Lexical-semantic Analysis of Address…
Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015
days it is used in more situations and is rapidly expanded in different fields. An important role was played by
the general revaluation of the pre-revolutionary Russian life.
Interest in the culture of pre-revolutionary Russia and Western European influence gave rise to a com-
pound of different cultural, traditional etiquette, which created a very mixed situation in the sphere of using
the forms of address. We can observe the resurgence of status forms of address as «Your Excellency».
The absence of a single common forms of address led to increasing of colloquial forms of address into
speech of wide community. Particularly, forms of address like «man» and «woman» are common today, bor-
rowings from other languages such as Madame, pani, etc. are widely used in everyday communication.
Manner to address to people and call them by name and surname or by just name in formal settings of-
ficial appeared and wide spread. Full form of a name is used as an official form of address.
In the family relationships can also note the tendency to further democratization of communication, the
rejection of forms of address, calling the direct role of family members.
Marking the existence of social groups, forms of address can express political attitudes of certain social,
political associations.
Thus, the system of forms of address, which is used in everyday communication at the moment is not
fully formed and well regulated.
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Б.Ж.Құтбаева, Н.Станчу
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