Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г. 192
According L.N.Aleksashkina historical fact has systemic characteristics: historical time; historical space;
historical movement. Historical time is represented by chronological categories: year, millennium era,
period, phase, and actions - correlating, comparing, determining of the duration and sequence, correlation of
synchrony / asynchrony, it provides localization of the historical past in time and promotes the development
of temporal orientation. Historical space is represented by the historical and geographical categories and
actions on localization of historical processes in space. Historical flows reflect the activities of man and
society in various fields of activity: employment, social, political, cultural, informativeand international, for
their own development.
Summing up these approaches, we present the structure of studies on historical discipline (Table 1).
Thus, the content of history education can be represented by a system of historical facts, logical forms of
thinking and other activities that provide knowledge of the history, value judgments, conclusions. The
concretization of the goals and objectives of history teaching leads to the following conclusion. System of
historical facts, theories represents the cognitive component of historical consciousness and indicates about
the ability to navigate in the historical process. The operational component of the historical consciousness of
the student contains a system of intelligent, mental strategies, action to ensure the processing and usage of
historical information. Value-semantic component is a system of values, motives and meanings of studying
history. For the successful assimilation of all these elements the teacher of history is necessary to use all the
psychological and cognitive processes to contribute the formation of students' personal way of orientation in
historical experience [3].
The development of cognitive component of historical consciousness can be detected using tests that
detect the level of mastery of knowledge. The tests found tasks with open and closed answers. Test task
consists of instructions, setting the text, answer options and correct answer. As jobs may be offered jobs
correlation, grouping, selecting, and sequencing.
The main indicator of the development of the cognitive component of historical consciousness is the
awareness that characterizes the human aspects of education that show when playing of historical experience.
The accuracy and completeness of reproducibility of people assimilated social experience are indicators
of knowledge, by which we can judge about the depth of human erudition in any areas or private matters
relating to historical phenomena.
Under the consciousness is meant the measure of the impact of assimilate them of historical experience,
his ability to express his or her own attitude to themselves and to the environment. Consciousness is based on
the comprehension and understanding by the human of an essence of digestible elements of historical
experience. It manifests itself in the conviction of the subjects of assimilation in the truth of the reflected by
their experience, that is, in the transition of social experience in subjective knowledge.
The operational component of historical consciousness can be estimated in terms of "skillfulness". Under
the able understood measure of competenceprovides the use of historical knowledge and the establishment of
relations, based on which is possible to carry out an activity through the application of their knowledge[4].
Skillful of people, based on knowledge, awareness and effectiveness, characterizes their education in
terms of the ability to apply the obtained of social experience in his life.
Cognitive problems can detect an operational side of the historical consciousness and appreciate the
ability to understand and to explain the historical process.
Diagnostic tools of value-semantic component of historical consciousness are a value judgment, which
combines object of value attitude shown he reaction in the form of a value judgment. Value-semantic
components of historical consciousness are determined through the "Effectiveness" category. Under the
efficacy understood the measure of the impact of historical experience on the student attitude toward
themselves and the historical past, the involvement in the practical implementation of the different aspects of
their life. The main feature of effectiveness is the ability to respond in the light of the acquired
knowledge.Acquired knowledge becomes for human a kind of evaluation "tool", which he uses in his
life.People tend to explain what is happening, based on their knowledge, experience (in the first place, the
internal data of nature, and affect the preconditions as it were automatically, i.e. without of the focus).Even
when confronted with the contradictions between personal knowledge and observable phenomena, events,
etc., people tend to react to them, first of all, on the basis of their knowledge. The resolution of such conflicts
occur often painful, difficult, indicating that the "force" the effectiveness of knowledge as education human
The effectiveness of knowledge is manifested in the activation of various aspects of human activity. The
assimilation of historical experience leads to the growth of human belief in the truth of his knowledge.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(52), 2016 ж. 193
Based on the above, are the following levels of historical consciousness of pupils.