№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
Ғылым және білім ғасыры
Век науки и образования
Science and education century
ғылыми журнал
• научный журнал
scientific journal
, 2014
жылдың мамырынан шығады • Издается с мая
«Білім», «Гуманитарлық ғылымдар», «Құқық», «Ӛнер», «Әлеуметтік ғылымдар»,
«Экономика және бизнес» және «Қызмет кӛрсету» бағыттары бойынша
қоғамдық және гуманитарлық ғылымдар саласындағы іргелі және қолданбалы
зерттеулердің ӛзекті мәселелері бойынша ғылыми еңбектер жарияланады.
Білім: Педагогика ғылымдары
Образование: Педагогические науки
Education: Teaching Science
Бас редактор
Мырзантай Қожабайҧлы ЖАҚЫП, филол.ғ.к., доцент
Ғылыми редактор
Ләззат Байқоңырқызы БАЙБОЛАТ, магистр
Қазақстан Республикасы Байланыс және ақпарат министрлігі
Ақпарат және мұрағат комитетінің мерзімді баспасӛз басылымдарын және (немесе)
ақпарат агенттіктерін есепке алу туралы 07.03.2013 ж. №13434-Ж куәлігі берілген.
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Халықаралық тіркеу коды 978-601-7440. Сертификат №278, 28.03.2013ж.
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Жазылу индексі: 74642
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© «Зерттеуші» Республикалық ғылыми-білім беру орталығы,
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, 2014 ж.
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
Ғылым және білім ғасыры
Век науки и образования
Science and education century
ғылыми журнал
• научный журнал
scientific journal
, 2014
жылдың мамырынан шығады • Издается с мая
Публикуются научные работы по актуальным проблемам фундаментальных
и прикладных исследований в области общественных и гуманитарных наук
по направлениям: «Образование», «Гуманитарные науки», «Право»,
«Искусство», «Социальные науки», «Экономика и бизнес» и «Услуги».
Білім: Педагогика ғылымдары
Образование: Педагогические науки
Education: Teaching Science
Главный редактор
Мырзантай Қожабайҧлы ЖАҚЫП, к.филол.н., доцент
Научный редактор
Ләззат Байқоңырқызы БАЙБОЛАТ, магистр
Комитетом информации и архивов Министерства связи и информации
Республики Казахстан выдано свидетельство о постановке на учет периодического
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Номер и дата первичной постановки на учет №10662-Ж, 14.04.2010 г.
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© Республиканский научно-образовательный центр «Зерттеуші»,
№№4-6(60-62), апрель-июнь, 2014 г.
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
Ғылым және білім ғасыры
Век науки и образования
Science and education century
ғылыми журнал
• научный журнал
scientific journal
, 2014
жылдың мамырынан шығады
Published since May 2009
Published scientific papers on the issues of fundamental and applied research
in the social sciences and humanities directions: «Education», «Humanities», «Right»,
«Аrt», «Social Science», «Economy and Business» and «Services».
Білім: Педагогика ғылымдары
Образование: Педагогические науки
Education: Teaching Science
Editor in chief
Myrzantay Kozhabayuly JAKYPOV, PhD, Associate Professor
Scientific editor
Lazzat Baykonyrkyzy BAYBOLAT, MA
Information and Archives Committee of the Ministry of Communications and Information
Republic of Kazakhstan issued a certificate of registration of a periodical and (or)
information agency number №13434-Ж 07.03.2013 year.
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Registered in the State National Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan
as a publishing agency. International registration code 978-601-7440.
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Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS and other countries
Language The magazine: Kazakh, Russian, English, Spanish,
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Our address is:
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Tel.: +7 701 397 17 13, +7 702 105 97 53
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© Republican Scientific-Educational Center «Zertteushі»,
№№4-6(60-62), April-June, 2014.
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
Жолдасбекова Сауле Абдразаққызы – педагогика ғылымдарының
докторы, М.О. Әуезов атындағы Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік
университеті Жаратылыстану-педагогикалық факультеті «Кәсіби оқыту
теориясы мен әдістемесі» кафедрасының профессоры (Шымкент,
Қазақстан Республикасы)
Манов Борис Филипов – философия докторы, Н. Рильский
Философиялық және саяси пәндер кафедрасының доценті (Благоевград,
Болгария Республикасы)
Нҧртазина Роза Әутәліпқызы – саяси ғылымдардың докторы,
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті журналистика
және саясаттану факультеті саясаттану кафедрасының профессоры
(Астана, Қазақстан Республикасы)
Сандыбаев Жалғас Садуахасович – философия ғылымдарының
кандидаты, Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің жанындағы
Мемлекеттік басқару академиясы Мемлекеттік саясаттың ұлттық
мектебі Әлеуметтік саясат кафедрасының доценті, Астана қаласының
Федоров Александр Викторович – педагогика ғылымдарының
докторы, профессор, А.П. Чехов атындағы Таганрог мемлекеттік
педагогикалық институтының ғылыми жұмыс жӛніндегі проректоры,
Ресей кинобілім беру және медиапедагогика Қауымдастығының
президенті, «Медиаобразование» журналының бас редакторы, Ресей
модернизациялау және технологиялық дамыту жӛніндегі Комиссия
жобалары бойынша РФ Үкіметі жанындағы Талдау орталығының
сарапшысы, Еуропалық одақ атқарушы ӛкіметінің жоғарғы органы
қаржыландыратын Еуропалық медиабілім беру және медиасауаттылық
жӛніндегі EMEDUS жобасының сарапшысы (Таганрог, Ресей
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
Жолдасбекова Сауле Абдразаковна – доктор педагогических
наук, профессор кафедры «Теория и методика профессионального
Казахстанского государственного университета имени М.О. Ауезова
(Шымкент, Республика Казахстан)
Манов Борис Филипов – доктор философии, доцент кафедры
Философские и политические науки Философского факультета Юго-
западного университета имени Н. Рильского (Благоевград, Республика
Нуртазина Роза Ауталиповна – доктор политических наук,
профессор кафедры политологии факультета журналистики и
политологии Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н.
Гумилева (Астана, Республика Казахстан)
Сандыбаев Жалгас Садуахасович – кандидат философских наук,
доцент кафедры «Социальная политика» Национальной школы
государственной политики Академии государственного управления при
Президенте Республики Казахстан, эксперт Департамента по делам
религий города Астаны (Астана, Республика Казахстан)
Федоров Александр Викторович – доктор педагогических наук,
государственного педагогического института имени А.П. Чехова,
президент Ассоциации кинообразования и медиапедагогики России,
Аналитического центра при Правительстве РФ по проектам Комиссии
при Президенте Российской Федерации по модернизации и
технологическому развитию экономики России, эксперт Европейского
проекта по медиаобразованию и медиаграмотности EMEDUS
исполнительной власти Европейского союза (http://ec.europa.eu/)
(Таганрог, Российская Федерация)
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
Zholdasbekov Saule Abdrazakovna – Doctor of Pedagogical
Sciences, Professor (Shymkent, Kazakhstan)
Manoff Boris Filipov – Ph.D., Associate Professor
(Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Nurtazina Rosa Autalipovna – Doctor of Political Sciences,
Professor (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Sandybaev Zhalgas Saduahasovich – Ph.D., Associate
Professor (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Fedorov Alexander Victorovich – Doctor of Pedagogical
Sciences, Professor (Taganrog, Russia)
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
FEDOROV Alexander,
Prof. Dr., Russia
The last bright Cold War movie peak fell on the early 1980s when Russians as part
of the monolithic and aggressive system were portrayed as products of their environment –
malicious, potent, highly revolutionary in the whole world. Nearly all Russian characters
were represented definitely as agents of destruction: they were men who hated and usually
threatened the American life-style. This message contained an unceasing and crystal pure
demand addressed to advocates of liberty calling for their vigilance in relation to the evil
Soviet system and its evil representatives (Strada, Troper 1997, 170).
But not all western films of the last century as well as the present century cultivated a
negative image of Russia. Particularly, only during the last 50 years of the 20th century not
less than 200 screen versions of Russian classical literature were filmed in the west that
made up a fourth of the total number of films about Russia and with Russian characters. It
is logical, as already since the second part of the 19th century the works of Russian
classical literature produced a significant influence on the western spiritual culture. Many
characters of Russian classical literature have become signs, emblems of the Russian
national character, Russian soul, and marked to a large extent the image of Russia.
Generally, the western (and later, eastern) national cultures discovered ideas, images,
problem collisions keeping with the times, definite circumstances and demands of these
cultures in the Russian novel and the Russian culture, especially acute there proved to be
the feelings of spiritual deficiency, desacralization of the world, estrangement and
anonimity of the human personality… The western culture found major spiritual values;
search for absolute truth, tragic depths of the human personality; opened for itself the
wealth of Russian-eastern traditions in the Russian culture (Mosejko 2009, 24).
A.P. Chekhov's works have remained mostly screened in the west – his works were
adapted for the screen for about 200 times. Also foreign filmmakers turned to the prose of
F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy – each of them inspired more than a hundred of western
screen adaptations. They are followed by screen versions of A.S. Pushkin's, N.V. Gogol's,
N.S. Turgenev's works (more than 50 screen adaptations for each one). With A.P. Chekhov
– his plays were most often translated to the screen. With F.M. Dostoevsky – the novels
Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov and 'The Possessed. With L.N.
Tolstoy – the novels Anna Karenina and War and Peace. With N.V. Gogol – the plays The
Inspector-General and The Marriage A.S. Pushkin's literary heritage is presented on the
western screen in the form of the operas Eugene Onegin and The Queen of Spades.
It is logical to say in this context that the western culture sees a positive image of
Russia generally in retrospect. If media images of the USSR (and now – of contemporary
Russia) are apparently negative, then the virtual tsar Russia looks much more positive.
However, the western media culture is not content only with works of Russian
classical literature with its deep «view from within». The West needs its own image of
Russia that corresponds to the stereotyped notions of mass mentality of the «enigmatic
Russian soul». In this regard, Jules Verne's novel Michael Strogoff (1875) is an ideal
adaptation of the positive image of Russia for the western audience. The novel is set in the
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
epoch of Alexander II. There is only one Jules Verne's novel – «20 000 Leagues Under the
Sea» that can compete with Michael Strogoff in the number of screen adaptations. If taken
together, western screen versions with plots about Russia cannot be compared with
Michael Strogoff except for Anna Karenina (currently, there are more than twenty foreign
screen adaptations).
It appears that the analysis of this phenomenal positive image of Russia adapted for
the mass western audience will be of great benefit to students of many qualifications –
future historians, political scientists, culture experts, art critics, and teachers.
For the analysis of numerous screen versions of Jules Verne's novel Michael Strogoff
I will follow the methodology worked out by U. Eco (Eco, 2005, 209), A. Silverblatt
(Silverblatt 2001, 80-81), L. Masterman (Masterman 1985; 1997), C. Bazalgette
(Bazalgette 1995) and I will rely on such key concepts of media education as media
agencies, media/media text categories, media technologies, media languages, media
representations, media audiences, since all these concepts have a direct relevance to value,
ideological, market, structure and content aspects of media text analysis.
It's essential to note that U. Eco's (Eco, 2005, 209) and A. Silverblatt's (Silverblatt,
2001, 80-81) methodology completely satisfies the basic approaches of the hermeneutical
analysis of audiovisual, space-and-time structure of media texts.
It needs to be reminded that the hermeneutic analysis of cultural context stands for
study of the media text interpretation process, of cultural and historical factors that may
have an impact both on the media texts authors/agencies and the audience’s viewpoint. The
hermeneutic analysis is connected with the comprehension of a media text by matching
with the cultural tradition and reality; penetration into the logic of a media text; media text
analysis based on artistic images comparison in the historical and cultural contexts. So, the
subject of the analysis is a system of media and its functioning in the society, interaction
with the man, media language and its usage.
The authors' ideology in the sociocultural context, market conditions that
contributed to the plot, creation and success of a media text (dominant concepts: media
agencies, media categories, media technologies, media representations, media audience).
Here by authors we mean both Jules Verne himself and the main creators of screen
adaptations of the novel Michael Strogoff – Screenwriters and film directors. Jules Verne
conceived the novel during the reign of Alexander II, in the short interval of 1874-1875,
when Germans became most evident enemies for the French after the war between France
and Germany (1870-1871). Russia looked quite positive against this background. A tough
confrontation of the Crimean War (1853-1856) in which Russia confronted the coalition of
the British, French and Ottoman Empires and the Sardinian Kingdom became a thing of
the past, and there were still two years before the Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878).
Besides, a sustained war in Turkestan (the Bokharan khanate and the adjoining areas)
waged by Russia in 1865-1881 was not regarded by the western world as a direct threat to
their geopolitical interests. Moreover, Russia was seen as a certain outpost against the
hostile Asian tribes that tallied with the media context of Chingis Khan's legendary raids.
Thereby, the novel Michael Strogoff (see one of the latest editions: Verne, 2010) was
to a significant degree a response to the political and sociocultural context of 1872-1876.
The novel related the adventures of an imperial courier sent by Alexander II (apparently, in
the 1870s) from St. Petersburg to Siberia with an urgent message addressed to the Irkutsk
governor (who was the czar's brother, in the great French novelist's version). Michael
Strogoff was to warn the governor of the plot of former czar officer Ogareff who went over
to the enemy – Tatars (?!) and schemed to occupy Siberia…
At the same time, J. Verne created a distinct positive image of Russia and Russian
people (including the Russian Emperor and his brother) in his novel. It especially concerns
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
the protagonist – Michael Strogoff: he is thirty, strong and vigorous, a man with a heart of
gold who has coolness and courage (Verne, 2010).
As for the fictional war between Russia and Tatar tribes in Siberia it was probably
brought about by the author's misgiving that the western reader would have no time for
looking into the cobweb of Russian relationships with numerous Central Asian countries
and nations whereas the word «Tatars» – the embodiment of the aggressive and perfidious
East - was known to everybody in Europe as well as the word «Siberia» which a Parisian
or any other European associated with the words «Russia», «Asia», «severe frost», etc.
In 1875, the novel Michael Strogoff' was first published piecemeal in a journal, and
in 1876, it was published as a book. It had such a tremendous success that in 1880 it was
staged under the same name in the Parisian theatre «Odeon» and was welcomed by the
public. Then the novel was republished dozens of times in many countries including Russia
(except for the Soviet period). But to tell the truth, Russian readers with their «view from
within» were much less impressed by the novel: it was regarded as a primitivistic fairy-tale
rather than a reflection of real Russian life (by the way, Michael Strogoff has never been
screened either in the UUSR or in Russia). The Russian audience would always prefer
other Jules Verne's novels narrating of Captain Nemo's adventures, or of a fantastic
The first screen adaptations of Michael Strogoff appeared in the age of silent movies.
They were short American films made in 1908, 1910 and 1914. At that time the American
perception of Russia fully correlated with the French one (1874-1876) – the mass
consciousness of Americans pictured it as gigantic empire with snow-covered Siberian
spacious areas inhabited by wild bears where courageous Russian aristocrats fought with
hostile Asians…
The events of the World War I, the Bolshevist military coup of 1917 and the
subsequent civil war in Russia of 1918-1920 accompanied, as is known, by the military
intervention of western countries, made Michael Strogoff less attractive for the media. But
Russian emigrants Victor Tourjansky and Ivan Mozzhukhin who lived in Paris became
authors of the most well-known screen version of Michael Strogoff in the epoch of silent
movies. This French-German screen adaptation that stuck to the main plot of Jules Verne's
novel was highly popular with the public. On the one hand, there were thousands of
Russian emigrants among them who crowded European capitals in the 1920s and felt
nostalgic about the epoch of the Imperial Russia. On the other hand, there were native
citizens of Paris, Berlin, Vienna and London among them to whom the previous Russian
epoch of the 19th century was much more appealing than the Communist «sovietdom»
which ruined the centuries-old way of life. Frankly speaking, that was why none of the
screen versions of Michael Strogoff was shown in the Soviet Union. In fact, it was
impossible to see a film on the Soviet screen with the main character who served the
condemned-by-all-school-textbooks «tsarist regime» with good faith and fidelity.
The following screen adaptations of Michael Strogoff were made in the epoch of
sound movies – in France, Germany and the USA in 1936-1937. A famous actor Akim
Tamiroff – expatriate Russian – starred in the American version. It is interesting, that Nazi
authorities in 1936 did not object to the positive treatment of the Russian image in the plot
of Michael Strogoff. Being in confrontation with the USSR, especially owing to the civil
war in Spain, Germany managed to release a romantic adventure story about the czar's
messenger, the more so because the fictional enemies of Russia in Michael Strogoff had
nothing to do either with western Europe, nor with the German allies of that time – Turkey
and Japan.
In whole, due to the establishment of the allied coalition of the USSR, USA and
Great Britain during the World War II the Russian theme in the foreign cinematograph was
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
increasingly full of sympathy. That explains the pathos of the Mexican screen version of
Michael Strogoff (1944).
Interest in screen adaptations of Jules Verne's novel Michael Strogoff was revived in
the era of the Cold War. Practically together with obviously anti-Soviet films The Girl in
the Kremlin, «The Iron Petticoat, Jet Pilot and Beast of Budapest a French colored screen
version of Michael Strogoff» (1956) was released on western screens with Kurt Jurgens
starring in the film and famous USSR emigrant Valeriy Inkizhinov (Chingis Khan's
Offspring directed by V. Pudovkin) acting as the Tatar sovereign who contrives to conquer
Siberia. And five years after there was a sort of sequel invented by Viktor Tourjansky, -
Michael Strogoff's Triumph (1961), practically with the same cast of actors.
One should think that the events of the Soviet political «thaw» of the second half of
the 1950s and the space progress of the USSR in the 1950s-1960s somehow affected the
new interest in the plot of Michael Strogoff and actualized the Russian theme.
At the same time, the Cold War went on and, naturally, it was absolutely impossible
to imagine a movie about good Russians of the Soviet period in the west. That was why the
Russian theme in the positive meaning was present only in the historical subject area (we
would remind you that exactly in this period Hollywood released two high budget movies
with famous actors – War and Peace and Anastasia).
Still in the 1970s filmmakers of France, Italy and FRG twice screened this Jules
Verne's novel, and in 1975 Michael Strogoff was already a television serial.
In spite of the sudden change of the political and sociocultural situation caused by
the USSR downfall the western treatment of Michael Strogoff did not undergo any changes
in the Italian-German serial of 1999 either. It was the same romantic adventure story about
the Russians of the remote past…
The popularity of Michael Strogoff in the West was confirmed by all the three French
animation versions (of 1997 and 2004) as well as by the Parisian musical (2011) based on
the novel.
The structure and narrative techniques in the media text (dominant concepts:
In the course of the group discussion with students one can draw a conclusion that
both the novel Michael Strogoff and its screen adaptations are based on simple
dichotomies: the hostile and aggressive Asian world, on the one hand, and the Russian
world, - exotic, but still resembling Europe, on the other hand (there is the railroad and the
telegraph there, after all); 2) positive characters (officer Michael Strogoff, Emperor
Alexander II and his brother, beautiful Russian girl Nadya, and many other Russians) and
villains (Tatars and traitor Ivan Ogareff); 3) a desire to protect Russia from wanderers'
raids (Michael Strogoff and other positive Russian characters) and aggressive schemes
(Tatars, Ogareff); 4) plan and result.
Schematically, the structure, plot, representativeness, ethics, genre modification
peculiarities, iconography, character sketches of the screen adaptations of Michael Strogoff
can be represented in the following way:
Historical period, scene: the Russia of the 1870s.
Setting, household objects: luxurious chambers of St. Petersburg palaces and the
khan's marquee, comfortable train compartments, modest lifestyle of Siberian victualing-
houses and taverns, Russian spacious areas, forests and rivers. The household objects
correspond to the social status of the characters.
Representation of reality: an emphasized positive representation of positive
characters, especially of romantic czar's messenger Michael Strogoff; a subtle grotesque
towards negative characters.
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
Characters, their values, ideas, clothing, constitution, lexicon, mime, gestures:
officer Michael Strogoff and his beloved – a Siberian professor's daughter, they have
common patriotic values, though their relations are not without differences in the
beginning. Dictatorial and cruel Tatar khan and more cruel and perfidious traitor Ivan
Ogareff have a common desire to conquer Siberia. And who can imagine Russia without
bears and gypsies! In one of screen adaptations Michael Strogoff beats a fierce Siberian
bear in a hand-to-hand fight, in another screen version a gypsy instigates the Tatar
executioner not to approach very close Strogoff's eyes with a red-hot sabre in order to save
his eyesight… Michael Strogoff changes gowns depending on the situation. The czar's and
khan's palaces are attired with the proper luxury; military men are dressed in smart outfit,
and the gypsy wears exotic clothes. Western correspondents (a Frenchman and an
Englishman) are dressed in field and convenient clothes of the European style. Male
characters (regardless of their nationality) are robust. Female characters are shapely and
graceful. The characters' speech is plain. Their facial expression and gestures are
emotional. Naturally, the voices of the negative characters are far from being pleasant
unlike the voices of the positive characters.
Significant change in the plot of the media text and the characters’ life: the year of
187… Emperor of All Russia Alexander II charges valiant officer Michael Strogoff with
an important mission – to pass to his brother – governor of Irkutsk – a package with an
important message informing him of the sinister designs of Tatars and traitor Ivan Ogareff
to conquer Siberia. Michael Strogoff goes on a long journey straight away (in one of the
screen versions he travels from the very beginning with the Siberian professor's daughter
named Nadya, in another screen adaptation he encounters her on his way).
Incipient problem: owing to Ogareff's crafty designs Michael Strogoff is taken
prisoner by the Tatar khan and is condemned by him to blinding with a red-hot sword. The
realisation of Emperor's task as well as Michael Strogoff's life are under threat…
Search for solutions to the problem: in Jules Verne's novel Michael Strogoff
manages to avoid blinding thanks to… tears («at the moment of the execution, Marfa
Strogoff was present, stretching out her hands towards her son. Michael gazed at her as a
son would gaze at his mother, when it is for the last time. The tears, which his pride in vain
endeavored to subdue, welling up from his heart, gathered under his eyelids, and
volatilizing on the cornea, had saved his sight. The vapor formed by his tears interposing
between the glowing saber and his eyeballs, had been sufficient to annihilate the action of
the heat» (Vern, 2010). In the screen adaptations Michael Strogoff is rescued not due to the
scientifically substantiated laws of moisture evaporation but owing to beautiful women
(the khan's concubine and the gypsy) who instigate the Tatar executioner not to press the
red-hot sabre very close to Michael Strogoff's eyes.
Problem solution: Michael Strogoff manages to escape, he hands the package over
to the emperor's brother and kills betrayer Ogareff. The Russians defeat Tatars…
Thereby, as a result of the analysis students come to the conclusion that the screen
adaptations of Jules Verne's novel «Michael Strogoff» create, though an oversimplified
and adapted to western stereotypes of perception, but a positive image of Russia – as a
stronghold of European values at the Asian frontiers, a country with a severe climate,
boundless Siberian spacious areas, manly and patriotic warriors, a wise monarchy. At the
same time, both Jules Verne's novel and its screen adaptations contain clear-cut western
pragmatism – the confidence that if a man has a proper will he can rule his destiny. The
conformists (Ogareff's gypsy mistress) remain prisoners of the Evil Spirit. The real heroes
(Michael Strogoff) are able under seemingly desperate circumstances to change their fate
(and the fate of their Motherland) for the better…
№№4-6(60-62), сәуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2014 ISSN 2307-0188
Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm ġasyry – Vek nauki i obrazovaniâ – Science and education century
The discussion is summed up with a problem-solving question checking the
audience's level of the acquired skills in the hermeneutic media text analysis: «What
famous media texts can one compare this work with? Why? What do they have in
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