Keywords: Chinese, testing, innovative technique, training literature, standards of education, university student.
As shown by many years of teaching experience students still have great difficulty in understanding and
interpretation of these phenomena and Chinese idioms chehgyu rarely use in speech. Poor phraseology
knowledge , unformed operating skills with chehgyu idioms are undoubtedly significant drawback training
of future specialists, as it hinders the students important communicative tasks and does not allow them to
achieve an adequate level of knowledge of the Chinese language.
Meanwhile mastery of such material is not only necessary for the study of the language, but also, more
importantly, allows to learn more about Chinese culture, especially deeper comprehension of their mentality,
the nature of their relationship with the outside world. That is, ultimately, allows to communicate freely and
to adequately understand the representatives of another civilization, which is rapidly going forward, but at
the same time preserves the traditions that go deep into the millennia.
One of the problems of modern methods of teaching Chinese language is the development of objective
and independent control. In addition to its primary function testing may still serve as a diagnostic tool of the
difficulties of language material for students, a measure of the level of training and the way to predict the
success or failure of learning. The main task is the ability to increase the efficiency of learning Chinese,
which can be implemented upon conditions of teachers’ wide acquaintance with methodological, psycho-
logical and linguistic principles of testing and mastering his techniques. This is especially important in
learning the Chinese language because China attaches great importance to the regular holding of control in
determining learning outcomes.
Examining the knowledge of students in answering only to the tests does not fully reveal their skills and
ability to solve unusual problems. Getting real knowledge, skills, ability to work independently these are the
main points that should play a major role in modern education. In this regard, the control system is necessary
to revise the knowledge and skills of students. The problem is that the tests are aimed at checking only the
learned grammar, wording, words, phrases, characters. Virtually no test requires logical reasoning and
reveals the ability of students to make the right decision. Test items do not cover all the fullness of the
course, its content, but just individual problems. In addition, not all subjects can be checked by tests of, as in
the exam on the primary eastern language students need to identify the pronunciation, fluency, ability to
answer questions, etc. In order to improve the quality of education it is necessary to pay more attention to the
processes of measuring its results.
One of the priorities of modern education is the principle of openness. This principle has a long history,
starting with the emergence of the first educational institutions in the East and European universities. But
today, due to the nature of the world of education, its rapid modernization and globalization, this principle
regains its relevance. Moreover, this is connected with the growing and important trend of youth qualita-
tively improving their own process of education, going beyond the traditional system of learning.
Future specialist needs to build educational program not only in keeping with the traditional form, but
also in accordance with the paradigm of the world-class, to learn to live in a diverse world, to organize
modern educational activities with accordance to the world standards. [1]
Natural process of integration of young people into the open educational environment is expanding
rapidly, which causes a lot of problems to be solved.
The labor market today dictates strict requirement primarily to the competence and professionalism of
specialists, setting complex and ambitious tasks for high schools, which requires to save the best traditions of