G.А.Аkhmetzhanova, D.A.Kazimova, S.S.Ayazbayeva
Вестник Карагандинского университета
course which create design students developing electronic textbook, study the subject area, identify text,
graphic, audiovisual information. Perform the collection, processing and systematization of the initial
information on the computer, design your own electronic product that undoubtedly requires quality computer
training of students. However, in the process of pedagogical activity of teachers from the first year are faced
with the problem of inconsistency of the requirements of the educational process of the University to the real
level of preparedness of high school graduates to continue their education at a qualitatively new stage of
education. The solution to this problem is realized in the development of creative abilities of students,
enhance self-employment, in the formation of the analytical and design and creative thinking.
Nowadays knowledge is very important to develop all professional skills, this is facilitated by the
inclusion and active use in the solving process students creative problem solving techniques such as systems
analysis, modeling, synthesis, abstraction and other.
The aim of professional prepearing of the future specialists is to make great professional masterpiece.
In addition, for the formation of professional competence
of a specialist designer, particular attention is paid
to the application of student knowledge, abilities and skills from related disciplines and activities [2].
The importance of professional prepearing of the future specialists is to determine the position of the
designer in the labour market determines the urgent need at the very beginning of the educational process of
the future specialist to put in a position where the value determination, student, intelligence, ability to act
independently, prevail over all other qualities. Feature design education is that when the minimum academic
disciplines need to get almost universal specialist, focusing in science, technology, social issues, culture and
art, that is responsible relevant today integrality criterion.
The obtained data are used later when making your own balance of successes and failures, as well as
identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the future designer and factors that facilitate or impede the
achievement of the goals (systematically, technological, individual, activity). The next step is the analysis of
the ratio of «the purpose-tool» where you want to formulate a priority at the
moment personal and
professional goals and identifies the necessary and sufficient means of achieving as multimedia, printing,
project works, space system, internet, animation [3].
Professionally increased attention to the level of professionalism of the graduates of higher educational
institutions today is one of the Central places in some of the requirements of the society to the national
education system. Social order defines a large number of graduates in the creative arts. Bright, fun and
versatile imaging process attracts many active young people.
Modern employers demand creative professionals able to adapt to the rapidly changing professional
environment, creative solutions, flexible approach to solving problems, constantly improve. Creativity is the
essential quality of a
designer, because of his professional activity is to create original, aesthetic, ergonomic
and popular product, working with existing designs and approved production schemes in exact accordance
with state Standards. In this article, as an environment conducive to the future development of creativity of
the designer, we consider information and educational learning environment educational environment based
on the use of information computer technology. The relevance of the future development of creativity of the
designer by means of modern information technologies due to their not yet released creativejenney
opportunities [4].
Education is the growing activity of a person in a specially organized environment, calling him
motivated cognitive activity, to fill it with new, more difficult, feasible educational material. Educational
environment, ever-expanding sphere of life in the growing person — student, which includes increasing the
richness of its mediated culture ties with the outside world. Creation of conditions for formation and
development of professional skills is always in need. Purposefully organized environment for the student-
designer allows the future specialist to generate a need for joint activities, to develop a strategy of
interaction, to acquire the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills. The development of the educational
environment for students in design is a necessary condition because it is in the space of colleges is a student
exchange values of the
profession of the designer, is the value of the interaction of the teacher and the
student [5].
The formation of professional competence of the future designer promotes participation in the activities
of creative lab compositional analysis, future professionals perform the role of organizer, designer, designer,
technologist, which form professional competence. At this stage, the special significance of pedagogical
support of the future of the designer, the analysis of professional and life situations, adequate assessment of
their capabilities, personal attitude and motivation to еxcel in their professional activities. Speaking about
computer systems designers, it's necessary to know that they conduct research, improvement and
The necessity of professional computer…
Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015
development of various computing concepts and operational methods. On the other hand, they may advice on
or be engaged in their practical application. Among the common and important tasks of computer systems
designers are researching operational methods and main principles of computers and various computer-based
for information processing, design, planning, production and process control. At the same time,
computer systems designers are responsible for development and maintenance of computer software, data
structures, databases, algorithms, robots, artificial intelligence. It's impossible to speak about computer
systems designers and not to mention that they maintain management systems of data bases and data
dictionaries to ensure the data safety and validity. They are also known to contribute and keep up with
modern technical developments of computers and their peripherals, software and computing methods,
defining their limitations and potential. Thus, computer systems designers have a wide range of functions in
sphere of data processing industry.
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Г.А.Ахметжанова, Д.А.Казимова, С.С.Аязбаева
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