In this manual illustrative materials are
presented, concerning the structure of
microorganisms’ cells and metabolic reactions that are going on in them.
The necessity of creation of such manual was dictated by twenty five years-old experience
of reading of lectures on course "Metabolism of microorganisms" to the students of biological
faculty al-Farabi Kazakh
National University, specialized on biology and biotechnology on the
Kazakh and Russian languages. As knowledge of English is important nowadays, we considered a
necessity to present our material in English language.
In the manual figures and
tables are presented, demonstrating the structure of microbal cells,
their variety, types of nutrition. The special attention is spared to the features of metabolism of
procaryote, in particular, to the processes of nutrition, fermentation, anaerobic respiration, anoxic
photosynthesis, chemolithotrophy and other processes that are going on only in prokaryote cells.
Currently the attention of scientists working in field of natural sciences is directed to on a
study the new interdisciplinary field of researches - nanoscience,
studying a structure, functional
connections, electronic, physical, chemical and other properties of nanoparticles - particles that
even if one of sizes does not exceed 100 nm and most biopolimers behave to that, we considered a
necessity to give in this manual brief excursus in one of new,
fantastic, technological directions of
nanoscience - nanobiotechnology, creation of matters new types of the organization with the set
properties by the methods of the genic engineering is included in the tasks of that: constructing of
microscopic sensor-
biochips, able to find out separate kinds of molecules and cells, as, DNA,
bacteria, viruses etc.; creation of new types of medicinal substances and facilities of their delivery
We hope that this manual will be useful both at the study of course "Metabolism of
microorganisms" and implementation of control tasks and at a necessity an acquaintance with the
features of biochemical processes in microbal cells at creation of biologics and biotechnological
productions on the basis of metabolic possibilities of microbal cells and initial digression in the
world of nanobiotechnologies will interest students and will impel them to the deeper acquaintance
with modern interdisciplinary science - nanobiotechnology.
Undoubtedly, many interesting questions are not affected
in a manual, for example,
synthesis of antibiotics and their cooperating with microbal cells, the features of probiotic
microorganisms and others.
As this first like manual, certainly, it is not deprived defects. We with thanks will accept the
remarks and wishes outspoken in our address and will take into account them at preparation of next
edition of this manual.
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