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Пайдаланылған әдебиет: 
1. Хутoрскoй A. В. Ключeвыe кoмпeтeнции кaк кoмпoнeнт личнoстнo-oринeн-
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2. Құдaйбeргeнoвa К. Құзырлылық – тұлғa дaмуының сaпaлық критeрийi // 
«Бiлiм сaпaсын бaғaлaудың мәсeлeлeрi: әдiснaмaлық нeгiзi жәнe прaктикaлық нә-
тижeсi» aтты ғылыми-прaктикaлық кoнф.мaтeр. – Aлмaты, 2008. – 30-32-б. 
3. Лeoнтьeв A. A. Пoнятиe тeкстa в сoврeмeннoй лингвистикe и психoлoгии / 
Психoлингвистичeскaя и лингвистичeскaя прирoдa тeкстa и oсoбeннoсти eгo вoсп-
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4. Гaльпeрин И. Р. Тeкст кaк oбъeкт лингвистичeскoгo исслeдoвaния. – М.: Нaукa, 
1981. – С. 140. 
5. Күзeкoвa З. Eкiншi тiл рeтiндeгi қaзaқ тiлi oқулығы тeoриясының лингвис-
тикaлық нeгiздeрi. Филoлoгия ғылымдaрының дoктoры ...диссeртaция. – Aлмaты, 
2005. – 306 б. 
6. Шaхaнoвa Р. Тeхникaлық жoғaры oқу oрындaрындa қaзaқ тiлiн oқыту: Мoнoгрa-
фия. – Aлмaты: ҒБO «Ғылым» бaспaсы, 2001. – 164 б. 
7. Төлeуп М. Кәсіби бағдарлы қaзaқ тiлi: Электр энeргeтикaсы мамандығы 
студeнттeрінe aрнaлғaн оқу құрaлы. – Aлмaты: AЭжБУ, 2018. – 80 б. 
8. Қaсым Б. ЖOO-дa қaзaқ тiлiн кәсiби мaмaндыққa сәйкeс oқытудa жaңa тeхнoлo-
гияны қoлдaну // Бiлiм. – №3. – 2013. – 98-101-б. 

Kangozhayeva R.
Assistant professor of Kazakh Leading Academy of architecture and civil engineering
Kortabayeva G.
Сandidate of philological Sciences. Department of Turksoy, Faculty of Oriental Studies 
KazNU named after Al-Farabi
As a part of implementation of the Strategy in the field of education of the Republic of 
Kazakhstan «New Kazakhstan in the New World, « in order to ensure the competitiveness 
of the country and its citizens, a step-by-step implementation of the cultural project «Trinity 
of Languages» was proposed, according to which it is necessary to develop three languages: 
Kazakh as a State language, Russian as a language of inter-ethnic communication and 
English as a language of successful integration. 
At present, the level of education and competence of specialists in various fields of 
activity determine the degree of development and well-being of the country. Human 
potential is the main indicator of living standards and quality of education. Therefore, it 
is very important to pay attention to the training of highly qualified specialists, demanded 
not only in the labor market in Kazakhstan, but also in the world space. At the same 
time, it is quite clear that a quality product can be obtained only as a result of the work 
of qualitatively trained people. Therefore, education is an initial stage in any sphere of 
human activity. However, in modern conditions, attention should be paid to increasing 
the interest of people in high-quality work and their qualifications. The project «Trinity 
of Languages» is the first stage in this strategy, providing the country with a young 
competitive-capable generation. The strategy for the modernization of education assumes 
that the updated content of general education will be based on «key competencies» [1]. 
The term «core competences» itself is the foundation for other, more specific and 
subject-oriented competences. These ones are the competencies necessary for human 
activity in professional activity. Thus, key competencies are a necessary component for 
the formation of professional skills of a competent specialist to be able to integrate into 
the world labor community. 
Now the level of education and competence of specialists of different fields of activity 
define degree «Competence-based approach» as a concept gained distribution in connection 
with reforms in the field of education. The appeal to these concepts is connected with the 
aspiration to define necessary changes in education. The Geneva Convention defined top 
trends in orientation of educational process towards forming of certain competences. It was 
so defined that competence-based approach is a set of the general principles of definition of 
the purposes of education, selection of content of education, the organization of educational 
process and assessment of educational results. On the other hand, competence-based 
approach in preparation specialists consists in instilling and development in students of 
set of key competences which define its successful adaptation in society [2]. 

Key competences are such ones with which each member of society should possess and 
which can be applied in the most different situations. Key competences are not connected 
with a specific workplace, They are based on properties of the specific personality. In labor 
life they are considered as the competences of the employee going beyond a professional 
framework. Thanks to them the employee correlate the being of professional and general 
knowledge creatively to constantly changing professional situations in collaboration 
with other members of society. Social and personal, economic and organizationally 
administrative, general scientific and all-technical competences serve as the base providing 
to the graduate mobility in the market of professional work and readiness to continuation 
of education in the field of the higher or additional education. 
All-professional and special competences (professionally oriented knowledge and 
skills) reflect object and subject orientation of preparation and are necessary base for work 
with specific objects and objects of the labor. A basis of forming of all competences is 
professional knowledge. For ensuring adaptation of the graduate to requests of dynamically 
emerging market of work it should possess a broad outlook, the all-technical education 
which is beyond the general education created by high school. The essence of educational 
process in the conditions of competence-based approach – creation of situations and 
support of actions which can lead to forming of that or other competence. Nowdays it is 
necessary to create and develop defined competence [3]. 
Today the level of education and competence of the Graduate should have the following 
set of key competences: 
Organizational and administrative; 
General scientific; 
In order to achieve these competencies, it is necessary to improve such educational 
-According on competencies and expected results
- Reinforcement of its student-oriented orientation; 
In addition, the competent approach strengthens the practical-orientation of education, 
its subject-professional aspect, emphasizes the role of experience, skills to practically 
realize knowledge, solve various production tasks. On the basis of the competent approach 
to the organization of the educational process, the student develops key competences, 
which are an integral component of his activity as a future specialist and one of the main 
indicators of his professionalism, as well as a necessary condition for improving the quality 
of professional education. [4]. 
Consider professional competence as a system of their three components: 
At present the level of education and competence the graduate social competence (ability 
to group activity and cooperate with other employees, readiness to accept responsibility 
for the result of his work, ownership of vocational training techniques); 
Special competence (preparation for the independent performance of specific activities, 
ability to solve standard professional tasks, ability to assess the results of their work, 
ability to acquire new knowledge and skills on their own); 

Individual competence (readiness for continuous improvement of qualification and 
realization of self in professional work, ability to professional reflection, overcoming 
professional crises and occupational deformities) [5]. 
Competence is often seen as synonymous with the quality of the project (or preparation 
models) that lead to the result. In substantive terms, the concept of «specialist training 
quality» is richer, wider in scope than the concept of «specialist competence. « On the other 
hand, quality and competence can be in the relationship «means, condition – purpose. « 
Qualitative goals, content, forms, methods and means, training conditions are a necessary 
guarantee of the formation of a competent specialist. 
According to I. A. Zimnaya competence is an ability to perform a real life action and 
qualification characteristic of the individual taken at the moment of its inclusion in the 
activity; since each action has two aspects – resource and productive, it is the development 
of competences that determines the transformation of the resource into a product. 
Competence is the possession of a certain competence, i. e. knowledge and experience of 
own activity, allowing to make judgements and make decisions. 
A. B. Khutorsky shares the concepts of «competence» and «competence» in this way: 
« Competence» translated from Latin «competentia» means a range of issues in which a 
person is well awared, has knowledge and experience. A person competent in a particular 
area has the knowledge and ability to judge and act effectively in that area. In order to 
separate the general and individual, we will distinguish between synonymously used 
often-used concepts of «competence. « The competence includes set of the interconnected 
qualities of the personality (knowledge, abilities, skills, modalities of action) set in relation 
to a certain circle of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive 
activity but to the attitude towards them. Competence – possession, possession of the 
person of the corresponding competence including his personal attitude towards her and 
object of activity. Concept «competence» if to speak about structure of training of the 
expert (including the purposes, the contents, means, result), used in relation to the purpose 
and result, and quality – to all components of structure. Competence is a characteristic of 
goal quality. An important question is the place of competence. 
Thus, the competent approach is more in line with the conditions of market management, 
as it implies an orientation towards the formation along with professional skills, of 
professional technologies, and the development of such universal abilities and readiness 
(key competences) among students, which are demanded by the modern labor market. 


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