, critical thinking, observation, experience, reflection, universal intel-
lectual values, self-worth, self-esteem, competition, foreign language, resolving a problem. 
English is a widely spoken language around the world. It is use in business communications, foreign re-
lations, in entertainment and in formal classroom education as a medium of instructions in some academic 
subjects. Considered as the universal language, English now is taught in many non-English speaking coun-
tries especially in Kazakhstan. It is all part of the global revolution to be able to bridge the gap in communi-
cations by using one language as a means of expression. In this highly competitive world where globalization 
is an integral part of human development various cultures interact with each other by using English as the 
form of communications. 
All babies have the natural capacity to learn any language even at the earliest stage of their infancy. 
Even before children learn to utter their first word they are already living in a world of language where non-
verbal messages are expressed through actions, facial expressions, hand gestures and vocalization. 
Language is an important part of human development where one can share thoughts, feelings and ideas. 
That is why children at an early age experiment with language and find a way to communicate their needs 
and wants. 
An interesting stage in a child development is the preschool years where their keen sense of learning is 
at its peak and introducing a second language at this point will widen their concept of things and explore 
more of their ability to talk and communicate [1]. 
Children are confronted daily with rich opportunities to solve problems and exercise their own inde-
pendent judgment when they're given the chance to safely explore the world. These problems, which might 
involve physical challenges, social relationship issues, or understanding how things work, often seem minor 
to us but provide great opportunities to practice critical thinking skills.
For example: an eight-month-old has crawled under a chair and now can't figure out how to get out. He 
wonders what to do. A two-year-old thinks: «My teacher put out tongs for us to pick up our chicken nuggets, 
but I can't figure out how they work. Do I keep trying or just use my fingers?» A four-year-old thinks: «I am 
trying to get the water in the sandbox to stay in the 'moat' I'm building for my castle, but it keeps disappear-
ing into the sand. How do I make the water stay?» A seven-year-old speculates: «Several of my friends are 
teasing a kid in our class about his clothes. Do I join in, not participate, or tell them how I really feel about 
what they are doing?». 

Some peculiarities of developing… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015 
Each of these problems offers children chances to exercise and build a foundation for critical thinking 
and are not minor to children. Our role as the adults in their lives may sometimes be to offer guidance for 
creative problem solving. In other cases, it may be more useful to let a child experiment on his/her own for a 
bit. How and how quickly we respond can have a significant impact on children's development of critical 
thinking skills. 
Learning to think critically may be one of the most important skills which today's children will need for 
the future. Ellen Galinsky, author of Mind in the Making (2010) includes critical thinking on her list of the 
seven essential life skills needed by every child. Helping children view themselves as problem solvers or 
critical thinkers is also one of ten strategies that Dombro, Jablon and Stetson describe in Powerful Interac-
tions (2011) to extend children’s learning [2].
Considering the notion of critical thinking by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul, presented at the 8th 
Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, Summer 1987 there is a need 
to define critical thinking as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, 
applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observa-
tion, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary 
form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, 
precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. It entails the 
examination of those structures or elements of thought implicit in all reasoning: purpose, problem, or ques-
tion-at-issue; assumptions; concepts; empirical grounding; reasoning leading to conclusions; implications 
and consequences; objections from alternative viewpoints; and frame of reference. There are a number of 
ways to look at the process of critical thinking. Brookfield presents several, with this one being perhaps the 
Problem/goal identification: What is the real issue here? 
Diagnosis: Given all the information we have, what's the best way to deal with this issue? 
Exploration: How do we do what we decided on, and who will make it happen? 
Action: Do it! 
Reflection: Did it work? If so, how can it work better? If not, what went wrong, and how can we fix it? 
What have we learned here that might be valuable in the future? 
Reflection leads you to the consideration of another problem or goal, and the cycle begins again. 
Critical thinking involves being thrown into the questioning mode by an event or idea that conflicts 
with your understanding of the world and makes you uncomfortable. If you allow yourself to respond to the 
discomfort — that's partially an issue of personal development — you'll try to figure out where it comes 
from, and to come up with other ways to understand the situation. Ultimately, if you persist, you'll have a 
new perspective on the event itself, and will have broken through to a more critical understanding. 
Learning to think critically is more often than not a long process. Many people have to learn to think 
abstractly — itself a long process — before they can really apply the principles of critical thinking. Even 
those who already have that ability are often slowed, or even stopped, by the developmental and psychologi-
cal — and sometimes the actual — consequences of what they're being asked to do. Often, it takes a crisis of 
some sort, or a series of negative experiences to motivate people to be willing to think in a different way. 
Even then, developing the capacity for critical thinking doesn't necessarily make things better. It can al-
ter family relationships, change attitudes toward work and community issues, and bring discord into a life 
where none was recognized before. Learning it takes courage. 
The point of all this is that, although there's a series of what we believe are effective how-to steps laid 
out in this section, teaching critical thinking is not magic. The reason we keep using the words «develop» 
and «process» is that critical thinking, if it takes root, develops over time. Don't be frustrated if many people 
don't seem to get it immediately: they won't. 
Helping others learn to think critically can take place in a classroom — it's essentially what higher edu-
cation is all about — but it's probably even more common in other situations. Community interventions of all 
kinds provide opportunities for learning, both because participants are usually involved over a period of time, 
and because they are often experiencing difficulties that make it clear to them that their world view isn't ade-
quate to solve the problems they face. Many are ready to change, and welcome the chance to challenge the 
way things are and learn new ways of thinking. 
By the same token, learning to think critically can be a frightening process. It leads you to question ide-
as that you may have taken for granted all your life, and to challenge authority figures whom you may have 
held in awe. It may push you to tackle problems you thought were insoluble. It's the intellectual equivalent of 

A.Mackenzie, N.V.Denivarova, A.K.Kitibayeva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
bungee jumping: once you've leaped off the bridge, there's no going back, and you have to trust that the cord 
will hold you [3]. 
As a result, facilitating critical thinking — whether formally or informally — requires more than just a 
knowledge of the process. It demands that you be supportive, encouraging, and honest, and that you act as 
role model, constantly demonstrating the process as you discuss it. 
There are really three aspects of helping people develop critical thinking: how to be a facilitator for the 
process; how to help people develop the «critical stance», the mindset that leads them to apply critical think-
ing all the time; and how to help people learn to apply critical thinking to dealing with community problems 
and issues. Stephen Brookfield has developed a 10-point guideline for facilitators of critical thinking that 
focuses both on the learner and the facilitator herself. 
Affirm learners' self-worth. Critical thinking is an intellectual exercise, but it is also a matter of confi-
dence and courage. Learners need to have the self -esteem to believe that authority figures or established be-
liefs could be wrong, and to challenge them. Facilitators need to encourage that self-esteem by confirming 
that learners' opinions matter and are worthy of respect, that they themselves have and deserve a voice. 
Listen attentively to learners. Repeat back their words and ideas, so they know they've been heard. 
What they say can reveal hidden conflicts and assumptions that can then be questioned. 
Show your support for critical thinking efforts. Reward learners for challenging assumptions, even 
when they're your own. 
Reflect and mirror learners' ideas and actions. That will help to identify assumptions and biases they 
may not be aware of. 
Motivate people to think critically, but help them to understand when it's appropriate to voice critical 
ideas and when it's not. The wrong word to the boss could get a learner fired, for example. It's important that 
he understand the possible consequences of talking about his conclusions before he does it. 
Regularly evaluate progress with learners. Critical thinking involves reflection as well as action, and 

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