Keywords: quality of student learning, the structure of learning on the historical discipline, the content of historical
education, the levels of development of historical consciousness of schoolchildren.
One of the criteria for assessing of quality of education is a teaching of the students. Education can be
defined as the totality of the actual stock of knowledge in the subjects Maturity of substantive skills and
abilities to learn.
If the Maturity of the skills to learn can be identified by a variety of diagnostic techniques, such as "Skills
of the training activities", the actual stock of knowledge in the subjects and subject Maturity skills can be
checked by means of tests of the teaching or diagnostic examinations.
Most of the researchers in the field of training measurement believe that the teaching tests must meet a
number of requirements: compliance with the content of training, in one test should be presented one
problem at this level, an unambiguous formulation of the task, the uniqueness - the presence of the standard
solution of the problem; objectivity, so the development of the tests should be handled by experts, which
implies the need for a long qualimetricmonitoring and application of standardized gauges of the quality of
knowledge and skills of students. The requirement of having of a clear answer to each question tests limits
their field of application by tasks of reproductive nature, as tests with free answers are almost impossible to
standardized assessment procedure is therefore less reliable and objective.
The level of training of the students directly depends on the efficiency of the organization of educational
process in the classroom.
S.M.Vishnyakova in their work defines learning as preparedness for any kind of professional activity,
possession of understanding of the essence, knowledge, skills and abilities required to successfully perform
of tasks of specific content and level of difficulty [1].
A somewhat different definition of learning results in their work G.M.Kodzhaspirova. Education defines
it as a result of training (organized or spontaneous), including both existing to date the stock of knowledge
and developed methods and techniques of acquisition (ability to learn) [2].
An essential factor contributing to the impact of educational technologies on the quality of student
learning, is to define themselves quality of formed indicators, at which is aimed the whole teaching process.
In this context, we will build upon existing methods of teaching of the history approaches to the definition of
system of historical information to be mastering. The first approach is represented in the schoolbookon the
history edited of F.P.Korovkina.
As elements of historical knowledge of authors highlights the system of historical facts; history and space
(perform localization function and ensure the establishment of temporal and spatial relations); historical
images, representations of objects, people, the environment; an explanation of historical facts through the
disclosure of their essence, through the establishment of a system of connections and relationships, through a
system of historical concepts; methodological knowledge (a system of knowledge about the ways of
knowledge of the past); elements of the evaluation of historical events and figures, knowledge assessment;
knowledge of the science of history and source; ways of working with historical material.
The second approach is presented in the textbook "Methods of Teaching History" edited by S.A.Ezhova,
where the elements of historical knowledge are highlighted historical facts, historical period, historical space,
methodology, evaluation, historical sources, and methods of action.